Holy shit. We're about to see dozens of A-list musicians behind bars as he takes a plea deal.
Holy shit. We're about to see dozens of A-list musicians behind bars as he takes a plea deal
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Who would be it ?
i only know of only two actors
spacey, tucker
ho lee sheeeeit
>/pol/ was right yet again
>In its 27-page decision, the court cited the public’s right to access the case information outweighed the privacy of certain individuals, “including numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well‐known Prime Minister, and other world leaders.” Forbes
Make your bullshit music related or delete it like the fucking retard you are
>music for this feel?
>the daily beast
any nontabloid bullshit newspapers reporting this?
You could've just googled his name and seen every major paper reporting it you fucking idiot
#MeToo is anti Semitic...
all of them are fucking tabloids when i googled it retard
post yfw
I quoted Forbes you fucking mong
forbes is complete unreliable trash nowadays, they've been shitting on their reputation for the past 5 years
wait now fake news is real? since when? believe journalists
i swear to god if it's jay-z imma jump off a bridge
does this mean rush hour 4 won't happen?
one can only hope
>We're about to see dozens of A-list musicians behind bars as he takes a plea deal.
Who do we think is likely to be implicated in this?
Marylin Manson
pol was right again
Bruno Mars
Trump will have him assassinated if he starts to squeal. If he doesn't the Clintons will have him killed.
Musicians? lets talk politicians.
Glad I don't give a shit about any of these people.
fuck are you on about? forbes has been unreliable trash for the past 5 years
>Trump said of Epstein in 2002: "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."
that's antisemitic
gb2brietbart faggot
Lmao can you fucking imagine /pol/'s reaction if Bill Clinton or Barack said something like this?
oy vey it'd be anodda showah
epstein's story is pretty amazing t b h.
math teacher to stock broker to billionaire over a fairly short period of time.
then this dude is just like 'i'm so rich and well connected, imma just live out my fantasy - fucking underage girls from my own backyard'
and he did
and he got away with it as well
dude's vile, but his story is pretty nuts
i wonder if he'll finally have to rat someone out to get out this time.
acosta must be shitting bricks.
>pedophilia is a distinctly Jewish phenomenon
/pol/ actually believes this
his story is fascinating/creepy
if you try to do some research... there is not much to it
how did he get a portfolio worth billions? why would billionairest trust some guy with their money unless he came from somewhere?
I dont believe it, i think he blackmailed some people or some shit. you just dont become a billionaire broker like that, you need a background.. so what is his background?
and what about his fucking temple? now thats dope. i remember some guy on pol claiming he was going to go there with a boat at night and make a livestream, storm inside the actual fucking tower thing to see if there is a dungeon. imagine if someone did that
good /pol/ack
Why is /pol/ always right about these things? They knew about Weinstein years ahead as well.
How does it take this long to arrest someone for something that people have known he's guilty of for years? I don't even know what he does aside from facilitate pedophilia.
the rapid ascent at bear seems plausible because he got into options and derivatives trading early on. probably easier back then to make a killing quickly, get a reputation and start your own thing.
some of the legend built around him is probably just good PR work. you still see that dumb shit today - dudes at the right place at the right time getting lauded as geniuses because their agent hooked them up with the right writers at the right periodicals.
the temple thing's probably a nothing burger t b h - some sex den at its worst.
dude still funds a lot of scientific research, so any skirting with the occult is probably just tongue in cheek excuses have sex with lots of girls.
A lot of elites facilitate pedophilia, and many elites are jewish. So basically, even a blind squirrel finds a nut sometimes.
if you throw enough shit at the wall, some of it will inevitably stick
isnt that the question of the day
>Guy who was a known pedo for years is arrested for pedophilia
Even a blind pig finds an acorn now and then
When you throw out as many accusations as they do, you get one or two lucky guesses
This dude was already convicted of pedo shit over a decade ago. It doesn't take a genius to predict this stuff.
Well I think its more of a distinctly homosexual male phenomenon. Pretty sure /pol/ has that one on lock too though.
You should go back
>Ctrl+F Geffen
>0 entries
This thred has nothing to do with music. You're talking about 2 completely different cabals.
