If we could ban talk about one musician in this forum who should it be?
If we could ban talk about one musician in this forum who should it be?
I'd say Billie Eilish but she isn't a musician
The black ones
What is it about Moz that riles up weak men so much?
Any female/trans/gay/mentally ill/attention whore “artist”
This, but also Clairo
Basically, I wish the industry shills would leave and this place became it's old autistic self again
I'd like to nominate the entire genre of kpop for eligibility as one musician.
seriously why don’t they use /int/? what’s the point of having 2 generals?
definitely not him. I'd say sophie but the shitposting has died down lately.
i would say billie eilish but everyone’s gonna stop talking about her in a few months anyway so i choose any and all kpop
I would say Grimes, but no one cares about her anymore.
these desu
MC Ride
John Lennon. He's been lied about since I came here.
The white ones
tyler the creator
>music board
>banning the greatest songwriter of the 20th century
>not banning a wife beater
Your favorite artist/band for starters.
Yeah, but if these ignorant zoomers are going to constantly talk shit about the man, I'd rather he not be brought up at all.
Lennon wrote the lamest Beatles songs
I haven't seen anything about Death Grips in a while
Have to say this or XXXtinct the clout martyr.
Roger Waters
His face sickens me and I dislike him as a person and musician
none because censorship is for trannies
All good options. Kpop is a little annoying but they stick to their containment threads for the most part, however many there may be across several boards.
Granted, because they can't be told apart anyway by sound or appearance.
>Yea Forums - Music
>Discuss music, artists, and instruments here. All images should relate to the topic at hand.
>banning artist discussion
>on Yea Forums
quite literally fuck off back to reddít, you spineless turds
we should ban people for NOT discussing mike love
Morrissey, of course. How could you hate this charming man?
I'd say her name but nobody talks about her anymore and I don't want to spark synapses in people's chimp brains
Unironically The Beatles.
Sweet Trip
I want to enjoy them without feeling like I'm listening to Yea Forumscore
Fuck that, OP. We need to ban entire genres, foremost but not limited to:
Nigger shit
Metal shit
Jazz shit
Kpop and other chinky shit
Industry plant pop music and all of its subsections, Taylor Swift, synthpop, 80s pop especially, and the contrived fucking shit 80s revivalist current era shit
90% of rap music
Blur and suede (faggots)
All prog and symfo (go to mlp board or something you fucking cringy edgelord autist)
Loads more but I cannot be arsed now cos im gonna watch 90 day fiance
Awful post kys
that's all of it
what even would Yea Forums be without all of that
t. Khv indie weasel
Based post
Billie rupiah
He probably things anything he hasn't listened to in depth is all trash and isn't worth discussing, a really sad mindset shared by many users of the board
This is just wrong
Having a little bit of everything is what makes Yea Forums what it is, if it wasn't for all the different opinions and artists it'd be boring as fuck
*the black keys
>90 day fiance
Just finished 90 day fiance. Will now go make sex with my gf (who is a girl). See you later losers