Attached: baekhyun.jpg (1067x1600, 194K)

Other urls found in this thread:

wow, she's ugly

Attached: 28 - hzAfsgJ.jpg (1200x1800, 663K)

two uggos

The ugliest shit of all time (and everyone agrees)

Attached: superthumb.jpg (300x250, 10K)

Attached: DrXh3HhUcAASyPt.jpg (721x960, 101K)

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Attached: 1559708553874.jpg (1800x2520, 718K)


okay you leave the stage now

im TRYING to post irenes butt

Attached: 1556489731921.jpg (553x1017, 158K)

Always gotta post this once.

Attached: SanaSittingZoom.webm (446x902, 1.52M)

Attached: 1562415714192.png (400x400, 247K)

Attached: oogie feet.png (779x485, 666K)

Attached: 16e8a0a877d20df7b454944c0c64ec4a.jpg (850x1275, 146K)

EEEEEEWWWWWWWWW spoiler that shit what a hideous uggo tranny

who's the lucky guys that fuck izone tonight


bacon in

wtf happened

Attached: 1562142363213.jpg (2000x3000, 1.3M)


Attached: soyeon.png (1920x1080, 927K)

fuck gaypop. post chadpop

Attached: blow it.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

the boyz

then bring chentwo back

this looks better with the background dancers and proper stage outfits

Attached: 71E89D92-6C05-4CA9-8C4B-227931F4DC79.jpg (2729x4096, 1.27M)

Yea Forums here what is this busted uggo abomination? Yuck spoiler that shit

Yea Forums here that thing in the frame is the ugliest idol I have ever seen

is it safe?

Attached: 1553624707670.jpg (2000x1333, 448K)

cant wait for the day i get to put those bad boys in my mouth

Attached: 1558144307363.jpg (1536x2048, 519K)

youre confusing izone with momoland

mentally ill ch*n2 roastie deleting their own thread. if it happens again we'll have to make a second thread to go to

hint: last name ends in stein or berg

probably, the new thread was made very quick after last one was deleted

Best girl Dahyun.

Attached: DahyunWalk.webm (640x1042, 2.29M)

Attached: 6CC7146E-36B5-4358-867D-84F25989ECC0.jpg (1365x2048, 233K)

She looks great in this black outfit.

Attached: D-zkja9UwAINQK4.png (1156x1734, 2.05M)

nice try but that's slutpop

does he have the best ass in bangtan?

Attached: DKagPr0VAAE2c4j.jpg (1000x1500, 267K)

The ugliest tranny of all time Bacon (and everyone agrees)

who is this slut

Attached: tfwbangchan.webm (1067x600, 2.6M)

wony is going back with a white guy like me

Attached: 1561708227219.jpg (1638x2047, 429K)

looks like a fat faced freak

no that would be jimin

Attached: geysyejf4kdos99e9e.jpg (1300x1950, 735K)

who the fuck is even on stage rn

My Pace bangs

Attached: gQTAy7a_d.jpg (640x640, 70K)

wow, she's stunning

more like cringepop

Attached: 1552159611537.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Attached: D6DHfD3UwAAkvwp.jpg (1335x2000, 258K)

That "man" is hideous pls stop posting him (and everyone agrees)


Attached: CFEFFEC0-7BDB-4CF2-9A1F-5478DB3FA549.jpg (1534x2048, 337K)

My shitty neighbors messed with my internet for the fourth time this week and I'll have to spend the weekend phoneposting.
Kpop for this feel?

thats a really cool shirt

Attached: 140.jpg (1422x2048, 247K)

producer of the year

Uggo faggot tranny the ugliest shit

>he didnt know roty

meant for

[raps in korean]

Attached: 0f664f52b3bd66575e6ad1ad5f364fc2.jpg (1300x1950, 457K)

its time for yujin to taste white dick

Attached: 1562303691028.jpg (604x960, 56K)

meant for

meant to quote

The ugliest tranny with busted nose

wow chentwo sounds like a real fun place judging by the last couple threads. do you have to be retarded to join or is it open for anyone?