Fuck off with this garbage. It has nothing to do with music. Twitter posters, and phone posters need to be purged.
To where? There isn't any place where pedophilia isn't overwhelmingly homosexual and male.
>Alice Cooper
>Johnny Depp
>Simon Cowell
Why? I don't need an each chamber.
why wont he admit to being molested
Him and Beyoncé are 100% involved in that stuff.
they have to be, its the rules
>/pol/ accuses literally every rich person on the fucking planet of being a pedophile
>Rich person turns out to be a pedophile
Fuck off shills
Sorry but it looks like pol/ wins another one. It's 2016 all over again.
Are the relentless attempts at framing /pol/ as "that neo-Nazi place" starting to make sense, or are you guys going to keep telling each other that pizzagate isn't real?
>Trump wins by a 70k vote margin in a general election with almost 63,000,000 votes
>None of the /pol/ conspiracies about hillary getting arrested come true
>Pizzagate is a bust
>Q user is a bust
>All the major alt right figures fell apart within the year
>The Russiagate people were right all along and Trump clearly broke the law repeatedly but isn't being punished because of the Senate being corrupt
>Trump has a miniscule chance of being re-elected and by all metrics has been a trashcan president
The /pol/ brand of the right has massively died off. Very few of the popular people of the era who got popular are anywhere near the spotlight because they all turned into fucked up retards.
Meanwhile all the batshit stuff they came up with was wrong and all the accusations made by the Dems/Left turned out correct.
/Pol/ has been getting skullfucked by the world for the last few years lol
>and male
Well, you got that right at least. Men, gay or hetero, are wired to find youthfulness attractive, so it's more likely for men to have a few wires crossed and end up pedos than for women. There's a reason why "barely legal / teen /18" remains one of the most popular porn categories
Nothing, in all of your military, financial and legal strength is going to prevent the world from knowing what you really are. Burn in hell.
shut up larper ahahaha
Rent free
tru dat homie
Wait until they lose again in 2020. Shit will slap so hard
>t. fucked
Nick Mullen finally gets what he wanted....I wonder if Cumtown will end now
Yea Forums music. Go back
fairly important reminder that donald trump and alan dershowitz (who helped epstein get his cushy plea-deal) were good friends of his. dershowitz was seen by a witness entering an area where an underaged orgy was taking place. president trump on the other hand raped one of the 13-year-old girls:
>“I've known Jeff for fifteen years,” Trump said at the time. “Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side"
it looks like the /pol/ kids were right to focus on elite pedophile rings. they just focused on the wrong candidate apparently
Everyone can clearly see where these retarded shit lost their minds after that election, next time they're going to go comatose from the shock.
And that's when we'll make our move.
From where I'm standing, (((you))) need to get out of music and go back to your cave.
kys faggot
>then they accuse you of what they're doing
so tiresome
No I totally agree
This country needs to turn itself around and stop being autistically involved in everyone else's business. I'm Tulsi 2020 all the way.
Yes, I do think quite a lot about how Trump is gonna get his ass beat in 2020 and how funny it will be
No president has ever won re-election with an approval rating as low as Trump's and his is skewed a few points up by Rasmussen having biased polling
Trump won by 70k votes spread out in PA, WI, and Michigan and his approval ratings have dropped by around 15-20 points each in all 3
His approval ratings have crashed and burned in most other swing states
Every front-running Democrat beats Trump by 6-12 points each from the same polls where Clinton was only winning by 1-4. The swing in numbers when applied to the 63,000,000 votes cast in 2016 puts it from 1.2-5 million votes more. Remember, Trump loses 70k in those three states and he's fucked.
Midterms were hilariously bad for Republicans and they're now looking worse from all polling.
Turnout is expected to be the highest in any election ever held in the US. High turnout almost exclusively benefits Democrats as the main problem Democrats have in elections is turnout.
If I had to bet money now I'd bet that literally any Democrat but maybe Delaney and Klobuchar wins by a pretty sizeable margin.
All the advantages Clinton had over Trump in the polls are now 3-4 times higher by all the same polling agencies. They just need to increase vote totals in 3 states by 70k, and all the polling shows that the popular vote is gonna be a 4-6 million vote increase for Democrats.
