Nine Inch Nails - Year Zero
Nine Inch Nails - Year Zero
Hands down his best album, twink trent can't compare
Year Zero got jams, man
Me, I'm Not now that's a fucking jam
It got jams but it also has a lot of aggression to it as well, it is the best of both worlds.
My go to album for the apocalypse desu
i don't get the album cover. it's in a car. is it a hand on the windshield/???
Zero Sum is really terrifying, "Shame on us, doomed from the start, God have mercy on our dirty little hearts" is one of Trent's best lyrical efforts not gonna lie.
It's a giant hand coming down from the sky from a POV of someone in a car.
The hand is The Presence, some kind of life form on the album which sets out to destroy the world due to how violent the human race has become. It could be God or aliens.
that's not saying much, but still year zero has some decent lyrics
Yeah, it's really not, but it is definitely his best lyrical effort, in my opinion, you really get the feel for the Year Zero's world and the character each song is meant to be potraying
Wish every song was like The Great Destroyer
>G O D G I V E N
>tfw you remember staying up with your best friend playing the ARG that accompanied YZ
Those were the days, lads.
Must have been cool as fuck, reading through all what Year Zero did for its arg is really crazy.
The album itself aged really well, love the aggressive explosive electronics and the chaotic extended instrumental endings of a lot of the tracks.
Your time is tick-tick-ticking away.
Hey don't tell Trent Reznor to stop promoting
This is a top tier NIN album only behind The Downward Spiral and The Fragile imo. He went from With Teeth to this! Most of these tracks were made on a computer while on tour in hotel rooms. Plus the ARG element... Year Zero is the best thing to come out of the sober Trent eras.
>Year Zero is the best thing to come out of the sober Trent eras.
I think The Slip and The Trilogy rival that quite well
Currently living through the album minus the badass aliens
The badass aliens are the best part of the album, The Becoming is so fucking cool.
O no doubt, I'm just saying the American theocracy pushing technological surveillance (which started after 9/11) and basically creating a dystopia is what us Amerikkkanerans are living through ATM. I think 2020 is going to be horrendous what with the Olympic stadium getting blown up (Akira prediction, not mine) and Trump enacting a "Christian" rule of law with his re-election.
this, unironically.
We all are, brother
*Conquers Year Zero easily*
tick ticking away
Easy to say when it conquers literally everything else in his discography
>Year Zero was a previous simulated world within the confines of the computer seen in Add Violence
>The corrupted ARG websites weren't sent from the future, they were shunted from one save file to another before the reset wiped out everything
>Our world is just the latest simulation, the most recent iteration with who knows how many failed versions having played out before
But then The Great Destroyer wouldn't have such an impact.
It seems like that once the subject realizes they are in a stimulation, they rest it?
>Aunt Year Zero was TOO optimistic
Seems like when society as a whole reaches a certain level of 'shit is fucked' then it's time for direct intervention [the presence/s] or a total reset to try again. Change some of the variables and hope for a higher score on the next run
Some people in the simulation realize they're just numbers in an artificial world. Nothing is real, nothing matters, and the countdown to the next reset is gradually ticking closer to zero
Year Zero was like the ending of Evangelion's anime. The Trilogy is more like The End Of Evangelion
I do wonder what happened in Add Violence.
It seemed as we see it from a POV of a random person who doesn't even seem that involved with the politics of his world, or the world at all, it is a very internal album, one song being about Bowie's death, the other about Tretn's drug use, all set in this Year Zero's simulation, always found it interesting.
I think they're overrated desu. NTAE has some neat moment, and Bad Witch has some of the most refreshing nin material we had in a long time, but Add Violence is just straight up garbage. They just don't do it for me.
Sorry dude, "The Lovers" and "This Isn't The Place" are some of the best NIN songs.
Year Zero good album.
But they're so boring though, and the lovers sounds almost identical to the second track from NTAE, i forget the name. It's also just really inconsistent stylistically, offers nothing new and the last track can fuck off
Dear World and The Lovers really sound nothing alike
You can fuck off, the Background World is the best one on there
>But they're so boring though
They're incredibly atmospheric and immersive while also being heavily melodic, they give out a feeling of anxiety, those two trakcs are masterful.
>almost identical to the second track
It only references Dear World lyrically, just because they're both heavily electronic doesn't mean they share anything at all.
>It's also just really inconsistent stylistically
How? All of it is really electronic, dissonant and dark.
