Hey, this is Henry Rollins. I was in a band in the 80s that everybody says they like but they don't actually listen to...

Hey, this is Henry Rollins. I was in a band in the 80s that everybody says they like but they don't actually listen to. I'm a vegan, man. Can you handle this? Brace yourself, because I'm about to beat you down with my basic bitch political opinions stated with a determined intensity. You won't be able to handle my conventional majority views stated monotonously over some bland hardcore guitar riffs. See, I'm a punk rocker, but I'm old now, and wise. Being older means I'm smarter, even though none of my positions have changed since I was an edgy teenager. Can you deal with that, America? I think masculinity is dumb. That's why I make tough-guy faces and lift weights and stuff. I'll kick your ass if you like masculinity. I regularly donate to the Southern Poverty Law Center. I really can't stand Southern poverty. Hopefully we can wipe it out one day. See, I'm a white guy, but I can't stand white guys. This is a brave, bold statement I shouldn't be making. I might lose friends and social capital for saying it. Sorry if that burst your bubble honky, but that's just how it's gonna be.

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The "sodomy feels good" part cracks me up.

Black Fag

Based, punk is nigger tier music genre

My War and Family Man are fucking terrif.

yep always thought he embodied toxic masculintiy and white privilege, even if he pretends to be against those things he definitely foesnt reognize how he benefits from them


>I regularly donate to the Southern Poverty Law Center. I really can't stand Southern poverty.

Makes me laugh every time because it really is a stupid name for what that organisation is about.

>I think masculinity is dumb. That's why I make tough-guy faces and lift weights and stuff. I'll kick your ass if you like masculinity.
Why is he like this?

Because he got the shit kicked out of him at his all black high school so we have to suffer.

/pol/posting is cringe but this pasta is at least kinda funny
Next time make a music thread bitch

He was molested as a kid

I want to punch Rollins in the face for the spoken word side of Family Man.

youre cringe. leave.

This is where the original should have ended, before the guy started rambling humorlessly about continuing your bloodline and other shit that’s going to date like milk

Just looked this up and holy shit you weren't joking. I guess it explains a lot.


Dude killed it on that Tool track 'Bottom'. Totally made that song better.

he's also jewish

His stand up is almost as bad as his character

very true


Rent free

Based TDS poster

Does anybody know the name of the video that is basically this text but longer?

All white people benefit from white privilege whether they are against it or not. Also I don't see how he embodies toxic masculinity? Unless you actually consider lifting part of it, which is dumb.