It's actually comforting to know there's at least one sane black woman in the music industry

It's actually comforting to know there's at least one sane black woman in the music industry.

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Other urls found in this thread:

very based and very redpilled

Based Negress. Too bad they'll cut her shekels for this

>pulls out

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If the roles were reversed, Morrissey would be happy to play the festival.

This is illegal though.

>black people are openly breaking the law
hmm, odd

I'd sue just for shits an giggles.

would colonize

We still have Azealia Banks tho

Damn... too bad she’s black tho

you must be new here
feel free to look up black crime statistics

*black arrest statistics

God bless AmeriKKKa

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>i-if they get arrested more it means that at some point they will start killing less, r-right guys?
>gets shot

this whites are so privileged it's unbelievable

not posting about based captain megan, the alpha black woman in the music industry

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Not an argument, racist.


Facts don't care about your feelings, Ben

More based than the fucking periodic table.



Black neighborhoods are more heavily policed because there's a lot more crime there, so of course there'd be more misdemeanor arrests as a result. It's not that cops choose not to arrest white people for weed, it's that they don't even see it in the first place because there's no reason for them to be in the area.

>be white
>smoke weed at a dinner party with friends once a week
>not arrested
>be black
>smoke weed in public while robbing a liquor store
>arrested and weed charge added to your offenses
>blame racism
black people are so embarrassing

>there's a lot more crime there,

No, street crime is just prosecuted at a much higher rate than white collar crime. FACTS

>It's not that cops choose not to arrest white people for weed

yes they do

Anecdotes aren't facts. Try again, Ben


Holy fuck leftists are inhumanely stupid

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Well yeah because there's gunfire ringing out in the neighborhood you idiot. That's a pretty open and shut case. White collar crime is very hard to prove because it's done by people with high IQs with lawyers who know how to hide it.

>be white
>shoot up heroin and od the middle the street of prescription pills
>not arrested
>be black
>smoke weed outside
>arrested with a felony
>not blaming racism
white "people" are so embarrassing

>be white
>shoot up heroin and od the middle the street of prescription pills
please find three sources of seperate incidents of that happening.
In the meantime I'll compile about 500 links of blacks robbing liquor stores.

Therefore racial crime "statistics" are bogus. /pol/ btfo yet again.

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If we just stamped out the kikes like you racism would be dead for good across the board. It creates profits

Yeah, exactly.

Where is the street of prescription pills? Asking for a friend.

NEXT! :)

No because the crime statistics specifically refer to 'violent crime', such as murder and rape. It's disingenuous to lump all crime together. Also the term 'white collar crime' has the word white in it, which causes the association that it's white people crime, when the majority of them are Jewish, but not being limited to any one race, whereas black men have the lion's share of violent crime while only being like 6% of the US population.

imagine bieng only a small portion of the US population but being so stupid and violent. when will negroes learn, but they probably are to braindead to

>No because the crime statistics specifically refer to 'violent crime

No they don't. They refer to crime statistics, which are all crimes.

>It's disingenuous to lump all crime together

I don't make the rules, I just follow FACTS.

Pic related is another FACT. White collar crime costs the average citizen more than street crime does. The /pol/-btfo parade continues.

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probably due to the fact that whites on weed aren't all that violent while blacks on weed continue to remain incredibly violent

That's not a fact tho, it's an anecdote.

why is it, then, that black violent crime almost invariably coincides with possession?

I'm not seeing any facts here, user. You do have facts, right?

feel free to look through all of the violent crime arrest records, a lot of cities and states make these public. you will find that a vast majority of them include possession charges.

I don't think anyone supports white collar crime, but I'd counter that people who get raped and murdered pay a much higher cost than anyone affected by white collar crime.

I might be paying a few extra cents in taxes due to white collar crime, but losing a few cents is a much better outcome than having friends raped or murdered by blacks

You could've posted them, but you chose not to. Hmmmm....

Nope. White collar crime costs society far more than rape and murder do. The latter just seem like a bigger deal due to the shock value and how easy they are to fearmonger about on news channels.

>a few extra cents in taxes

Maybe if your salary is under $5000/year.

>but losing a few cents is a much better outcome than having friends raped or murdered by blacks

You'd need to have friends in the first place tho.

retarded liberals and their ape pals

I'm saying on an individual basis, violent crime is the most severe form of crime by far. You're trying to move the goalposts, what about this crime? What about the macrocosm? Again nobody supports white collar crime but you're being dismissive of the impact violent crime has on the individual and society as a whole. Are you suggesting we should forget about all the people who are brutally raped, robbed and murdered, and ignore the facts on who the vast majority of people who are committing these acts are, and just focus on ponzi schemes instead?

