Albums where all the instruments/production are done by one person? Any genre is fine...

Albums where all the instruments/production are done by one person? Any genre is fine, but preferably the album should sound like a full group of musicians despite being one guy overdubbed on himself (otherwise, there are a million solo singer+acoustic guitar albums to list)
I know about pic related and Burzum

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foo fighters s/t is this
too bad it sucks

every Paysage d'Hiver album has Tobias Möckl playing every instrument, as far as I'm aware

This dude has some tracks like that

i got what you're looking for senpai

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Tubular Bells. Mike Oldfield aged only 19 played twenty instruments on it. It’s a pretty fucking astonishing achievement.

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how /mu managed to sleep on this is weird
Gyron V - Muscae Volitantes

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Will did it all himself?

The 2011 version, yeah

Mark Demarque

It's their only good album with TCATS

It is also his worst album

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Roy Wood - Boulders
apart from one harmonium part on one song, it's all him, and by "all" I mean ALL. Brass, strings, You name it. Did the cover too.

There's this here thing

im kinda on the fence about this one. the structure just feels kinda lazy, like he just added on random stuff continually. still good enough to listen to though and I guess at the time it was pretty different.

On the first prince record, he did everything iirc. Hes the only credit on the entire album.

played the violin for samples, etc. produced everything by himself

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Are you serious? I can understand not liking Tubular Bells but it’s anything but lazy.

Stevie Wonder’s entire discography. It’s also pleb filter.

>sleep on this
take you and your niggerspeak back to r*ddit or twitter please

for emma, forever ago

Jason Falkner, one man power pop act