wtf is this haircut?
Wtf is this haircut?
also am i the only one who fucking hates bob dylan?
jesus the "poetry" is so run-of-the-mill and the MUSIC is literally one simple guitar melody on a 5 minute loop
kill this fag
I’m pretty sure he says in Chronicles he was trying to grow his hair like Little Richard.
Then Jimi Hendrix grew his hair like Dylan.
its called the "stayin up for days in the chelsea hotel writing 'sad-eyed lady of the lowlands' for you"
yeah so run of the mill that the term dylan-esque was coined to describe all the other artists aping his style
I agree, user; he's kind of a hack.
>implying his poetry is "good"
One of his most famous "masterpieces" LMAO:
Hey! Mr. Tambourine man, play a song for me
I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to
Hey! Mr. Tambourine man, play a song for me
In the jingle jangle morning I'll come following you
Though I know that evening's empire has returned into sand
Vanished from my hand
Left me blindly here to stand but still not sleeping
My weariness amazes me, I'm branded on my feet
I have no one to meet
And the ancient empty street's too dead for dreaming
why would you pick a song that is universally understood by everyone to have great lyrics are you trying to get people to disagree with you
what is it about? its about nothing at all
came here to post this. based, redpilled. /thread, i am a big guy for you
You have no imagination.
it's called "I do whatever the fuck I want cos I'm awesome and don't give a shit what brainlets think of my hair."
get a life OP and kill that insecurity of yours.
>people copied him, therefore he is good
literal retard.oh and here's your ever heard desolation row? Isis? hurricane? no? brainlet.
yeah it's called influence..............................................................
The classic jewfro
>it influences people, therefore it is good
No matter how you dissect Bob Dylan, in the end like all the best music you have to feel it. If you don't, no problem... you;re just in the minority.
It's just really hard to explain the appeal of his music on a technical level.
He wasn’t saying he was good in his statement, he was saying that he wasn’t “run of the mill”, people knew his style was unique you baiting dunce.
>it is unique, therefore it is good
really resonance with other people is a pretty good measurement of music's quality. Especially the quality of the resonance. If an artist has changed several peoples lives by their music, you could say there's definitely something there.
Otherwise, user, what's the best measurement according to you? Amount of chords? Technical prowess?
Who are you quoting? It is unique, therefore it is not “run of the mill,” faggot. Though yes, it is very good