>offers nothing new
Name a song like The Lovers in the discography, no, it's not Dear World, Add Violence expands upon the sound Hesitation Marks brought, removing the pop-hooks and pushing forward the menacing anxious atmosphere of that record.
>the last track can fuck off
That's the best track and the distortion towards the end is perfect.
The Great Destroyer > In This Twilight > Zero Sum > My Violent Heart > Vessel > God Given > Survivalism > Hyperpower > Meet Your Master > Me, I'm Not > The Greater Good > Another Version Of The Truth > Beginning Of The End > Me, I'm Not > Good Soldier > Capital G
I caught that show in England. The Great Destroyer was destructively loud.
HOT TAKE INCOMING: Capital G is the best song on Year Zero.
Blood hardens in the sand
Cold metal in my hand
Hope you understand the way that things are gonna be
there's a thin line between being atmospheric and boring, and for me they just sound boring. I don't get the anxiety feeling at all.
The progression, chorus and the overall sound of Dear World and The Lovers just sound too similar to me.
It's inconsistent because it goes from a cheesy industrial rock track to two very slow and electronic tracks, then not anymore which sounds like it should've been on NTAE, then another electronic but more lively track. It's just all over the place and it's hard to tell what they were trying to do with it, and I really can't see how it fits into the trilogy at all. Bad Witch and NTAE are much closer stylistically.
They've done the atmospheric tracks much better on the soundtracks, except instrumental. Less Than just sounds generic and not anymore should've been on NTAE.
The 10 minutes or however many it is of the distortion at the end of background world is just pointless and should've been filled with another track. It adds nothing to the album and should've been 1 to 2 minutes maximum.
I honestly think Add Violence is the worst NIN release.
>The progression, chorus and the overall sound of Dear World and The Lovers just sound too similar to me.
Good, because they're connected to each other
Why is the Great Destroyer your favourite? Here's mine from best to worst
>God Given
>Meet Your Master
>My Violent Heart
>In This Twilight
>Another Version of Truth
>Zero Sum
>Capital G
>Good Soldier
>Beginning of the End
>Me I'm Not
>The Great Destroyer
>The Greater Good
>The Warning
>t. zoomer who never heard U2
It's a catchy song and I love the chorus.
>I honestly think Add Violence is the worst NIN release
Yea let's pretend that With Teeth don't exist
literally only one good song and it's the one with the synth solo
The singles were bad, but there were great songs on it.
With Teeth is pretty bad, but it still has some neat tracks I come back to. The Hand that Feeds, Sunspots, The Line Begins to Blur, You Know What You Are and Right Where it Belongs are great. But there's just nothing for me on Add Violence.
>all the love in the world
>With Teeth
>You Know what You are
>The Lines Begin to Blur
>Right where it belongs
>Beside you in time
Home should have had a full release and not relegated to the Japanese one, Non-entity and Not So Pretty Now should have had a place.
With_Teeth is fucking great rock album from top to bottom, literally, say what's wrong with it.
My only problem with it was that Every Day Is Exactly Th same got co-opted by teens and young adults equating Reznor's nervous new sobriety to high school or work
It is definitely the most Alt. Rock song on the album, I think it's still good, but the most basic song on the album
That's one of his best though
>No one's heard a single word I said
>they don't sound as good outside my head
Reznor knows you hate his lyricism
1. Shit Mirror
2. Ahead of Ourselves
3. Dear World,
4. The Lovers
5. She's Gone Away
6. Play the Goddamned Part
7. God Break Down the Door
8. This Isn't The Place
9. Burning Bright (Field on Fire)
10. The Background World
Length: 52:17
Include all tracks, or go away.
nah, Branches/Bones and Shit Mirror don't work that well together, same for Over and Out/TBW.
I assume your talking about right were it belongs as that is the only good song on with teeth
Branches/Bones goes wonderfully into Shit Mirror.
The Idea Of You and Not Anymore work well together.
God Break Down The Door not going into I Am Not From This World is also awful.
>Branches/Bones goes wonderfully into Shit Mirror.
Exactly what I thought as well.
But Background World's transition to Shit Mirror is fucking magic.
I think this album was created mostly digitally instead of using analogue instruments. The only analogue instruments used were probably guitars, drums, vocals.
It literally means he struggles with articulating his feelings. Genius
Yeah, it's his most electronic album, but you can still catch a lot of guitars in there.
Based. Great destroyer is bretty gud
Theres still other songs chopped off of With Teeth we haven't heard as well if you go by some promo poster that had track names on it.
Just jumping in, to say that every single song on With_Teeth is great.
gotta make your mind up on Me, I'm Not