Is she trap/SoundCloud rap’s “Yoko”?
Is she trap/SoundCloud rap’s “Yoko”?
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p much
Suckable breasts.
Yes, and Curry’s career has already taken shade for being affiliated with a teenage plant whose gentrified trap music is made for 14-year old girls.
more like Cortney Love
Clout Courtney Love.
That’s what the plant shall be referred to from now on, along with Shillie and Ms Eyelash.
I'm starting to buy into this "Irish people aren't white" theory more and more
What the flying fuck does he see in this clout chasing thot?
Iowa by Slipknot
DESU I don’t think she’s really into Denzel. Rather, I get the impression she’s still “in love” with X. It’s obvious she mistook his lovebombing (a very common tactic narcissists use to lure in new victims) as some kind of deep affection. Given that Clout Courtney Love clearly has aspergers, I bet she goes into fantasies where she imagines herself as Jah’s lover or partner. She clings to Denzel only because he and X were super-close and being with him feels like she’s with a part of X.
i mean this subhuman thot got with X despite knowing he was a sociopath who literally beat his pregnant gf black and blue and used to go around bullying other guys. she was never very smart to begin with. but then again that's most women.
It’s an open secret she wrote this song about him:
To clarify about what I meant about the aspergers thing: it’s very common for straight/bi females on the spectrum (I’m one too BTW) to go after men based on what they represent to us, rather than on attractiveness or how charming they are. It’s also not unusual for female aspies to imagine themselves as wives or girlfriends of fictional characters. In Clout Courtney’s case, she probably still sees herself as being with X, maybe even going so far as to see herself as his wife and baby mama.
It’s not so much she’s stupid per se, but more that her fantasies override common sense. We aspies tend to be utopia a, which can be a very good thing but not without serious problems.
Only good post in this thread
Shut the fuck up montie
Blow my dick you fucking faggot
i see
>”she’s ruining Denzel’s artistry guize”
Okay, aside from how there’s no evidence their friendship is anything more than a friendship, there’s also no evidence she’s bringing him down as an artist. Curry has been in the rap game for almost 10 years and has a pretty strong commitment to making music that’s good. He could have sold out several times yet chose not to. And judging from his latest album you know he isn’t making shit to appeal to mindless 16-year olds; even his banger tracks are very solid in terms of lyrics.
her tits
fat tits
>denzel's artistry
reminder that niggers are incapable of high art, their "music" is all orchestrated by the jews. whenever you see a white artist with a black "artist," you absolutely need to remember that this is a tactic used by jews to further undermine western civilization.
Shut up faggot
how can someone be so incredibly based? holy shit
Who cares?
your mom should have performed high art by aborting you
If youre complete dickhead
I want to drown in her milkies
abortion is another jew tactic
sup rabbi
Keep this garbage in /pol/.
>hurr durf oh god someone's dropping truth
>uhhhuhgghh go back to /pol/!
>haha gottem!
fuck off, kike
Mindless drone faggot.
Sad crying emoji
"Everything i dont like is /pol/"
Very fucking sad nigger
Based and nigger pilled.
>"it's not /pol/ just because you dont like it, you dumb NIGGER KIKE!!"
>dropping truth
>tfw gf is mildly autistic
Interesting hypothesis. Might save this for later.
Yoko makes better music than Shillie.
ZUU was literally a half step away from being a mindless pop album. Of course he’s watering down his sound so he can appeal to her crowd.
Are we listening to the same album?
IG: thebilliesource has some cute pics of her face.
This song is so boring how did it get all the Leonard Cohen comparisons?
Doe she have fetal alcohol syndrome or is she just high all of the time?
Her mother was 40 when she had her. That’s why.
this, holy shit. I was reading this thread and I couldn't believe people on here actually listen to denzel curry. How low has this board fallen.
He’s a much better rapper than most of his contemporaries though.
Based iowaposter
He’s fucking her.
Look at OP’s pic and tell me he’s not thinking about groping those bazongas.
doesn't matter. rap is all mediocre. a single note of schumann's Op. 72 is worth more artistically than every single rap album ever made, and ever will be made.
>being this much of a boomer
Denzel Curry was always a talentless hack with beats created for the edgy 15 yo taste and a terrible, terrible lyricist. Prove me wrong.
just face it, rap is just corporate music made to make money. all of it. there is no artistic integrity to rap. rap is so popular right now because it's fast and cheap to make, and makes an insane amount of money.
That would imply that she'll kill him in a drug-induced rage and claims that its "suicide"
Which makes no sense since she has a ton of payola behind her whereas he barely charts.
You don’t accuse a survivor of sexual abuse of sexual abuse without solid evidence.
Thank you for clarifying the behavior of most of the females I knew through high school and college.
Were most of them into anime, Tim Burton films, and late 80s/90s nostalgia by chance?
Courtney made better music than Kurt.