Symponic BM edition
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A daily remember that censorship is wrong.
Is that a real album?
chile edition
What are you blasting, /meal/?
who seeing TROB tonight?
is this good
Not too bad, its got a buttmetal sound to it though
This needs a cringe edit
because f*** you that's why
Just finished pic related and loved it
Just finished
Cryptopsy, would recommend
Need metal gf
need any gf desu
Life's unfair bro
>tfw gf haven't spoken to me in a week
shes prolly just chillin in the summertime with her friends dw m8
i'm ready to die now
same but I'm too lazy to end it LOL smdh
i know that feeling, if only i had a gun, then it would be quick and easy
my friend said yesterday, that he hates the chauvinism in metal and i thought thats the last thing i associate metal with.
thanks for proving his point
>tfw cant even look at my fiance because she's a cow who doesn't care about how she looks and has the sex drive of a door stop. We have sex twice a month, maybe 3 times. Been together 6 years. I fucking hate my life
Fucked up and ready to die here t.b.h.senpai
>t. hasn't listened to Slow, Deep and Hard
i turned it off half way, didnt really think it aged that well
Just leave her
what's the point of a relationship if you're not attracted anymore
i dont see how any of this is music related. read the rules if youre new.
>my friend said yesterday, that he hates the chauvinism in metal and i thought thats the last thing i associate metal with.
>thanks for proving his point
the fuck do you mean?
who are you quoting?
check out my band
read the thread dummy
lmao ikr
what a confused post
Crazy that Mascis was in this band
do they actually have any released material? they only have a facebook page with no sign of actual music lol
This seems to be my lot in life. Everything in this life has instructed me that happiness is fleeting (no kidding) and largely not in the cards for me
abortion is cringe and bluepilled
the vocals are actually kind of impressive
>wanting more humans when we're already way too many
you are cringe and bluepilld
Not me, but it looks like a badass concert. Have fun user.
Im in Chicago, can't go to this though. too bad
Imagine liking Dying Fetus and being against abortion.
everyone is saying the music i listen to isn't helping with my mental health when in fact it's helping me cope
>unironically supporting abortion
leave the hall. /metal/ is no place for progressive so.yboy faggots
that snare is fucking awful
t. proud conservative mutt
Fuck the US hail Evropa
its a hard rock band
killing babies is pretty metal, poseur
Thanks user
All good, maybe I'll run into you or other Chicago anons in a future show
best slamz ever
slam sucks
noooo slam is very nice
it's edgy for the sake of it and sounds like my stomach when i have IBS
Slaughterbox someone?
yeah but you're intended to listen to slam if you like low gurgle gutturals and caveman riffs , its on purpose m8 , and yes the lyrics are very gore and stupid , but what lyrics would you sing with such low gutturals and brutal music? About politics? about love?
its talentless garbage
>itt: slambros btfoing posers
based post more slam
go listen to tech death you fucking nerd
It just had to be done and you did it
Thank you
grate bande
this kills the slamlet
There are literally slams in this demo what are you on about
This is gold
slam is riffless garbage for core kids
I think Slamlet is in reference to people who cant handle real slamz. it's a pro-slamz insult
Go listen to you weedly deedly namby pamby proggressive buttsex music you fag
Leave the big boys to their slamz
Who is HYPED for the new album?
New vocalist though which might suck cause those cricket gurgles are sick
Whatever, retard
daily reminder that slam isn't metal
There's no need to be upset
I'm retarded, seems obvious now
slam is a subgenre of pop-punk
the one (1) good slam album
slam fans are the worst
Chauvinism is a feeling of superiority; You're thinking of MALE chauvinism.
That's right bitch, get used to it
There, I made it about music.
how are your stretched ears faggot?
>Lyrical themes: Christianity, Anti-Satan/Paganism, Death, Pro-Life
I've been scrambling for a music joint ticket the last two weeks because I really wanted to see Pissgrave but I've resigned myself to not going.
Reggies is usually pretty cool with their shows but the rollout for Metal Threat feels like a clusterfuck. They have different tickets for different stages
>Lyrical themes: Food, Alcohol, Peasantry, Totems, Decay, History, Midgets, Scatology
kek, slamfags btfo
I can't make it, but I really wanted to see Fetid and Witchvomit.
You going to Tomb Mold/Molder Friday? I'll be at that.
Both are good
People can do what they want, but I personally hate when overt politics get involved in metal. Leave that to punk rock, metal should be about fun. I like abortion (supposedly reduces crime,) but I don't feel metal should get involved.