Attached: TzuyuHips.webm (900x1448, 2.49M)

fucking based

Attached: 1552697030877.jpg (800x1200, 110K)

this shit more generic than sf9

they're only on street fighter v

Attached: 142.jpg (2048x1366, 301K)

The ugliest shit

>busted nose
that sounds familiar

Attached: 1532551432445.jpg (628x641, 42K)


Attached: D4SpPRqUUAIXG7I.jpg (1024x692, 102K)

what happened to the kpop torrent?

Attached: D-t-yQVUYAMUYhg.jpg (1200x800, 132K)

jesus christ what the fuck

i love haneul

made for worshipping


Attached: 1555824318977.webm (640x734, 2.24M)

Spoiler that shit

and they wonder why they were exiled

totally unfunny, insufferable cunts


her nostrils are stretched upwards like voldemort lol

only faggots, trannies and roasties are allowed, sorry friend

based friends of the second cutest girl in kpop

seething roastie

Attached: 1495472146003.jpg (1024x683, 91K)

Attached: imma bear grylls.webm (1280x720, 1.95M)

i hope this shit isnt kpop related

im not a feet guy but i am a pantyhose guy so omo where is this from

Uggo plastic busted freak. The ugliest shit (and everyone agrees)

literal witch nose


this song is actually so generic wow

one of her music videos

Attached: 55E883F1-168A-4925-8E12-429E1102C0D3.jpg (1099x1655, 521K)

Ugly queer faggot tranny


good taste, thanks for your post.

Attached: D-zkkH-U4AAFxC4.png (1156x1734, 1.99M)

my wife in the LaTaTa mv

Attached: 1881293123567.jpg (650x907, 86K)

Attached: D8Wrc4TUwAAfaw1.jpg (1364x2048, 388K)

i just realised the nosefu left saturday. wtf

they should've performed giddy up

Attached: 1561646508864.jpg (1080x1080, 199K)

jin might be my favorite bangtan now

didn't realize the boyz had so many english speakers

is this yeji

Attached: RYUCHIN.png (106x94, 24K)


my pleasure

Ugliest shit in the universe~

Attached: tumblr_inline_ovt9u0N9hV1tui8uv_500.png (500x300, 229K)

don’t compare the ugliest shit sluggo to yeji

>when sluggy want her feet tickled

wake me up when the gayz fuck off

that was ironic

get her ass

ugliest shit yejuggo

jooheony is so cute, might get into chadx just for him

Attached: 0B18B9D4-4DF3-4E4F-ADB5-A1E3303E1BA0.jpg (1100x1660, 687K)

who was in the wrong here


but seriously they should bring him back as center in their next comeback with 50% of the line distribution. ive had my fill of looking at chan's albino face for a year

Attached: D-yjV5sUcAEqXhK.jpg (798x1200, 136K)

agreed, sluggo is too busted for any resemblance

Uggo tranny fags


welcome to the club

Attached: D7BPi2xXYAAIO0N.jpg (822x720, 56K)

thx chingu

when do mentally ill hours end?

Attached: sluggettingreadytobetickled.jpg (720x720, 51K)

Attached: 1562281204978.jpg (902x519, 114K)

they still have sion, chohee and haneul. if any of them leave, i'm dropping them

Attached: 40281417_259208161590939_3657597609204963293_n.jpg (800x1000, 119K)

Ugly penis haircut faggot tranny


Attached: 8E2467F9-1D86-40FE-AEBF-6E44E47B41AF.jpg (1100x1661, 543K)

they don't end he just switches personas to a slightly less annoying one

well... at least their dancing is pretty good

True facts. She has prime birthing hips. Also she could sit on my face until I died and I would be happy with that.

>tfw no slug gf to offer her feet up whenever you want

Attached: D46CaDZU8AANEDh.jpg (821x1200, 106K)

when the other site comes back online

>penis haircut
so that's what it's called..

