This decade and Trump era is almost over. What is the best album of the decade?
This decade and Trump era is almost over. What is the best album of the decade?
Bottomless Pit
>Putting Pepe in the 2015-2019 category.
Fuck off zoomer.
best album of this decade is the sound compilation of my balls slapping against your ass
but I'm a boy
Everywhere at the End of Time, taken as a whole
For me it’s pic related
>the trump era is almost over
It probably isn’t desu
I think he’ll get another 4 years
>Cardi B
>relevant to anyone other than black thots
He won’t
Last time they didn’t take him serious and thought that he has no chance to win
Now that they know he has a big chance they’ll do anything possible to stop him
you have to admit, though, that this is when Pepe went big and mainstream and got totally mutilated by the press
Year of the Snitch
4 more years faggot. Democrats are retarded and have like 9 candidates who hate each other, no way they'll all support whoever gets the nom. Liberals only care about being right and feeling superior, they don't give a shit about winning an election
dark fantasy
MBDTF easily, is this a debate?
This, and it’s not even close
MBDTF is up there for album of the millennium.
>Obama's period has some of the best and worst music of all time
No joke, 2011 might be both the best and worst year for music in the 21st century
or this
Trump is probably gonna win again desu.
what fucking kool-aid do i have to chug to operate at this level?
Have One On Me obviously
>3 years later and he still hasnt realised xxx is superior
Die Lit
definitely between these two for me
>implying Trump won't get taken down once it come out he was part of a pedophile ring
>Trump era almost over
Idk, 6 years seems like a pretty long time.
>forgets mueller report
faggot hes gonna get indicted on obstruction of justice
>Trump era is almost over
the state of Yea Forums
Why did takis suddenly blow up here in the US?
Who cares this decade was shit, no list matters, music is retarded nowadays will be forever
I see zoomers eating them all the time, I guess it's because of the "spics are cool" mentality that has taken over the country
The only other based poster on this board
>implying crooked hillary's gonna let her husband go down
He's as compromised as Trump
What is the source of this image? I've been looking for ages
Roy Moore got more support from Republicans on average, it was just that his opponent got even more than he did. Trump's base won't care and Mitch wants to hold onto power too much for to do anything. It won't take him down even if it should.
Unironically where is Harambe in that. One of the defining memes of the decade.
To Be Kind or No Love Deep Web
v based, I was thinking the money store but desu this might be better
calling it rn
mueller report stated no obstruction. love the cope tho
don't worry user, they say it, but they don't really believe it
Ravedeath is way better but good choice
To Be Kind
Jenny Death
Bury Me at Makeout Creek
Viet Cong
I'm sorry but I don't have a clue either
Marketing. At my high school we had this “music festival” where washed up and/or corporate artists would come by for a day and preform (Drake Bell headlined one year) while pepsico would shill their shit to us. We literally had people up on stage singing about takis and throwing bags at us. Many of us walked away those days with trash bags full of takis. A few years later and they’re everywhere.
imo niggas on the moon is what makes it their best
jenny death is great but niggas on the moon might be perfect
and jenny death works great following on from notm, a perfect followup
I know, but I'm not going to tell you what it is from.
The decade ends on December 31st 2020 zoomer
based 90s underground memphis rap revival
use reverse image search
No one stood a chance.
NOTM has f**k that, which is easily one of the weakest DG songs. notm is the more impressive album but Jenny death is far more consistent.
Unironically Visions by Grimes
Unironically Lana Del Rey - Born to Die
>NOTM has f**k that
You are incorrect.
That’s not what the Mueller report said...
>NOTM has fuck that
What did he mean by this?
nonagon infinity
This desu
>republicans actually believe this
No obstruction. You are free to live in your own leftist fantasy world where everything is made up, though.
nobody had a fucking switch
feel free to cite (1) source which supports this
facts dont care about your feelings :)
shit, i meant wii u
what a time to forget