I like when metal does stuff like pic-related though. I think more charities and fundraisers for things like cancer research or animal welfare are cool. I'm surprised there hasn't been anything supporting
>Lyrical Themes: /metal/
Haikus of the $lammed
what kind of humans?
abortion for niggers, spics, chinks, kikes, and pajeets should be mandatory but we're going to need as many whites as possible if the human race is going to survive the next century
melodeath sucks
Thanks, you too
Bummer, perhaps another show
Yeah I fuckin love Reggies but honestly they should have put this at a bigger venue. Lots of people missed out on this.
Fuck I really want to, but I made plans with >friends that night . I'm trying to go to more underground shows in general though so maybe I'll catch you at a different show
>100 posts late
Dead meme.. Not based
>we're going to need as many whites as possible
as long as you understand that americans aren't white, sure
black metal's target audience
>Believing the "too many humans" meme
what about wanting to ban abortions to make life more difficult for dumb roasties
>killing babies is not metal
Amerimutts should be genocided as soon as possible
blue core metal
I think you meant misogyny
do you have purple
there's purple in here bro
same could be said of your grandmother
no, but i can make one if you'd like
just a darker shade of blue bro
i wouldn't like that all, sounds like some gay nigger shit indeed
>not Tapping The Vein
Replace it for some söycore that's there
Post good bands with dumb names, I'll start with an easy one:
>europoor thinks anything his country does is even remotely relevant
embarrassing tbqh
>Blood on Ice instead of Nordland
I can't believe you've done this.
only death is real
Seconding this.
do you even slam, wimp?
stop complaining and make your own if you're that bothered
go post another s*y image kiddo
new Alcest this October lads
as requested
is hardcore, metal?
metal is fuckin hardcore bro \m/
Hope he isn’t a faggot and includes more black metal elements. The black metal parts of his last album were amazing.
>not the fancy Alcest logo
damn no harsh vox confirmed boys. pack it up
Heavy Rocks by Boris
Dimension Hatross by Voivod
Beyond the Gates by Possessed
Victims of Deception by Heathen (might be more blue than purp tho)
even trustable source wikipedia proves that metal must be and is inherently left-wing. go away poser jerk
The best death metal albums are always blue
last one i'm gonna do for now
Doom AOTY coming through.
Silent Scream makes abortion sound more metal, sorry
Is anyone else here a metal savant fag? I know everything there is to know about black metal but when it comes to the other genres I am almost totally clueless.
better than all of chartanon's combined
but is hardcore metal?
very good bait
Damn bro, you've heard Darkthrone?
I think so. They sing the Frigid Moon song, right?
Wow who cares
no, that's Burzum
are there any modern metal bands that play in style of traditional doom metal
Mayhem's Wolf's Lair Abyss reissue is out on Soulseller Records
ill check this out
call me when they rerelease Pure Fucking Armageddon
I saw a dream few days ago where I received a tape from a band called "Lord Moon", it was Summoning-esque, very lo-fi black metal. One song was 7 minutes long and it had the most ridiculous vocals ever, the guy streaming at top of his lungs: "GANDALF!!!", cannot remember much anything else out of it
Black tape, with yellow moon on it's cover. Red logo with the name "Lord Moon"
Too bad it does not exist
make it yourself user, sounds kvlt as fuck. i'll even make an album cover
Check out all their albums bruh.
Also, Lord Vicar and Venomous Maximus.
bro no way i have this tape
life sucks guys, i don't want to live anymore
i feel empty inside, i'm drowning in myself everyday
think what you want
yeaa... try B for this kind of post
based retard
when will we have new wave of anti muslim black metal
Like Sielunvihollinen?
Take a walk outside and hydrate like a decent human being, faggot. Nobody cares.
doesn't work
male chauvinism is chauvinism
I want this
When they stop being super badass motherfuckers that blow themselves up to fight imperialism.
kill me NOW
if youre only alive to "feel good" then yeah just kys
I can work on an instrumental if anyone is up for doing the vocals. I'm not very good at them
I'll guess a cool 85% chance you haven't tried it and you're just fishing for dominatrix style humiliation because you're a manlet.
well isn't that the whole point of being alive? if you aren't happy being alive then there is no point in living?
i go see people having fun, kissing their girlfriends and it makes me want to die even more, and when i come home i'm still depressed, the only distraction i have is metal
channel that misery and negative emotion into making a fucking nasty black metal demo
Reported for underage.
when all of nasty poser fucks understand that METAL must be progressive/left-wing ?
t. poser
Metal is riffs.
>well isn't that the whole point of being alive? if you aren't happy being alive then there is no point in living?
the point is doing what you want, not being happy
If the goal to life is to be happy, what's the gameplan, fuck face? Get to it.
