Itt: reddit IPA rock

itt: reddit IPA rock

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trick question. rock itself is IPA

rock is not indian pale ale you silly boy

What the fuck is IPA rock. Are you talking about beer? Genuinely don't know what the fuck is going on here.

IPA = something only enjoyed by really nerdy white people
ergo Daughters is rock IPA.



reddit tier rock albums

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>is another buzzword invented by /r9k/to shit on mucore albums
Jesus christ didn't you faggot learned anything from numale, soi, npc or tourist?

hard to be a virgin NEET if you don't suffer some sort of learning disability

daughters isnt mu core

I don't get how albums that were made before the existence of the internet can be reddit

100% wrong

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again not Yea Forumscore

sorry pleb when fantano gives anything higher than an 8 it instantly become moocore

maybe on reddit

Yea Forums has been reddit since 2011 try to keep up dweeb


Parquet Courts

It's as sad as it is true.

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In rainbows is rarely talked about outside of /r/Radiohead. I found out about it on bbc before reddit