The chances he wins re-election are slim to none. I'd probably put a candidate like Buttigieg at an 80/20% chance of victory over Trump and one like Harris or Sanders at 90-95/10-5% in favor of the Democrats.
lmao tl;dr
that juiced up mongoloid mike cernovich actually managed to accomplish something very big and helpful. 20,000 documents on the case being released will reveal a lot, especially about dershowitz. hopes and prayers NYC south~
notice how you can't discuss any of the facts involved. in the real world "hey did you shhheeee that chineshhhh guy that said racist stuff about africansssshhh?" is not considered an argument
What the fuck is wrong with you
>stop being autistically involved in everyone else's business
>I'm Tulsi 2020 all the way
tulsi is a joke; there's a reason that russia, the bots, trump and all the /pol/-tards are pulling so hard for her. she's a shill. a plant. she has adopted the mantle of being anti-war but it doesn't belong to her. her claim to being anti-war is that she went and met with assad. before that she was a republican notorious for her fag-hating. her family figured out that republicans don't fare well in hawaiian politics so they changed parties. she's the ultimate plastic doll candidate
Teflon Don is immune to your tactics, how have you come this far and not realized this yet?
The man is bulletproof.
A bit of a follow up here
The electoral college is, most likely, going to look like this -
Michigan and PA are going Blue in 2020. The chances of this happening are virtually certain. He won by a fraction of a percent in both and his approval has dropped by 19 points in PA and 22 in Michigan. It dropped by 20 in Wisconsin.
I can't stress this enough -
If Trump loses all three - Wisconsin, Michigan, and PA, the chances he wins the presidency are practically zero. He'd have to pull out a miracle in states like Colorado or Virginia.
This isn't even counting Iowa or Florida. His approval rating has dropped abysmally in both., by 21 and 25 in each respectively.
Trump could lose Arizona as well, but it's a bit of a long shot. But with Western candidates like Kamala who are liked there, it's a possibility.
I cannot stress enough how FUCKED Trump is in this election. Yes, polls were skewed in 2016 towards Clinton, but all of the polls put her at a 2-4 point advantage.
The polls this time, the same polls, are putting even weak Dems at a 6+ point lead.
The chances, again, if I had to bet, that Trump takes 2020, are awful and I wouldn't bet a penny on it.
lol you remind me of pic related
2020 is going to be so much fun
Trump won by 70k votes in 3 crucial swing states. He has lost almost 20 points of approval in all 3, and if he loses all 3, he has no path to the presidency save for a miracle.
2020 is projected to be the highest turnout election ever. High turnout elections benefit democrats massively because turnout is their achilles heel.
The advantages in polling given to Clinton in 2016 are almost quadrupled in the same polls for any democrat in 2020.
Dems dominated in the midterms and the midterms are almost always indicative of the next election.
TL;DR Trump is almost certainly going to lose in 2020.
She met with Assad as part of the foreign affairs committee and when she was done she repeatedly called him out as a brutal dictator and horrible person. You are buying into headlines.
I like politics faggot
>he's still posting
You are ironically making the same mistake.
These assumptions were errantly made based off of a small advantage in polling.
This advantage is quadrupled in most dems.
Dems dominated in the midterms.
Approval ratings in the states he scraped by in 2016 with have dropped by 20 points each.
He has virtually no path and his campaign knows this.
Read on his campaign strategy right now. Internally they're going to target the midwest, west, and the rust belt. The campaign is on the defense, which is the death knell of nearly any political campaign.
And, again, I have to remind you, his overall approval rating has crashed and burned over his presidency, even with a "great economy", which usually puts it high up even if the president is otherwise a massive fuck up. No president has won with his approval rating stats.
He is most likely fucked.
Feel free not to listen to me. But I will tell you right now, with absolute certainty, the president is fucked. So fucked for 2020.
You have it all figured out already and everything!
>a bloo bloo bloo
Cry more, diddler. There is no mortal or god who is going to feel bad for you.
>Epstein gets arrested
>Implicates Trump, the Clintons, countless celebrities and other politicans
>I got nothin so it’s ad hom time again
>degenerate who's walls are closing in around him telling someone to kill themselves
>a bloo bloo
>bloo bloo