>reddit spacing
>mentally ill neoliberal sympathizing tourist
everything checks out

>White collar crime costs society far more than rape and murder do
Classical utilitarianism is retarded because it violates human intuition, which is the ultimate source of ethics. Negative utilitarianism gives the correct result here (murdering one person is worse than stealing one cent from everybody).

Relevant short story: "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas" by Ursula Le Guin.

I wonder what the people behind this festival even consider white.

>be dumb nig
>lack any form of subtlety
>get arrested for smoking weed in front of the grocery store

Ari we get it, you're trying to link white people and white collar crime

>violent crime is the most severe form of crime by far

It really isn't. It's the most easily fearmongered about type of crime. And that fearmongering too is very selective. You don't see the people posting "violent crime statistics" ever bring up that 50% of law enforcement personnel have a history of domestic violence.

>Are you suggesting we should forget about all the people who are brutally raped, robbed and murdered

I'm suggesting that easily sensationalized crimes are used as a smokescreen to keep the masses in fear around poor people while the white collar fatcats that steal from EVERYONE are ignored. Y'all wanna complain about welfare leeches, yet give a free pass to white collar criminals? Fuck that.

Eat lead

I'm not gonna apologize for btfo-ing y'all with FACTS

Anecdotes aren't FACTS. Try again, babe.

it's the same poster trying to defend niggers and liberal policies in multiple threads recently. you can tell it's them when they end with 'FACT' or 'FACTS'. retard actually thinks he's clever and not an obvious newfag.

Why does a simple word trigger /pol/tards so easily? It's not even a slur.

That feel when you got /pol/tards on the run and all they can do is whine because they realized the FACTS aren't on their side.

statistically niggers have an average IQ of 80 so they obviously have dumb nigger tendencies very frequently. are you actually black? is that why you're retarded?

call me when that happens

>Negative utilitarianism gives the correct result here (murdering one person is worse than stealing one cent from everybody).

Great, so when are we abolishing the murderous ICE?

are whites the enemy of humanity? yes!

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You didn't even greentext my whole post. You're being dishonest when everyone here can see what I actually said. I said on an individual basis, violent crime is the most severe crime by far. If you ask someone if they'd rather be a victim of white collar crime, or shot in the head in a carjacking, what do you think they'd pick? Violent crime is the worst crime to be inflicted on a citizen. You either disregard human rights, or you're just pretending to in order to move the goalposts.

And again, no one is giving a free pass to white collar criminals. No one's making excuses for them. But you're trying to give a pass to violent criminals by shifting the topic to a completely different discussion altogether.

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you're probably thinking of jews

IQ isn't mum tho. It's a subjective measure.

Person A is better at solving puzzle 1, while person B is better at solving puzzle 2. Then person C comes along and declares puzzle 1 to be the definitive (tho actually subjective) measurement of "intelligence".

Keep em coming, /pol/.

jews are not white



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whites are literally the reason for all modern day suffering by the way jews are white next!

i'm bored so here's another (You) on the house

in this case the problem that niggers can't solve is how not to be rapists, murderers, or all around functionally retard

>If you ask someone if they'd rather be a victim of white collar crime, or shot in the head in a carjacking, what do you think they'd pick?

Carjacking or murder are extremely rare, whereas white collar crime affects EVERYONE. It's easier to fearmonger about streetcrime than white collar crime.

>You either disregard human rights

White collar crime violates the human rights of EVERYONE in the country.

>But you're trying to give a pass to violent criminals by shifting the topic to a completely different discussion altogether.

Bruh, if anything y'all are giving white collar crime a pass.

intelligence is not the ability to solve puzzle 1 vs puzzle 2, intelligence is the ability to learn the skills needed to solve both puzzles. the issue with blacks (and most minorities aside from ashkenazi jews and asians) is that they lack the ability to learn critical thinking. it is not something they are inherently capable of.

>jews are white
so you were trolling this whole time, later nigger

How do you know they're not just being arrested
at a disproportionately higher rate like in.

THIS JUST IN: People don't usually care about racism unless it harms their race or let's them virtue signal.