>incel depression
Listen to some xasthur and quit whining here
the tension between the orthodox and the progressive is the soil for interesting music. development of an art is predicated on change and metal would have not gotten as far as death/black if bands were content to recycle black sabbath through the 70s and 80s
what are you even talking about?
based falseflagger
happiness is not something we humans can control, its silly AF in my opinion to base the entire worth of the one life you get on one value like that
announcing a report is a bannable offence retard
are there any bands that larp as violent ancom revolutionaries? its all dumb nazis
What would the lyrics be for left wing metal?
>I hate being white
>I hope a nigger fucks my wife
>Flood my Homeland with shitskins
>The world needs to be brown
>I don't understand genetics at aaaaaallllllll
>Passive listeners
>philosophical dichotomies
t. poser
Metal is riffs.
Yeah, try posting on B for this kind of material .
Oh no he put the better album with better art on there
you americans are lucky, at least you have guns, if i had a gun i would of blown my brains out by now, all over the walls
>not being antinatalist
pretty cringe
The point is these things aren't handed to you. You have to actually put in effort to obtain them. As in what do you want? How do you get that? What steps do you need to take - then go do that.
So instead of whining here like some supreme gentleman faggot or making excuses, go fucking do those things.
*blocks your path*
this record is severely underrated and overlooked
No clue.
I just want the baby to hush.
Murican here. Sitting at a bar day drinking with a Glock 17 in my waistband. Killing yourself out of sadness is cowardly. Killing yourself from dishonor/failure is based.
>supreme gentleman
fuck off, i'm nothing
send me a gun please
>i go see people having fun, kissing their girlfriends and it makes me want to die even more, and when i come home i'm still depressed
Literally taken straight out of the manifesto. The point is, you have to put effort in to achieve. Either way, whining on /meal/ won't accomplish anything.
What country are you in? I'm guessing some cucked mudslime shithole like England.
i'm too retarded to understand this
>listened to a Dream Theater song for the meme
>Actually liked it
>development of an art is predicated on change and metal would have not gotten as far as death/black if bands were content to recycle black sabbath through the 70s and 80s
Absolutely. I'd even say our insistence on rehashing the same genres is presently holding metal back. 90s style death/black metal does not need to keep being made. The current wave of old-school "cavernous" death metal, i.e. plodcore, is entirely regressive and disposable.
nice coffin
Post Innovative metal from this year
looks interesting thanks
Wow you suck.
>The current wave of old-school "cavernous" death metal, i.e. plodcore, is entirely regressive and disposable.
Totally agree. Those bands are getting tedious. I hope they do not exist in 10 years
stop posting your ugly mutt face on here
good shit, nowhere near slam though
Go through the paper work to get a .22 or a shotgun and then kill yourself loser. You're a genetic dead end anyways.
nah, I don't see why one has to be at the expense of the other. if there is no space that explores tradition there is no tension to make something meaningfully interesting to begin with, ie that which to measure the iconoclastic by. not every band should be heralding their own uniqueness for its own sake because there is value in falling into, and further exploring the depth of, tropes and genre conventions
>you're a genetic dead end anyways
what makes you say that?
Because the strong and virile don't spend their time wasting away posting on jap image boards and crying about how they hate themselves. They focus on betterment and build families.
you're right i'm not strong, i'm weak and scared and don't have the balls to kill myself
wow this thread is almost as autistic as when chartanon was spamming
>you americans
>i would of
Shut up mutt, you're not allowed here
Think on it
Dios mÃo...EspÃritu del Senor. EspÃritu de Dios, Padre, Hijo y EspÃritu Santo, SantÃsima Trinidad, Virgen Inmaculada, ángeles, arcángeles y santos del paraÃso, descended sobre mÃ. Fúndeme, Senor, lléname de ti. Expulsa de mi todas las fuerzas del mal, aniquÃlas, destrúyelas. Expulsa de mà los maleficos, la magia negra, el ogro de las tinieblas, el luz extinguido, el mewhombre... Por favor, destruye la infestación diabólica; todo lo que es mal, pecado, envidia, celos y perfidia; la enfermedad fÃsica, psÃquica, moral, espiritual y diabólica... destruye al monstruo, a la creatura... Quema a este mal en el infierno, para que nunca más me toquen a mà ni a ningun ser. Ordeno y mando con la fuerza de Dios omnipotente, en nombre de Jesucristo Salvador, por intermedio de la Virgen Inmaculada, a todos los espÃritus inmundos, a inmediatamente, que me abandonen definitivamente y que se vayan al infierno eterno. El chupa-chupacabras no puede triunfar, el monstruo, el abominación... debe morir... Encadenado por San Miguel arcángel, por San Gabriel, por San Rafael, aplastado bajo el talón de la Virgen SantÃsima Inmaculada, aleja el aberración genetÃca, al ogro de otra dimensión... Amén.
i'm whiter than everyone in this thread
and that's a good thing
Yeah could I have a carne asada burrito to go please? Thanks boss.
so you a rocker huh foo
Yeah, you're also fatter
prefer bleeps and bloops to twing twangs but still can appreciate a tasty RIFF
haha why dont you go for a walk or something fatso
that's it i'm jumping off a cliff tomorrow
Quit lying, lardass
i like it when the ride bell goes TING TING TING TING TING at fast bpms
what are some good songs that do this
You're cute.
holy shit this is great. thanks bro
I love that shit too. That was the first thing I thought of.
there's no bite and it sounds like fucking power ranger music
it's not fair why can't i get a girlfriend, at least i won't have crippling loneliness then, i can't take it anymore, even music doesn't help, i'm just longing for death
if your favorite band has more than 10k likes on FB you're a fucking poser
get out of your house, man.
