Is learning music theory recommended if you want to make your own music?

is learning music theory recommended if you want to make your own music?

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what if your a brainlet?

Music theory lets you have a decent understanding of what you're doing and can give you more ideas for when you're in a rut. People who insist it's actively bad to know this are just intimidated by the idea of practicing. Theory itself is neutral, it exists in every musician with or without their knowledge. It's like math. And it's rarely only the chord progression and it's not just knowing your major and minor scales and you're done for life. It's a lot of elements at once. It's the gesture. It's the arrangement. It's the development. It's the form, the structure. It's the way the harmony and melody come together. It's the choice of instruments. It's the lyrics, even, and the rhythm, tone, texture and colour. It allows you to reverse engineer things, which is a very useful skill to have. The only way to break the rules knowingly and accordingly is to know all the rules first. This has been proven time and time again by classical composers who analysed works of their predecessors and most of them have been a part of institutionalised education.

The idea that theory could be a negative knowledge comes from a bullshit romantic notion that good art is purely unconscious or emotional and that systematization and logic are antithetical to it. Intuition alone could never result in the monstrous feat of borderline engineering that is a great symphony.

The theories of psychoacoustics, biomusicology and so on indicate that there are certain musical and sound qualities we find pleasing regardless of cultural bias. A trained musician would be much more familiar with these and thus able to subvert and play with them. There's a reason classical music is much, much more interesting than the various folk musics of the world.

>Theory is useless.
so you basically reinvent an inferior version of the wheel via years of trial and error, and that's somehow better than just learning how to use a wheel?

But at the end of the day, it's not necessary.

Just learn new stuff, anyone can do it.

very nice digits here


no, but if you want your music to actually be good then yeah.

Its like painting, how are you supposed to paint a sky if you dont know colors to blend together?

music theory works in a similar way, and learning theory helps expand your creative and harmonic horizons so that not every song you write is a I V I progression

This. And just like you learn major and minor scales and basic bitch theory, it's the same as learning the basic colours. If you really want to make good and/or interesting stuff, then you have to learn more and more so you can spice up your compositions, just like you would expand your palette.

where can I learn it?

You can unironically start on Wikipedia and by Googling "music theory" and on sites like this
to learn the basics, but you can always find theory books (and read music literature in general) and also improve yourself generally as a musician by studying pieces (chords, studying scores), reading sheet music while listening to the music, improvising, transcribing by ear, just playing and learning as much as possible, it can all help in the end.

will I have a hard time?

I'm learning how to make music now, and I can't imagine producing without basic to decent knowledge. It's just so useful.

Well if it will bore you to tears and you won't find any joy or benefits in it then you'll have a hard time.

If you try and follow this link as a way to learn music theory, you will not learn shit. Learn MT with an instrument, or producing.

Learning basic harmony is great but beyond that you're better off writing and developing style

the beatles didnt know music theory

You learn the basics which is where OP can start.
And they were shit. Your point?

>he thinks he can develop a style randomly without learning things
never gonna make it

Everyone should know some level of it, regardless because it makes you a more detailed thinker and explainer.

if you’re on here asking these retarded questions in the first place despite being babied towards the answers multiple times you will never be a successful musician let alone a legitimate musician

The fuck are you talking about? Legitimate professional musicians are almost always selfish, nearsighted babies.