>Carjacking or murder are extremely rare
oh so you live in a rich part of the country? fuck off bougie faggot, you're incapable of understanding the bullshit the middle and lower class deals with on a daily basis. perhaps if you spent some time outside your sheltered white community, you'd learn real fucking quick how much of a problem blacks are.

are whites the enemy of humanity? yes! also, jews are white

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because there have been victimization studies where victims are interviewed, rather than simply arrests being recorded. and the rates are pretty much the same.

>try to defend blacks
>accidentally reinforce racial IQ bias theory
shiggy diggy

lol shill harder faggot

how do you know they weren't being arrested at a higher rate in your example because they are dumb niggers that smoked in plain sight?

>is that they lack the ability to learn critical thinking

Not true btw. Or do you actually believe our last POTUS lacked "the ability to learn critical thinking"?

>Carjacking or murder are extremely rare
First of all, that doesn't matter. America still has the highest violent crime rates in the first world, and it's a very small demographic that's responsible for the majority of it. Every single day people are robbed, raped and murdered, tell them it barely happens. And the FACTS are, the closer you get towards black neighborhoods or congregations of young black males, the less safe you become.

And I'm sure most people on /pol/ would vote to string white collar criminals up by their necks. You're completely wrong if you think anyone is giving them a pass, but you're trying to change the subject from apples to oranges because you're trying to give violent criminals a pass.

You'd have to provide a study that shows that rather than anecdotes that "blacks smoke openly while whites don't"

There's no mention on IQ in that post, tho. I hope you see the irony here.

Possibly. Have you ever seen him when the teleprompter stops working? Conversely, have you ever seen Trump even use a teleprompter?

>one guy versus niggers in general
thought you hated anecdotes, huh. guess I must just be a dumb nigger

>America still has the highest violent crime rates in the first world,

Irrelevant. You're trying to take the fearmongering/sensationalizing route.

>and it's a very small demographic that's responsible for the majority of it.

Again, not proven. Blacks are arrested as disproportionately higher amounts as seen in >Every single day people are robbed, raped and murdered, tell them it barely happens

Ah, here's the fearmongering. In a country of half a billion people how many are murdered per day? Now compare that to the hundreds of millions of people that are directly impacted by white collar crime.

>And I'm sure most people on /pol/ would vote to string white collar criminals up by their necks

If they did, they wouldn't be so supportive of the status quo.

>You're completely wrong if you think anyone is giving them a pass

Then why aren't they posting white collar statistics with the frequency with which they post street crime statistics?

his mother was an intelligent white woman and his father was an outlier on the bell curve. he's, at most, half black.

>Blacks are arrested as disproportionately higher amounts
yeah no fucking shit. why do you think that is sherlock?

That's wasn't me, bb. There's more than one leftist on 4channel.

Police quotas, systematic racism, the fact that a higher percentage of blacks live in poverty ridden areas, whereas non-street crime like white collar crime are rarely prosecuted. Have you even read the thread? lol

This thread is cancer. We need bugposter.

So you think it's white people killing hundreds of Chicago and Detroit residents every year?

But Black people in America are the wealthiest Blacks on the planet. Not excusing white behavior entirely but your statement is cringe and delusional.

are whites the enemy of humanity? yes! also, jews are white

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later fag

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Not in the manner that you're thinking of. But lack of infrastructure, underfunding schools and hospitals does lead to deaths.

>whereas non-street crime like white collar crime are rarely prosecuted
Because it's much more difficult to do so. Most cops patrol the streets, they come across street level crime, they arrest the person, they charge them, that's what they do. They can't walk around Wall Street and see someone on the street corner running a securities fraud. The first and foremost responsibility of the police is to provide safety and civil order, so street crime is naturally gonna account for the vast majority of arrests and prosecutions, and it just so happens the majority of them are black.

If you think nonblacks are out there committing violent crimes like assault and murder, and the judge just decides not to prosecute them, I don't really know what to tell you.

its more important for liberals to find excuses for black people committing crimes than it is to get them to actually stop committing crimes

Sadly this

Compelling argument, champ.

>Because it's much more difficult to do so. Most cops patrol the streets, they come across street level crime, they arrest the person, they charge them, that's what they do. They can't walk around Wall Street and see someone on the street corner running a securities fraud. The first and foremost responsibility of the police is to provide safety and civil order, so street crime is naturally gonna account for the vast majority of arrests and prosecutions, and it just so happens the majority of them are black.

Cops have arrest quotas, so at times they're forced to plant drugs on innocent people. There's plenty of evidence of stuff like this occurring. How does planting coke on a dude minding his own business count as "providing safety and civil order"?

>If you think nonblacks are out there committing violent crimes like assault and murder, and the judge just decides not to prosecute them, I don't really know what to tell you.

