Nine Inch Nails - Broken
Nine Inch Nails - Broken
track #99 on the CD was the best
Beastie Boys - Paul's Boutique
Don't do that
Happiness In Slavery is oddly funky.
if you check his playlist dylan has a shit ton of NIN songs
>(Slave screams) He spends his life learning conformity
>(Slave screams) He claims he has his own identity
>(Slave screams) He's going to cause the system to fall
>(Slave screams) But he's glad to be chained to that wall
Is this the RYM Tranny anthem?
not surprised only incels and school shooters listen this edgy trash
Liked NIN and KMFDM but hated Marilyn Manson. Pretty based if you ask me.
what does the "n" stand for?
Fuck you cunt, Nine Inch Nails is literally THE WORST industrial band ever. It's just some twink crying over his girl leaving him for 3 albums then trying to be edgy with le suicide meme. His music is just a derivative of any other industrial band that emerged in the 80s, but dumbed down for the masses. There is LITERALLY nothing interesting, innovative or good about nine inch nails' """music""". I bet you think Marilyn Manson and Filter are also "industrial" music. How about you listen to Einsturzende Neubauten, SPK, Laibach, Cabaret Volitaire, Front 242, Foetus or literally any other band in that genre, you tasteless twat. Fuck you and FUCK nine inch nails!
My least favourite NIN album
he also had chemical brothers, AIC and the Smashing Pumpkins
it's from 1992, time to move on and let go of your need to shit on it. so your industrial band wasn't as famous. let it go, man
Can you please show me your NIN ranking? I'm curious
Watch the broken movie
Omg this is what every 15 year old in high school who got into “industrial” thought to be cool. Lol.
Funny how things never change.
Another edgy angry as fuck Industrial Rock release step into your path.
I fucking love Not The Actual Events bros.