i didnt know the head of interscope was called nobody
Only incels would get upset over this. I'm about to be proven right.
5000 shekels from WMG have been transfered to your account, Thom. Have a nice day.
Her music really isn't that bad
>Thom Yorkehas praised the individuality of teen pop sensationBillie Eilish, revealing he recently took his daughter to see her live.
>Describing the gig as a “fine moment”, theRadioheadfrontman said that singerSam Smith– or rather “that guy who didthe Bond song we didn’t do” was stood behind him during the Billie show.
>Thom Yorkehas praised the individuality of teen pop sensationBillie Eilish, revealing he recently took his daughter to see her live
>Flea said exactly the same thing
>and Dave Grohl
>blah blah blah I took my daughter to see BE and she's so amazing and edgy
Yep it's a script they're reading off of.
>boomer gives boomer tier opinion
makes sense
I don't know. I love Thom, maybe he just enjoys someone his daughter likes to support his own kid. It's not like Thom is signing up to do an album or tour with her
Also why's it these old has-beens praising her? I don't know of any young musicians doing it.
Har har har.
>nobody's telling her what to do
imagine genuinely believing this
I like Thom but
>Nobody's telling her what to do
is pretty retarded.
It's part of the marketing ploy. They think if established dadrockers with a reputation praise something, you know it's gotta be good even though they sold out and lost whatever integrity they had a long time ago.
I mean, who tells her what to do really? her brother? that's about it.
Iowa by Slipknot
just wait till next week when david bowie will say she is the best artist of this generation
I love that he is for sale
It’s fucking hilarious
You pathetic fucks are so paranoid and unable to accept that for once there's a decent pop star that is generally appreciated by most other musicians. Seriously, explain to me why it's so hard to believe that she and her brother write her own music. Or that she just does what she wants. I'm genuinely curious
it isn't that good either
>maybe he just enjoys someone his daughter likes to support his own kid
this seems like a more likely explanation
you're hardly gonna go ahead and blast someone your own child loves even if it is zoomer shite
>You pathetic fucks are so paranoid and unable to accept that for once there's a decent pop star that is generally appreciated by most other musicians. Seriously,
This is a Kanye board.
her music is complete tripe and her live show is appalling
her parents are in the biz which makes sense too
>I'm genuinely curious
No you aren't. I hate when people say this shit.
no you don't hate it.
See what I did there? I just completely assumed I know how you feel despite not knowing you at all.
i'd give that new album a 6 or a 7, which counts as liking it
tom isn't this fucking retarded
Thom would wear this exact outfit onstage performing songs from Anima
>pop star
>write her own music
>she just does what she wants
you're naive or just shitting up an already shit thread. you don't have to be on the weird paranoid shit some of these nerds are on in order to see what's happening.
Tell me what's happening
based on what
it's literally just a pop album but fronted by a faux-depressed 17 year old
probably a 6
the lyrics are the worst part, but it's catchy and it's got unique production, the production is my favorite part
Have sex.
i only listened to it once a while ago, so that could be higher or lower
I could maybe, if I was a massive pop guy understand a 6 at the absolute maximum but I honestly couldn't even make it through half the tracks they sounded so indistinguishable from each other
>greetings fellow kids
dave grohl said something about loving lil pump and compared it to hardcore punk in the 80s, his opinion doesn't matter
>Radiohead had submitted a song for 007’s 2015 adventure Spectre, but it was ultimately rejected for Sam Smith’s ‘Writing’s on the Wall’, with the pop star even suggesting he had never heard of Thom Yorke in a dismissive interview. Yet despite an awkward encounter with Smith, Yorke appears to have still had a wonderful time.
The Chad Sam Smith vs the Virgin Thom Yorke
Y'all need to calm the fuck down about Billy Eyelash. She's just the current trendy pop star in the same way Britney Spears and Justin Beiber were. She'll make bearable music for normies for 5 or 6 years and then a decade after that you'll only remember she exists when you hear her songs playing over the grocery store speakers.
Great album. Slipknot are authentic coming from fucking Iowa (by Slipknot) of all places, unlike shilish.
Both make manufactured pop music, wheres the surprise?
She's on a major label. She makes 0 decisions for herself.
The only man who's opinion matters. He'd say it how it fucking is.
There's no longevity in her whole style. Imagine her jumping around on stage like an idiot singing that bad girl shit?
Why did you post the wrong brother
fucking kek
Fuck off with this meme, not funny just obnoxious
but has he heard Bohemian Rhapsody?
Whatever you say oh great purveyor of meme criticism
how do artists write their own songs then when signed to a major label? I mean the label is responsible for all the lyrics and chord changes too right?
If there was any doubt left that Thom Yorke and Radiohead are irrelevant, well here you go.
got em
They were all bought off. Fuck the mainstream music industry. It MUST burn to the ground.
Nice try, shlomo.
Have sex
Despite many on Yea Forums claiming that Eilish is irrelevant, trite, forgettable etc., she is continuously discussed on this site daily. All because Yea Forums can't accept that "industry plants" can and have released music that has been well-received or influenced music after it. Get fucked and stay mad :^).
>she is continuously discussed on this site daily.
because you faggots spam daily, holy fuck cause and effect is new to you retard?
Nearly all Radiohead fans are incels
Oy vey, Billie. Close your legs, I can smell your
What a lovely family!
Nah, I'm going to keep calling this cunt out as long I have to see her putrid face here.
It's pretty funny.
As opposed to fans of __________
Hmm... I wonder why that is. Could be because you cunts are shilling and spamming her disgusting soulless face every single day. How does it feel to sell your soul for pennies? Probably don't even get paid, which is even more pathetic.
you're the one using a platform bought out by the Jews in 09 lol .. .
I was born soulless and am paid in soul fragments
billie eilish
I thought they were cast by Rick Rubin?
Holy shit, wtf I love Billie Eilish now
scaruffi was right again.
i like how this board acts like Gen X isn't even a thing
Australia's Social Research Center defines baby boomers as born between 1946 and 1964. In the U.S., the generation can be segmented into two broadly defined cohorts: The Leading-Edge Baby Boomers are individuals born between 1946 and 1955, those who came of age during the Vietnam War era.
look i googled it for you
Now I wonder what Steven Wilson would say about her
as you are LGx
It's fucking over
Imagine being delusional enough to think people would actually shill Yea Forums of all places. Imagine actually responding to and bumping threads that you think is shilled or bait. You do this to yourselves faggots.
>deflection scripts can be found on page 9 of the style guide
not great not terrible
I don't like Billie's music, but I like her. I didn't at first, but got over it
based and oasispilled
a 3.6
Agree with everything he said. Has nothing to do with capitalism though
imagine having to run an article saying this, the absolute state of the music industry
But capitalism is the reason shitty, manufactured pop music exists.
>Just shut up goy! There's no shilling going on here! Nope, shilling doesn't exist! There are no plants! Don't ask questions or think for yourself! Just shut up and take it up the ass by the industry! You'll love it trust us! You'll love it or ELSE!
Wow. I didn't see this one coming. So it turns out that the frontman of an avant garde British art band is straight. Wierd.
14 year olds aren't capable of forming complex thoughts and opinions, leave the little sociopath alone
>the most hyped and probably the most over-rated band of the decade
Why do you need someone to tell you your opinion? Do you value yourself so poorly that without a scaruffi photo accompanying your post, it would be moot?
>nobody's telling her what to do
>I don't understand basic meme language
Everyone that isn't a zoomer is a boomer now, it's slang