Making it to a judge assumes they've even been arrested in the first place (which they rarely are).

see this

Complex problems often involve complex explanations. I thought the side that believes there's an international j00-ish conspiracy to eliminate da wh*te man would understand that.

>Making it to a judge assumes they've even been arrested in the first place (which they rarely are).
So you actually believe that police get a call that an assault and battery has taken place, arrive on the scene and decide not to arrest the person because he's white? These same police that have arrest quotas they need to meet?

He could've posted some studies, but he didn't. I wonder why....

to be frank, as long as niggers are taken off the streets, the police did their job to make the community safer statistically speaking

There are no such thing as arrest quotes you idiot.

Crazy cognitive dissonance when people can’t admit at least some aspects of black culture cause more criminality

keep treating niggers as pets and don't surprised when they eat you alive when they take the power you handed them

>So you actually believe that police get a call that an assault and battery has taken place, arrive on the scene and decide not to arrest the person because he's white?

I believe the police go looking for a certain kind of suspect and ignore the ones/are more lenient towards those that look like "one of the boys". A disproportionately large number of white supremacists/nationalists have ties to police forces.

I mean, a black dude was president for 8 years and the economy and employment rates today are doing pretty well as a result of his policies.

it's called white savior syndrome

he's not that invested into proving you wrong, knowing you are is enough for him. you can look them up if you want, but your of the kind that would just write it off as wrong so you can continue on in your deluded world view.

a handful of crazy white people do not excuse the literal thousands and thousands of instances of violent crime that occur on a daily basis from blacks

Also incorrect. Incarceration makes it more likely for a one-time crime committer to seek out a life of crime after being released.

Trump's policies*

not a chance, like half of morrissey's fans are hispanic

that's why you keep them in jail, or better yet, send them back to fucking africa where they can rape, murder and steal to their hearts' content in that mad max shithole

I'm asian, actually.

I still don't see any studies, my dude.

So white people committing a crime are a "crazy" exception, but black people committing crimes are the norm? Hmmmm, I think you might be a teeny bit biased.

why do liberals hate morrissey so much? it's like their boogie man

So you're not actually concerned with reducing crime and making the lives of all people better. Just carrying out your perverted vision of "justice". Got it.

Golfing on the tax-payers dime has no bearing on the employment rate.

post your hand to prove your asianhood

>thinking niggers can function in any nonnigger civilization
top kek mate. at least I know that the asian IQ statistics were in fact inflated


Damn Daniel, back at it again with the racial biases unsupported by FACTS

No but that person was trying to establish a pattern by taking individual articles instead of statistics, when statistics show that blacks commit violent crime at an astronomically higher rate than anyone else. If we're just handpicking articles, I mean they'd lose that game too obviously but why not just stick to the actual data?

>when statistics show that blacks commit violent crime at an astronomically higher rate than anyone else

But they don't. They show blacks being ARRESTED at astronomically higher rates. Which as seen in tells us that arrest rates are full of shit.

Everyone hates Morrissey you fool

not latinos you racist scum

They're arrested at higher rates because they commit crimes at a higher rate. You're little infograph has been explained to you several times. They get caught smoking weed more because they live in more heavily policed areas because of the inherent violent crime within their neighborhoods, and the possession charges are also often added on to other more serious charges.

That is true, but the big problem is that those statistics are easily taken advantage of by racists who use them to justify their prejudice. If people want things to improve, everyone should join together, acknowledge that problem, have compassion, and search for a solution. But that is a difficult task due to the state of race relations in America. We're in quite a pickle here.

that's not what the FACTS say ching chong

This is completely true. It is unfortunate, but not at all a result of racism.

>Using the damn daniel meme in 2019



Why do /pol/tards get triggered so easily? They're just words lmao.

I'm not triggered I'm just shocked at how many of you naive people exist. If you think law enforcement is an inherently racist institution, you've got the mind of a child. That's truly a dumb belief.

Attempting to use a meme as a response to a counterargument doesn't make you look very good.

the ticket seller would have to do percentege math to determine a biracial person's fee then?

How many of those are white hispanics though?

Wow what an Uncle Tom. How dare she rebel against Black Twitter.

>If you think law enforcement isn't an inherently racist institution, you've got the mind of a child.


Counterargument to what? It's schizophrenic gibberish.