Attached: dylann roof.jpg (811x1200, 137K)

The ugliest shit of all time (and everyone agrees)

jacob mogging hard here

ugliest tranny

chan, han and changbin hard carry the group dbh. would be glad if none of the others had any lines in the next comeback

Attached: 8DD744A3-34DC-4AA2-B11C-6C14921B86D6.jpg (1100x1669, 702K)

Aisha is seriously so pretty oh my god

>no sluggo
And that’s a good thing

When the last twiceshitter dies

one of these guys is a giga chad turbo slayer
the other is a overemotional succboi faggot bottom bitch

everyone whose posts i don't like is the same really awful person

gaypop is so embarassing t b h

company forgot to complete the visas

Uggo tranny faggot warning don't click

missing my gaypg bros

in my basement


Attached: 1552002031884.jpg (1079x1064, 77K)

I think my favourite BTS member is Jin.

Attached: 190.jpg (1500x2250, 487K)

Meant for

Attached: 88EB053B-04AF-4F40-A813-77D7AD95DB87.jpg (1100x1666, 589K)

is nuest the last performer today


Attached: banana.gif (268x290, 2.35M)

hopefully fucking never their dumb gimmick failed and they had a shit debut

he was right the first time since sluggo is the ugliest tranny by far

and fanatics too

yueha can't into visas

rm maybe all that but he is NOT a bottom

did i miss iz one

The guy said a few days ago that there won't be an update for a while because he's fixing the library and adding new artists.
The latest update was on June 1st.

Hideous uggo tranny


Trump BTFO china again

iriwa was such a banger

join the jinbros

Attached: 97F4C223-46EA-4F6B-AFC5-CE5EFBC0A7BD.jpg (1500x1000, 142K)

any sharkman in

i dont know anything about them though, he might be some kind of asshole but from the mvs I like his vibe the most

Attached: crying slug.jpg (594x907, 105K)

support neon punch instead, the superior nugu girls

but yuqi got in


i think he's the funniest bangtan, he has that grandpa sense of humor

it's going to take months

The ugliest shit (and everyone agrees)

yiren got banhammered from murica

i pissed in soup

Attached: WhatWomenWant.webm (480x600, 1.52M)

meant for

Attached: 1561231206941.webm (1280x720, 1.07M)

Attached: 001.jpg (1199x1800, 309K)

lmao his ears

cuz she isnt a slut

Cube isn't a chinese company so that probably helps compared to Yuehua

Uggo tranny warning don't click

tictoc was trash though

Attached: 00044e39aff24fbc9649f653dceeceaa2430082f.jpg (1386x898, 254K)

i hope not

Attached: 6745674568.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

no terry, no carey

lmao yikes

this is what xiumin wants


finna get some shark fin soup ya nam sayin cuz?

no support purplebeck instead

dont lie

it also wasn't their first time dealing with kcon

Uggo tranny the ugliest shit of all time after this

do these chentwo faggots think their posts are funny, or do they know how stupid they look to the rest of us?

Attached: slug33.gif (500x500, 3.36M)

saturday are /ournugus/

Attached: choheesuperbad.webm (1280x720, 1.03M)

based kcon muting gaypop

yujin is so cute

my favorite cake and sonwife

Attached: 7068CA88-AA9D-49D2-98BB-C942C615F13F.jpg (1000x1369, 318K)


i think they generally lack any sort of self awareness

Attached: 1550482172832.webm (1198x1264, 2.91M)

Jin is not a cake

they performed highlight already but they'll be back

what are we watching?

digging the looks here

is this actually incest

Attached: Red-Velvet-Irene.jpg (1200x719, 171K)

Wow what an ugly shit. Spoiler that

this year's kcon is ass. even more ass than it normally is.

delicious cake and delicious snack

Attached: 189.jpg (1500x1001, 241K)

Personally agree but I have room in my heart for more than one nugu group. Currently I really like a group called Sha Sha also.

