Played lyrical hip hop at a party and got kicked out

me and my friend were at a frat party and they were playing trash normie trap music that was littered with autotune. my ears were in severe fucking pain from how garbage it was so I tried to take the aux and told them I was going to show them what real hip hop was like. I started playing some A-F-R-O and they all grimaced. they had their biggest guys come up to me and try to force me out of the house. I called to my friend for backup and they just kicked him out too.
he texted me the next day telling me I shouldn't have played that "60 year old" rapper (A-F-R-O is literally 16 years old) and he hasn't contacted me since. straight up stopped inviting me to parties altogether just because of one song.
what the fuck happened? why can't these normies handle real rap music where the words actually make sense and rhyme? people are genuinely getting more retarded by the day.

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I cant fuckin believe this isnt a pasta

because it literally happened
t. OP

>Fuck I wish they weren't playing this normie trash trap music

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Based party. Fuck lyrical hip hop and especially FUCK HIP HOP

they were already playing hip hop though, just really bad hip hop

I never listened to this A-F-R-O guy or rap in general, is he obscure and weird or something? If not, they are fucking retards for kicking you over one song. Or maybe there is another reason

dude nobody at a party wants to sit there and decipher lyrics in your hip hop song you mong. They want to play the hedonistic shit for pleasure

>Make a big deal about normie music
>Play non-normie music
>Complains people dont like him
Please buy a fucking clue and adjust yourself
shouldve played this

>hip hop
you're all normies, you just have worse taste

its literally just normal rap music, how is that non-normie? they are literally just getting upset at words that actually make sense and rhyme because they’re halfwits

holy shit you are retarded
end yourself. kill yourself. fuck yourself. eat shit and die faggot. you'll die a virgin anyway.

you're autistic for forcing them to listen to certain music at not your party
and they're autistic for kicking you out

you're all autistic, as expected from rap listeners

They dont fucking care, you are throwing a scene over music. Nobody like spazoids that do this. Throw your own goddamn party instead you auti

no way in hell is OP telling the truth. I’m pretty sure you’re all falling for bait

fucking die retard

>tfw no one at the party has heard of KRS-One
>tfw no one at the party knows the five pillars of hip hop (knowledge, graffiti, breakdancing, MCing, and DJing)
Not everyone can be lyrical spiritual individuals like you and me OP

There must be another reason, maybe they don't like you for some xy unrelated thing and they used that song as an excuse to get rid of you? I find it hard to believe someone would kick you out over a fucking 3 min song in a place where most people are drunk, conversing and trying to get laid, and barely care about the music

lyrical hip hop is fucking garbage

>implying anyone actually likes what they're listening to
>implying anyone there has 2 shits of an idea of what music is
>implying everything that is playing wasn't programmed into them by a larger culture of shit

>implying the instrumentals aren't shit
>implying the """vibe""" is anything but pure unadulterated horse shit
>implying anyone can dance

I DMd the guy some time later who invited me and he said that was the reason. maybe he’s lying but I can’t think of anything else

not a virgin but whatever

now it is

Hip-hop went from a lyrics and groove-based genre to a beat and melody-based genre. It now fills the niche that tween pop, beat music and j*zz used to fill. No one cares about the lyrics or 'the culture' except redditors. Have sex

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Lmao what retards
You're better off without them then, shame because you could have gotten laid there at least