So, you chugging onions or malt liquor right now? I'm sure it's one or the other.

that's very thoughtful

/pol/tard tears

Has anyone here actually read into all the high profile police brutality cases that took place over the past couple years? Nearly every single killing was completely justified (harsh truth, sorry). It wasn't because they were black, it's because they were literally in the middle of committing crimes. You people are unbelievable. You read headlines and believe them without question. I guess you just can't fix stupid.

according to my calculations, approximately 1/3

Explain how law enforcement is a racist institution.



I said NEARLY all. I completely agree that there are evil people in law enforcement. I think George Zimmerman was guilty as sin. I'm simply stating that a vast majority of the high profile cases were complete bullshit.


Correction to my last post: I know George Zimmerman was a different case to the one you linked. I agree with you on that one though.


lmao got em, you would know how easy it would be to find examples if you went outside more often

They are caught and arrested for possession more frequently because they live in areas with higher crime rates. Higher crime rates=increased police presence. It is not racism.

Eric Garner was a man with pre-existing medical conditions including severe asthma, heart disease and obesity. He was in the middle of committing a crime, and resisted arrest. He put himself at risk, and died as a result. Oh, and not to mention the fact that he had an extensive criminal record with charges such as as assault, resisting arrest, and grand larceny. But sure, he was an innocent man who was murdered for his skin color.

>They are caught and arrested for possession more frequently because they live in areas with higher crime rates.

How do you know they're higher crime rate areas, tho? It could have a crime rate lower than wall street, but white collar crime is rarely prosecuted

no they don't

this guy was 400 pounds and had diabetus and asthma
officer that shot this guy was latino and was fired

nice three examples you have there though

the cop used an illegal chokehold, no? even if his death was not related to his race, it certainly seemed unnecessary.

He was an innocent man murdered for his skin color. You don't strangle a dude to death for selling loose cigarettes, unless you're living in some shithole country.

The office being latino is irrelevant to whether or not law enforcement are inherently racist.

For fucks sake, PHILANDO CASTILE REACHED FOR HIS GUN. Reading a wikipedia page is not sufficient dude. Read from other sources and read the legal docs.

I hate woke twitter and hysterical collegefags as much as anyone else, but are you serious?
Are you really just LARPing as Judge Dredd or some anime authoritarian?

Are police supposed to patrol wall street? Looking for what exactly? I'm not even American but I'm pretty sure it's special FBI task forces that handle stuff like that. Street cops patrol the streets, especially in areas with larger amounts of street crime.

Someone who committed assault is an innocent person? Ok.

The FBI should pick up the pace then. It's disingenuous to prosecute street crime, but not white collar crime. There are so many people out there who are criminals that receive a pass because they're not poor black people whose faces can be plastered all over the evening news.

justify these 2 videos right now cracker

He wasn't strangled for assault tho. He was strangled for selling loose cigarettes.

agree entirely. but surely violent street crimes should be prosecuted vigilantly as well?

I'm just stating the truth. I don't like it. I don't like anybody dying. But that is unfortunately the reality of the situation. What is your view, then? Tell me what you believe.

Actually it's because they have Ivy League educations and a dozen lawyers. It's just much harder to catch and prosecute a master criminal than someone who shoots up a liquor store and flees in a stolen car. It's not because of racism, it's because petty crime is far more frequent and far easier to catch and prove.

I know that. Sorry, I should have been more clear. I meant he had committed assault prior to the event that led to his death.

>but surely violent street crimes should be prosecuted vigilantly as well?

they already are. If anything the demand for violent crime exceeds the supply, so much so that officers have to frame/plant crimes on innocent people.

>they already are.
as they should be, right?
>so much so that officers have to frame/plant crimes on innocent people.
source on this being widespread?

Why isn't this making evening news every night instead of street crimes, then?

>source on this being widespread?

It's hard to find stats on this because it only became recently known due to dash/body cams being implemented. Plenty of videotaped incidents of it occurring.

Because "It's just much harder to catch and prosecute a master criminal"
yeah ???

meant for

Yep, systematic discrimination is real.

Because it's less frequent, it's harder to find and prove, and because violent crime is fundamentally abhorrent.

Okay, ignoring the racebaiting discussion, she's kinda hot (even if nobody heard of her before now). Is her music any good?

you can't seem to read words can you ? harder to catch criminals are harder to catch.
In my country, when a big politician falls for corruption, money laundering or whatever the slimy fuck did, and is prosecuted, it gets on tv for days. When some rando gets stabbed, it stays in the local papers/only the internet editions of the national medias

>Okay, ignoring the racebaiting discussion, she's kinda hot
based BLEACHED user