>look guise I listen to some boring shitty "obscure" indie album I'm so le patrician xDDDD
>disagree with me or else you're a pleb xDDD
>some shitty music critics gave them a high rate so it's good because they said so
>fuck white people check your privelege die cis scum
>some shitty whore pop singer is muh waifu
Look guise I listen to some boring shitty "obscure" indie album I'm so le patrician xDDDD
god i wish that were me
Ur gay op
You appear to be lost.
Lol those people hate Israel
>still bragging about muh /pol/ boogeyman
Even sometimes when some posts/threads that has nothing to do about /pol/, you guys always had a "reason" to tell others to go back to /pol/. This thread is more about bashing Yea Forums of how shit board has became, that's it.
/pol/ is the most trafficked board and they constantly post shitty threads like this. There not a bogeyman there fucking everywhere and there shitty board was made to contain them. If your new to the site read the sticky
No it isn’t, that pic is all the paranoia and neurosis of /pol/ in one convenient place.
In the music community, there is not just one class of patrician about three classes of patricians. You have the basic hipsters, Yea Forumstants, melonheads and indieheads, aka. fans of Neutral Milk Hotel, Radiohead, MBV and Animal Collective. Then you have the higher class of Scaruffites, fans of Captain Beefheart, Robert Wyatt, Faust and Frank Zappa. Finally, you have the class of True Patrician, which can only be obtained through pretending to have studied music theory, listening to classical and jazz music, as well as all of the Scaruffi favourites and mixing in some foreign albums for good measure.
>Not just listening to whatever the fuck you enjoy
Not there yet, friend.
oshawott is so fucking cute
that kid is so smol :)
I wish my room had ms paint rectangle tool posters in it
Your dick too
how did you know? about 1.5 inches flaccid
Liking popular things doesn't make you an interesting person.
both true
just realize youre probably not that interesting of a person and stop relying on taste for your identity and you'll be better off
Me too. Fuck Isn'trael
cope with your gay jew god, and cope with your bad taste you faggot
I'd say so too. In part because I'm just like OP picture but pro palestina.
this board would be so lost without their favourite music reviewer spoonfeeding them their own favs. soulless drones.
communist here
if you read a book for once you’d figure out that most modern communist parties are against israel and neocolonialism in general.
how fucking seething was the person who made this image