I met my gf on a dating site.
tinder and all that doesn't work, it's pay to win and even then girls don't respon
Why are heavy chugs so fucking brutal
if i had one wish it would be to have a loaded gun right here in front of me
Imagine narrowing it down to one favorite band and believing you aren't a poser.
can you shut the fuck up and open a book or hit the gym already
i met her on POF (plenty of fish)
You just have to talk with about 30 of them and eventually one of them will want to go on a date.
You don't need to pay to find girls online. And if you don't like dating apps just go to bars
Knife. Going vertical doesn't hurt.
i don't have access to one
Imagine not listening to so much music you've found one band that suits your preferences exactly
Hold your breath. Play in the street.
heres one
stop being a fag and sort your life out
go buy one they're not expensive
Imagine not making your own music to your preferences and being spoonfed poser juice every night before bed from mommy facebook.
>his favorite band has a facebook account
i can't, that's the whole fucking point
i live in a residential support home for people with autism, i don't think it will be easy sneaking a giant fucking knife in, unless i buy a small knife
don't kys
god damn
why isn't your handler keeping you off Yea Forums
Why is it whenever I read any kind of Ulcerate review the person mentions how they sound like Gorguts / Deathspell Omega / Immolation? I mean they do sound kind of like those bands but they definitely do have their own sound and there are plenty of way more derivative bands who don't get compared to other bands as much
Welcome to /meal/, an entire genre dedicated to ripping off Sabbath, but nobody is allowed to be unoriginal.
just report him for off topic
no, please don't i'll stop now
>when the crash cymbal accentuates the riff
because they're all riffless garbage
Stop forever.
fine, just don't ban me this is all i have, okay?
Moar like this?
Gonna be seeing Conan in Denver
>be a leftiefag
>the right makes the best metal
i wish leftie meal was better, but fuck me rightwing meal is good
Morbid - December Moon
Tormentor - Anno Domini
Poison - Into The Abyss
Sarcofago - INRI
Necrodeath - Into The Macabre
>war is a component of fascism
>we must wage war on fascism
Holy fuck, I fucking hate local cover bands so much. I was memed into going to a club where a Metallica cover band would be playing. Huge mistake. At minimum, I wished I could listen to some shit like Whiplash, Battery or The Four Horsemen. Instead, I had to sit through fucking Nothing Else Matters and The Unforgiven. What the fuck? As if that wasn't enough, I had to stand fuckers around me talking about how much they like heavy music and how no one makes music like before. Fuck local cover bands, fuck normie metal clubs. I'm never stepping into one again
what does meal thinks of cirith ungol
Cirith Ungol fucks hard.
Based opinion. I think the number of cover bands that play in an area is inversely related to how good that area's metal scene is.
>I had to sit through fucking Nothing Else Matters and The Unforgiven.
cant tell if pasta but this made me kek
good riffs
looking forward to the full-length if witches game is anything to go by
That picture gave me cansur.
user, if you're still here I'm 100000% up doing the vocals. I'm good at black metal madcunt screams
i like metal
Never heard of her
Me too, friend. Good post user.
Not pasta, I'm genuinely angry
I like Metallachi
i like metalucifer
>God is also Belleposter
Just when I thought you couldn't get any more based
Did you get to buy some of her bath water before it sold out?
They can be ok, but I certainly wouldn't pay to see one.
I remember one time I was at this OSDM show (can't remember who was playing,) and the venue had a boomer bar attached directly next door.
The show ended, and a bunch of OSDM fans went over to have a drink. A Metallica cover band happened to be playing. Eventually you had all these big, tired, sweaty post-show early 20s-mid 30s deathfags and a bunch of boomers drunkenly singing Master of Puppets together.
Positively wholesome
I like Metal Church
>Eventually you had all these big, tired, sweaty post-show early 20s-mid 30s deathfags and a bunch of boomers drunkenly singing Master of Puppets together.
that's awesome, hope I get to experience something like that
You're British.
I'm learning guitar right now you pleb, and I already sing rap and produce lol.
>I already sing rap and produce
lol gay