Albums where the last track is the best song on the album

Albums where the last track is the best song on the album

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Slint- Spiderland

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marquee moon

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literally never happened

sgt pepper

holy piss
i only just now realized it’s an ear turned sideways

Love when artists do that, it shows restraint and ends up making the album really more memorable


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muh fake plastic trees

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Wtf I’ve never seen this

op said last not first

I Talk to the Wind isn't the last track tho

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I always thought it was someone's nose

Absolute example

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glad im not the only fucking one


Foxtrot by Genesis

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Neither is Epitaph

Well now you have

battle of evermore is the best

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what have you done to me
all my life i thought it was a camel fetus

Also Trespass and Nursery Cryme.

The Money Store. Hacker's an absolute banger, fucking change my mind.

This isn't present tense or daydreaming

Nor is it Decks Dark.

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most, if not all, nigger "music" albums are only good when the last track ends because it means the "music" is over

100% based.

pure autism

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Based but You and Whose Army is the real shit

Did you listen to the album in reverse order?

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>not lovely rita
>not within you without you

kill yourself my man

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Have you ever asked your chick for other chickens?

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The Doors

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Yeah but which album?

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thats not rain when i die or junkhead

i swear. junkhead is such a classic. Hell, down in a hole even?

It's all nice on ice alright
And it's not day
And it's not night

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This is undisputable

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what the fuck I thought I was the only one who knew of her

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Down in a hole is close second to me

The Doors

Fuck I thought the art was a girl diving in a pool.

Gloryhammer / Legends From Beyond The Galactic Terrorvortex - The Fires of Ancient Cosmic Destiny makes me wet

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i lol'd

The Money Store

Epitaph is slightly better
OP said best not worst
Correct and Outsidepilled.
Pyramid Song is better but it's definitely my favorite Radiohead closer.
Daydreaming and Present Tense are the best tracks, but TLW is a classic.
Black Skinhead is better.
Communication Breakdown is better.
Last Call is great but I like the more concise stuff like Slow Jamz, We Don't Care, and Jesus Walks.
Correct on both counts.
Communist Daughter is the best track.
Ripe is good but there's so much more memorable stuff on The Fragile.
Correct, though The Fever comes close.

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wolf by tyler

If you don't count the remix at the end

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Mfw I nut


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Based The Dreaming poster

Black people basically invented modern music retard

Starless is the best song ever made

how the hell did you see that?

I actually enjoyed this lol

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Literally the worst song

imagine thinking bound 2 or black skinhead are the best songs on yeezus
That's the most pleb thing I've ever heard desu

Every album ending song is the best when it comes to Gloryhammer


Big fact. Only time I've liked somebody sampling DG

disagree but I love this band so much that I'm giving you a (You)

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Steve Hillage - Fish Rising

It's a close lead over Pressure

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I mean Hold Tight London is pretty great, but the aerobic crescendo of the ending track is just fucking invigorating

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yup, the sample song is wonderful, even better really. listen to it all the time

this is a baby boomers take

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>best track
>not Houdini

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can-utility is the best song on the album

in fact, this is not true for any genesis album

>can-utility is the best song on the album

It's not even the best song of the album

possibly the most obvious one

also arguably the best song in their discography

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The whole album is perfect, but the last track on this is the greatest of any last track ever. Can only be rivaled but never topped

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My fucking niggas

The closer on This Is Happening is their best song


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Funny you mention that. The keyboardist of Pink Floyd, Rick Wright, released a solo album with just that image.

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Gotta agree with this one

Rush - Hemispheres

21st century schizoid man is better
Not even the fifth best
Equally trite
Bloodhail isn’t last tho
Almost but say it ain’t so is better
Respectable opinion
Can’t agree solely because every track is equally great
Time to get away is actually the best here

Forgot album

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Agreed on schizoid man

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are you guys seriously going to overlook Frances the Mute

First guy you replied to
I don’t care much for Mars Volta & opted to ignore rather then shittalk.

Just not my thing man.

Title track is the best track tho

thats cool and all but what specifically dont you like about Cassandra Gemini? Other than the last 15 minutes being bullshit
the first half makes up for it

As with much of their music, it just sounds too sporadic and incohesive for my tastes. If I’m listening for those traits I prefer a bit of humor mixed in, ala captain beefheart.
The middle section is probably one of their best musical sequences though, wish they used a similar style on the majority of their music.
But it’s bookended with more of the aforementioned musical mosh pit.


Schizoid man is better

New Slaves is better

Jesus Walks is better

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Would? is great but it ain't Dirt

Every doors album and every bad album


Wrong. Cassandra Gemini is a fucking mess.

Fame's great, but for me it would have to be Win. Really enjoyable album overall.

These are the only correct answers in this thread (except maybe the couple of albums I've not heard).

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Cassandra gemini sucks. Cygnus is the best

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debatable, we dont care better for me though
21st schizoid man better

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absolutely mega based.

fight me

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He thinks bloodhail is the best song

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These might be the worst opinions I've read on this board all year, by God.

Nice damage control faggot, keep listening to that shitty wankery for another 32 minutes

absolute pleb. stick with 3 minute ditties ya fuckin child

I'm sure you listen to 5-hour albums of MUSIQUE CONCRETE and you pretend to enjoy it

>if it's short it's bad
You know Cassandra Gemini is not a 32 minute song, but a group several songs joined together under the title of Cassandra Gemini, don't you?
You are the one who listens to short songs, pretending that they have some artistic cohesion between them.
Lenght doesn't make anything inherently bad or good you absolute retard

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I think I prefer Epitaph.
100% correct, Starless is one of my faves of all time.
I prefer Stairway to Heaven

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Forgot my album choice.

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Disagree, but funny and sometimes true.

>group of several songs
Only for the CD, dipshit.
The song is structured in 5 movements which have nothing to do with the 8 segments created for the CD release. It's a 32 minute song that got butchered for that sweet LP money.
btw Piscacis and Con Safo aren't even on Gemini. They're tracks on Miranda and Cygnus.
>Lenght doesn't make anything inherently bad or good you absolute retard
I never said that. you're the one moping about listening to "wankery" for 32 minutes and I called out your tiny attention span for it.
>You are the one who listens to short songs, pretending that they have some artistic cohesion between them.
imagine being this fucking stupid

enough of this autism, the point is that you are a massive pleb and deserve no further (You)s

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>Only for the CD, dipshit.
Imagine being so tremendously autistic that you worry about how the songs are structured depending on what format they are released

>You're the one moping about listening to "wankery" for 32 minutes and I called out your tiny attention span for it.
your reading comprehension is so incredibly poor. I never said that CG is shit for being 32 minutes long. What I wanted to say is that CG is "wankery" which, unfortunately, is PROLONGED for 32 minutes. Not that it's crap because it lasts 32 minutes, retard. You are the one who has mentioned and related the duration of a song as something bad, mentioning attention span as something aggravating.

>imagine being this fucking stupid
nice argument there kid, relax and take your pills


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April and The Phantom isn't the last track tho

Dubs confirms this. Starless is the best piece of music ever composed in human history.

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2000% yes

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