What’s the difference between “electronic” and “electric” with regard to music? I can see that rock music played with electric guitars clearly isn’t electronic rock, but I don’t get the distinction
Pic semi-related, as it’s the first electronic rock album I ever heard
What’s the difference between “electronic” and “electric” with regard to music...
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completely different things. electronic means synthetic sounds and digital production while electric means electric instruments like the electric guitar which you have to plug in
>"electronic rock"
wtf are you on newfag
electric music
Velocity : Design : Comfort is an electronic rock album
Fucking brainlet
you dumb shit you stupid fuck
Someday you're gonna look back and regret this
worst bait ever, you've heard a single song off the record at best
you can't be helped
No I heard the entire thing numerous times, it’s one of my favorite albums
>“Hey guys, I don’t know something, can you explain it?”
>“Holy fuck if you don’t know this you can’t be helped!!!!!”
Get raped. This isn’t a joke, it’s a command
>Hey guys, I don’t know something, can you explain it?
Google it.
Now fuck off back to Yea Forums you fucking retard.
No, faggot. I’m gonna keep making threads here
It's always the biggest retards whining about newfags
you are not welcome here
>Look! I posted this shitty album again guise!
Fuck off already.
cringe post
Electronic music generates new sounds.
Electric music only transforms sounds from acoustic/mechanical sources.
No that's dream pop.
This is electronic rock.