>The Beatles
>Foo Fighters
ITT: post bands/artists you hate
>The Beatles
Don’t lie user, you just hate them because everyone else likes them.
Ponyboy absolutely slaps
>Falling in Reverse
>Lil Xan
>Good Charlotte
>post-1996 Cannibal Corpse
>Gucci Mane
>Puddle of Mudd
>inb4 but... but... reddit XD
still not a reason, things like this is why you will die alone
>The Smiths
kind of meme/overrated, but Killer Queen is an undeniable single and they influenced Jellyfish, the greatest power pop band of the 90s
Art Angels is based, and Realiti is song of the decade
>The Beatles
Don't listen to them much myself but hating them is literally a meme, and Revolver is a great album
Product was good, Bipp, Vyzee and Just Like We Never Said Goodbye are all bangers
>Foo Fighters
Debut and The Colour and the Shape have some okay songs, they coulda split up after that and not much would be lost. Everlong is the only good post-grunge hit
one of the most most overrated bands of all time
They single handedly killed everything interesting about post-rock yea
Agree with everything said here
Personally hate-orits:
No that was Explosions in the Sky
the 1975
good picks
I don't think EITS were particularly good but I'd sooner sit through one of their albums 50 times than ever have to endure another second of Godspeed's forced epicness
>The Eagles
I love rock music but I just can’t stand this band. My Dad tried to covert me on a long car journey recently and I had to ask him to switch it off after a while, they’re just so insipid and dull. Their only good song is Hotel California.
All soundcloud rappers
The Doors
Imagine Dragons
Twenty One Pilots
>hating Burzum
eesh, I guess some people really don't have tazte
imagine wasting energy on hating something
im stayin positive bros enjoy your hate filled life where you stay stuck in the same situations
I hate what Yea Forums likes: the post
> Ariana Grande
> Slipknot
> Mudhoney
> King Crimson (kinda)
> Most post-rock aside from Swans
>Hating King Crimson
wew terrible taste lad
>animal cuckllective
Ah ooh I forget
>david bowier (Berlin trilogy excluded)
>i share the same place with people like this
Ehh I guess I wouldn't say I hate it, just can't get into it.
>Daft Punk
>Chemical Brothers
>Mr Oizo
cant stand these fucking faggot ass frenchies that make the same boring sounding electronic music for decades
Every. Fucking. Post. Punk. Band.
justice good
I always bounce off The Velvet Underground.
yeah justice good, im just baitin
Not hate because I'm sure she's a cool person and is talented but I never understood the Joanna Newsom hype