Best albums of the decade according to these sites

Best albums of the decade according to these sites.

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>Kid A is the only one everyone agrees with
Based desu

all suck ass. and what kind of idiot think 1950- music started

In my opinion, the last one has the best albums by far.
>Pink Moon

That was literally when albums as format became popular dumbass nigga.

Why the Real Madrid are rating music ?

Fuck radiohead, i do like paranoid android tho

I'm actually curious about why BestEverAlbums picked Doolittle and The Suburbs as their AOTD picks

>The Suburbs
The love to dickride Arcade Fire, is so ridiculous that even albums like Everything Now are rated highly on that site
I don't know but that's actually based

picking spiderland instead of shitty OKC is pretty based. other than that its all same-y.

>all that Radiohead
Absolutely embarrassing.

I think there's someone you're forgetting

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Thinking the same thing, radiohead wasnt the best band of the 90s ok computer isnt even close to the best album of the 90s either

>literally only rock music

Please listen to Have One On Me.

Read this based retard

why isn't it rock bottom?

"Reddit taste" is a legit insult kek.

Where did that reddit list come from? They don’t have, to my knowledge, a pure consensus on this specific issue. Was this a list they voted on or something?

yes, its everyone's best rock albums by decade, retard. Scaruffi has 9s and 8s Jazz albums too

Everyone just chooses the same albums most of the time because those ones are the ones they feel they are supposed to like

I forget that Arcade Fire's The Suburbs is from the 2010s. It seems much older.

yet phonographs have been popular since the gay 90s?

Can someone PLEASE tell why is KID A is so praised? What did they achieve with it? I don't see anything groundbreaking or influential

>I don't see anything groundbreaking or influential
Is basically the album that neither Aphex Twin or Autechre weren't capable to made
Also everyone was expecting a OKC part 2 so Kid A was basically a surprise

and this is according SensCritique, a french cultural website

what do you guys think ?

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Both Aphex and especially Autechre made better albums what the fuck are you talking about?

>WYWH instead of DSOTM
>The Doors s/t instead of Abbey Road
Fucking based

What weren't they capable to made? What you said means nothing

Alt rock fusion of electronic. Dumbass

And that's why it's considered the best album of decade by most critics?

Either Station To Station or Low instead of DSOTM

Pic related

Frances The Mute

Soundtracks For The Blind

The Cure- Disintegration

Comus- First Utterance

Beatles-White Album

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