is it true that non-americans have NEVER heard of kanye?
Is it true that non-americans have NEVER heard of kanye?
I'm a latino and i'm listening to that nigga right now
no but hes significantly less popular here in southamerica at least, most normies just listen to latino mainstream music and the occasional megahit, and kanye hasnt had one since power maybe
One time I was at the campus gym with s Chinese international friend of mine. Kanye was playing and I mentioned it to him. He had literally never heard of him. I was legitimately shocked.
I'm mexican and only know like 2 persons that listen to kanye
Literally who? Not even memeing, who the fuck is Kanye?
Almost all TV-programs in Norway has his music as their main soundtrack. It’s pretty funny
College Dropout and Late Reg were all the rave in my asian country, so nah.
good. You don't deserve him. I'm also glad he's pissing so many people off, otherwise he'd be super ultra normalfag tier
Like what songs?
What paradise are you from?
Aussie here, hes gigantic, gangster rap isnt as big here and most people think Drake is a poofter so hes kinda the go to guy, especially with girls
He's not pissing anyone off. We feel sorry for him, if anything at all.
canadian here. Never heard of him
He is a guilty pleasure around here, nobody admits he listens to this garbage.
POWER is used in a shitload of ads so I doubt it
Britfag here
I remember buying the Yeezus CD when it came out and when I came back my mum asked what I brought
I told her it was a Kanye west album
She replied with “who?”
To this day she doesn’t know who Kanye west is
He is still quite popular here although he hasn’t been relevant here since MDBTF
graduation was pretty big in uk, he had a number 1 hit with a british rapper here called estelle, i don't think any burgers have ever heard of it
I don't know. I live in Saint Petersburg, Russia but my social circle is highly westernized (so am I), and obviously we all know of Kanye. I'm the only one who's a big fan of him, though.
Sweden here. Kanye is huge here.
in the uk they listen to uk rap, but he is still known.
Where the FUCK can I listen to Brothers, besides the slowed down YT video?
Not on Slsk, nowhere... nothing.
I recognize this song and I'm a burger, although I think I heard it in an advertisement.
In Pakistan most college going kids know of him. Heartless was pretty big here for a while.
UK, most people know the song stronger and Gold Digger. I remember earlier they were thousands of people queuing overnight for yeezys. So he us definitely known in England.
*earlier this year, like a month or 2 ago.
Australian here, everyone seems to really only know him due to being Kim Kardashian's husband. I know no one who listens to his music.
If you live in Southern-Central Italy, you haven't absolutely heard of him.
The more you go towards the regions in the North and cultural hubs like Milan, the higher the obvious chance of finding fans.
For some reason linking directly is prohibited, but there is only one "play" button on the whole page so figure it out yourself.
ching chong who dis black man?
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No. I'm from Romania and I can confirm my entire family and most of my friends have heard of Kanye West.
this but im from germany and nobody i know recognizes his name
so many retarded Aussie swagboys listen to Kanye because it makes them feel trendy. I also listen to Kanye.
Absolutely false
Frenchfag here, everyone knows POWER, Gold Digger, and Stronger, but nobody has heard the name of "Kanye West", except a few people who only know that he's Kim Kardashian's husband.
Brazilfag here. He's mostly known to general audiences as the guy who interrupted Taylor Swift and/or as Kim Kardashian's husband. Some hip hop fans know him and like his music, but the genre is not as popular here as it is in the US (plus many hip hop fans only listen to Brazilian hip hop).
yeah i think he's just a us/uk/aus/nz/sweden/japan thing
Germany here
People only know him for his shoes and maybe some songs from 10 years ago. Nobody really cares for his recent music
he's not pissing anybody off and he is super ultra normalfag tier
Canadian reporting
Can confirm, no idea but he seems friendly. Is he like a jazz artist or?
Пpиeзжaй нa мeждyнapoднyю, я тeбe oтдaмcя
He's really popular in Norway, so no
From Nepal. We worship this nigga.
a ты няшный?
nederland here, i literally dont know anyone who doesnt know who kanye is