>turn on MTV in Summer '97
>see this shitty video
This fucking song was so long too. Like 8 minutes of nonsense buttrock crap.
Turn on MTV in Summer '97
it wasn't that bad
i like the chorus
I would probably play with my fairly large chaffed uncut penis
Based U2 jack off
this song does suck, don't know what Oasis were doing
Don't Go Away was the superior single off the album. I don't know why they didn't just put that out first instead. By the time it was a hit, people were already put off by this song being and the full album being shit and Oasis not doing a full tour here until the following year (apparently Liam had visa issues because of his drug record).
The video for it was shit though. Corny green screen and everyone looks like they just woke up. They must have blown all the budget on all those helicopters and shit in the DYKWIM video.
at least the post the quality one
The new remix sucks though even though the vid is much better quality
As you were LG x
I was hoping the link was going to be Darude - Sandstorm
I just get a kick out of seeing shit from the 90s in such high quality
Honestly true. Apparently major labels are going back and rescanning all the 16mm and 35mm film prints they have into HD or 4k or whatever
Some of them may not happen as the original film masters are missing or wiped or burned up (ie. the Universal fire from 2008 that recently turned out to be way worse than they said).
Apparently the original film print for "Wonderwall" no longer exists according to the guy who made the Oasis documentary a couple years ago. When he was trying to find footage from them, he found out that Sony literally just trashed or lost a lot of Oasis' (and presumably more artists') stuff in their archive.
this one blows my mind too
it's almost like they were real people...don't fall for it...the Beatles started as a Peter Sellers gag that went on too long
This is really bad
This was another one of Oasis' shilled songs. They had exactly 2 hits and 2 quasi-hits in America. Wonderwall was a GREAT song and got famous of its own accord. Champagne Supernova was pretty good too.
But this song only ever got played because of payola, the label shilled it into trying to be a big hit and it totally failed. Same thing with that really shitty "Don't Look Back in Anger" song they tried to do off the Wonderwall album. Absolute trash song that listeners on the radio hated and stood no chance of being a legitimate hit but was shilled enough that some people still remembered it. Same thing with "Live Forever" which came before the Wonderwall album. It was just a very generic, very boring song that the label paid the radio to play a lot so people would think it was popular - and as a result some people liked it, but many did not, or if they did, it was a very casual liking at best, not an intense fervor like Wonderwall inspired. Let's just say nobody's going to be covering Live Forever or Don't Look Back in Anger on acoustic guitar in 2019 - they just aren't good enough songs.
This song was one of those shilled ones, but I wouldn't even say it was a quasi hit because frankly I don't even remember how the song goes at all or even what it was called. But I remember seeing this video, which like you said was really long and shitty (just generic post-apocalyptic imagery for 8 minutes while the band looks really bored - at least Wonderwall had Beatles-esque shit and clowns and stuff). And yeah, I totally hated both the video and the song it was attached to and always flipped the channel. They could have done 3 songs in the time they aired this piece of mediocrity. The last days of MTV indeed...
oasis have 3 good albums (definitely maybe, morning glory, masterplan)
be here now is overblown cocaine wank that needs to be edited and remixed to be decent, 4/10
shoulder of giants is their attempt at beatles esque surface level psychedelica, but still retaining the standard oasis anthemic britpop song structure only more uninspired. a couple good tracks but many more duds
next 2 are forgettable, their last one is like the shoulder of giants thing again but slightly better
jog on then lad
up yours wanker
Proper tune right there m8 dont be a nipple
>turn on MTV in Summer '93
>see this amazing performance
Shame they went downhill after it
Be Here Now is better live
*100 guitar tracks*
>Apparently the original film print for "Wonderwall" no longer exists according to the guy who made the Oasis documentary a couple years ago. When he was trying to find footage from them, he found out that Sony literally just trashed or lost a lot of Oasis' (and presumably more artists') stuff in their archive.
Well that sucks...