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Based and bitch-got-a-penis-pilled

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I'm a baby killa
Baby killin' makes me horny

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Get some new material, retard. these posts got boring a month ago

What does this thread have to do with music? Read the rules if you're new to the site.



Why does RYM hate him so much bros?

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well, it is a song

Rather this than another wojak or frog

its just as fucking bad

Your titty skittles have made you awfully moody today little mister.

haha epicly owned xD
all TRANNIES need to DILATE amirite boys?



*sexually assaults cis woman*
psh... nothing personnel kid

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When are you guys going to realize that the song is making fun of transphobic people?

the reason that 60 per cent or whatever of trans people kill themselves is because of the people in threads like these



>implying the Yea Forums Lite subreddits probably aren't exactly like this

maybe they should have actually looked into solving their mental problems instead of putting on a skirt/dress and pretending to be a different gender

Then why does it make trannies seethe so hard that they downvoted it to a 0.92 rating on RYM?

What if the mentally ill ones are the /pol/tards with trans people living in their heads rent-free?

is that really true when the trannies still get offended by it either way

maybe because rym users are stupid, regardless of their genre

>i care about how other men I have never met dress
get a job

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RYM is a very respectable community.
[spoiler]Except for the retarded tranny mob.[/spoiler]

>enabling mental illness

no better than belittling and dehumanizing the mentally ill

seek therapy

>posting wojaks
Seek therapy.

a sick mind is inferior to a healthy mind


great song

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>Is roided up legally
>Steamrolls women in every kind of physical competition with no backlash


Studies show that transitioning is the best way to lower their kys-rate, though it's still way above norm after.

>it's still way above norm after.
Hmmm, I wonder why that could be...
>More than four in five (83 per cent) trans young people have experienced name-calling or verbal abuse; three in five(60 per cent) have experienced threats and intimidation; and more than a third (35 per cent) of trans young people have experienced physical assault
>Two in five (41 per cent) trans people have been attacked or threatened with violence in the last 5 years.
>In the last year alone, two thirds (65 per cent) of trans people have been discriminated against or harassed because of being perceived as trans. Over a third (35 per cent) avoid expressing their gender through physical appearance for fear of being assaulted, threatened or harassed.
>Almost three in four (70 per cent) transpeople avoid certain places and situations for fear of being assaulted, threatened or harassed.
>More than half (55 percent) of trans people have experienced negative comments or behaviour at work because of being trans.
>One in four trans peoplereport having been discriminated against at work.
>More than half (54 per cent) of trans people reported that they have been told by their GP that they don’t know enough about trans-related care to provide it.
>almost all transgender students have been verbally harassed (e.g., called names or threatened in the past year at school because of their sexual orientation (89%) and gender expression (89%)
nope, absolutely no idea.