there's something really lewd about the inside of the thigh and i've never noticed before

finally an attractive girl

the LA one is the big show. at least this has izone and fromis but all these nugu faggots make it kinda hard to watch


Did they compare our BLACKPINK to shitzone?

not enough girls

ugly tranny

ah shit that's the lewdest dance tho


The ugliest shit

his days are numbered...

that's the ugliest shit actually

welcome to the crucru club my homie

are they the group that fucked themselves over by putting a hashtag in the name

Highlight is the best izone song

he’s 27 but I still love him

Attached: 90C27884-CE70-4E06-8DFF-A134BA776997.jpg (1361x1916, 457K)


our girls are back

Attached: 4565475668.jpg (1199x1800, 294K)

Meant for

wording this

minju gang

Attached: 140t9841mj731.jpg (1366x2048, 331K)

No I don't think so.

g-idle is great fuck you user

i meant what i said

izone is like blackpink except they're actually hot and their songs are good and they're not prostitutes


27 is still young, idiot

Meant for

should have gotten z-girls to fill in for everglow

this song is shit but atleast it's not gaypop

sakura channeling luda today

he is a bit stale but still a cake

Attached: 2048 - FOrPriR.jpg (1200x1600, 168K)

i love this song

what are you guys watching?

christmas cakes are past 25

shut up idiot he's a chad

Attached: 1543255248108.jpg (1364x2048, 881K)

that was shafla

Based and word

any cute idols?

just let me fuck a duck

kcon ny


Attached: 1560716085516.webm (360x626, 2.7M)

this is great until dami ruins it

a banger

Attached: D2B27907-77D8-4E7E-892D-C84D90E63EB5.jpg (733x1085, 115K)

Chinuggo ugly tranny

chimp squad

Attached: D986gHNW4AM9SVJ[1].jpg (768x1024, 108K)

the most Chad idol

Attached: D3b2oKEUYAAR7Vw.jpg (901x1200, 167K)

is it wrong to only stare at eunbis when she's dancing

are those yuris real??

the best song named airplane belongs to _____

>and they're not prostitutes
Except for sakura yeah

Attached: 4B973602-43E6-4FCA-9CFA-AD68250159BC.jpg (900x1200, 138K)


Spoiler that shit. That fag is hideous (and everyone agrees)

fuck you sakura only does it for fun


izone is a shitty knockoff of the good kpop music
i don't dislike the girls though. they did nuthin wrong

I want to cum in Wonyoung

>Bang Chan
just created the ultimate chad group

yo anyone got any shark fin soup for ya boy?

Top 3 izone girls: Hitomi Sakura and Yena
Top 3 songs: highlight airplane rumor

wtf now i love sakura

our hope

Attached: 7AB94D52-6123-478D-894C-FEC2873CF68D.jpg (476x680, 58K)

what show is on?


then why is vernon there

> songs are good
>not prostitutes

Word literally our girls BLACKPINK

Attached: Rmwrw5e.jpg (690x919, 117K)

>yujin and wony doing all the english

snapping snapping

The ugliest shit


>michael jackson
you need to beat it

idk why but its cringe

yujin wony NOooooo

>watching a kcon stream
lmao just how bored are you guys

is sluggo

is that yugi?

miker jackson

Uggo tranny

swap vernon for bambam dbh


based king of khiphop

Attached: 9F1552CE-4096-44C6-A2FE-B9DFF00D5279.jpg (2048x1364, 235K)

based illiterate seamonkey blink

vernon isn't a chad. he would die if tyler the creator ever got his hands on him

so pretty

Attached: hdyd7ejaue8sueeu7z.png (715x1080, 672K)

that's illegal

Attached: reverse.gif (480x376, 3.04M)

yujins english is cute

bang chan isn't a chad. he'd start cracking up as soon as someone within a half mile radius did something mildly amusing

lmao hyewon didnt get high fived


nigga i aint postin in this weakass thread

The Chad Oneus

The Virgin ATEEZ