Why do girls pretend to go to concerts for any reason other than attention and free passes to backstage to fuck the...

Why do girls pretend to go to concerts for any reason other than attention and free passes to backstage to fuck the rappers?

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>both a brap hog and a milk truck

wtf im horny now

me on the left

they don't pretend

chaste and epicpilled

Go ask a girl in real life. Oh wait you don’t know any so that’s why you’re posting here.

to watch and listen to musicians performing their music live

why is Yea Forums full of people like op

>You always post your soundcloud in the generals on Yea Forums
>No one ever responds to you
>Links soundcloud in Tinder bio
>Girls still don't like you
>You start to wonder whether or not you actually have talent
>Realise other people are a lot better than you
>Start thinking about all the groupies you will miss out on as you will never get famous
>Listens to some live performances to pass the time
>Start thinking about all the groupies who go there
>Gets mad
>Posts on Yea Forums

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this wojak looks like a lonely incel jerking off through a piece of ham. wouldn't this be more applicable to op

>linking a soundcloud on tinder or any personal social media

No wonder you're getting no matches.

Read it again


>linking a soundcloud on tinder or any personal social media

No wonder you're getting no matches.

>Gets mad
>Posts on Yea Forums
It's satire about OP.

Your argument is?


>tfw you notice the milk truk also has a nicer brapper

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*sixth post best post


Girls go to concerts for social credit, and that's about it. They'll go to the most popular artists and the biggest events/festivals in order to gt pictures of themselves there for social media to garner attention. Just try suggesting to a young lady to go to an event without taking pictures, it'll never happen. Especially when particularly rich or attractive girls get backstage passes which means extra social media attention and social points.

Take OP's case for instance, these two girls attend concerts for the current socially popular rappers in their demographic. They take pictures like these and other videos to post to their instagram stories, and also get extra attention when they get videos of the rappers up close when they're invited backstage. They dress to hang their tremendous tits and asses out of their close because it also gets them extra attention points and more attention points form higher men on the social hierarchy like the performers in turn gives them more themselves.

It's simple social payoffs, if you were a girl like the one in the OP image, you'd do the same thing, because positive attention feels good.

*twentieth post clarifying previous post best post

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>op has so much pent up cum that it's filled his brain

>girls dumb amirite Yea Forums boys
Man go outside and talk to people once in a while, looks like you really need it

who the fuck cares OP

isn't that true for guys too lmao
That's all trap or boastful genres are an excuse for.

Actually they only go for the Instagram pic


hahahaha this nigga actually thinks that people care about arguments in the internet hahahahahaha holy shithahahahaha ahah

look.. I know this must be bait, like ever Yea Forums post nlwdays, but if u genuinely think like this, I recommend you meeting new people and unironically have sex

nigga wrote an essay on girls going to concerts

>be wakandan female
>have been to a power electronics show and gotten stared at by some dude with a huge black sun tattoo
Sometimes I wish I could put on a white male costume and just blend into the background. The "positive attention" can be awfully uncomfortable.

real incel hours

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I go to concerts only to get high and have sex.

hold up wakanda is real???

Wakanda is Ethiopia for clueless zoomers brainwashed by capitalism.

why is it that in every single thread there’s someone complaining about tinder

go outside

>OP wishes he went outside

Lasses are decent, there's as many left dancing and enjoying themselves at 5am as there is blokes. Not that you would know.

don't even post if you're not American

>incels larping

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Ah yes, the American music experience®, brought to you by Instagram™

Attached: l-13736-a-photographer-asked-american-and-british-festival-go-ers-the-worst-things-they-have-seen-am (700x607, 293K)

>somehow more degenerate and drug-addicted than America
so this is the power of Britain

i don't think a single post used any of those phrases

have sex

>enjoying yourself is "degenerate"

Alright virgin squad

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is snorting ket off your own ballsack the only way you can enjoy yourself

is this an actual category of memes that exists
we don't even think of you dumb fuckers in britain, you're just the guys with weird teeth and no cultural relevance

Nah, it's just the generally less commodified sense of mateship and banter

Posting the entire concert on your snapchat story doesn't count.

sounds pretty lame

You speak their language everyday including right now. Cunt.

>basically every American female creams themselves over our royalty
>adapt all our TV shows
>listen to our music every time someone like Adele shits out an album

Yeah whatever mate lol

>i don't think a single post used any of those phrases
>have sex

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big cope

You're the most overworked, fragile men in the first world lel, of course it's alien to you

>not even 200 words
Maybe if you put half as much effort into the shit you post here this place wouldn't be so bad.

anyone ever thought they would be ok with getting aids?

>unaware of the entire continent of Asia
damn I thought American schools had problems but this is another level

lemme rephrase that: no current cultural relevance
girls also cream themselves over matt from brockhampton. your counterargument to me saying you lack cultural relevance was naming two celebrities who no one is talking about right now
also, we make your tv shows better. american office>>>>>>>british and is way more relevant. makes up i think 9% of netflix streaming

>most of Asia
>first world

Very smart lad, hope you enjoyed having the Fourth off lel

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did you really go out of your way to make a collage of weird looking people just so you could post it here
you really made this for the sake of one stale insult

is getting days off work really the best thing you can say about your country

this is the point you should be making
brits, you can't beat the usa culturally. if you want to win you have to point out that we're all depressed and living shittily

holy shit you're literally a redditor

>British Office: grounded, gritty but hilarious take on average office worker's lives. Over after 12 episodes because two people wrote it.
>American Office: 200+ episodes of Reddit OH LE NO WERE IS MY STAPLER, FIRE DRILL XD


also isn't this a downgrade in insult

british office: depressing, forgotten
american office: depicts feasible situations for most of the seasons, with a few exceptions. has complex and relatable characters without being overly cynical, still watched by millions on millions

Just like le Big Bang Theory but that is for fake geeks XD


sauce please OP