I'll start with pic related
ITT post musicians who are pretending to be queer for industry clout and publicity
Other urls found in this thread:
the guy from of montreal. he only dates women yet openly appropriates gay culture constantly..
why the fuck did tyler have to start with his fake gay bullshit
This fucking loser. Also literally any artist that comes out as gay nowadays is just doing it for clout and to be "approved" by the lgbt community.
Pauline Oliveros
as if there aren't any artists that are actually gay, that'd be CRAZY to imagine.
Frank Ocean
He was a Nikki stan. Pretty gay
such a fucking retarded assumption
queer is such a nothing means anything term
>debute album released
>4000 copies sold worldwide
>"hey guise i'm gay btw"
lole classic
wtf? i thought homeboy was gay.
Its about streams now boomer
>4000 copies sold worldwide
>200 million YouTube plays
>it went platinum goy!
OP here I'm gay and can spot a fake a mile away
no hes literally straight just pretends to be gay. he was married to a woman for several years. and dated women before that. now i believe he is dating christina schneider (of CE Shneider Tropical, Locate S1, etc)
>openly appropriates
what is david bowie worship
its not ok. to be straight and make music pretending to be gay and have an album called "the gay parade" etc
Why isn't it okay?
its fake
profiting off the culture and identity of a ppl who are marginalized and discriminated against for their sexuality without seeing any of the negative effects of it actually being your identity. same reason as any misappropriation of an oppressing race to a race they have oppressed
sorry to tell you but clearly you can't
he came out as gay a few years ago on his old account
That cunt from that band 'Porches'
I don't love PC culture, but this is actually true
myself desu
sorry to tell you you fell for queerbait marketing
Youre trying to say he wasnt successful though
Which is clearly not true
Look at the history of pop music pal. There's so much fakery I don't even know where to begin with examples.
Being gay isn't a culture, and furthermore the appropriation of culture is a myth. If one was to go around denying other cultures the ability to exploit the best elements of other cultures very little progress would be made.
im sure he was openly gay for a long time. just got popular and wanted to clarify his identity with the mainstream. im sure in his personal life he was already out gay
i agree to some respect. and theres memes with 10s of thousands of likes about this. but i also think a lot of that criticism is kind of problematic as he did date a nonbinary person for quite sometime. isnt saying he is a straight in a way saying that nonbinary person is not actual nonbinary as well?
fell for it?
I couldn't care less about his sexuality
there are no reason for us to believe he is faking it
you are just being a retard conspiracy-theorist
>If one was to go around denying other cultures the ability to exploit the best elements of other cultures very little progress would be made.
theres nothing wrong with sharing and learning from eachothers cultures. we're talking about misappropriation of culture when someone of an identity or culture that benefits off the oppression of another culture takes from that oppressed culture-- that culture is still held down while the dominating culture profits or benefits...
>what do you mean bot views from india don't mean anything!?!
>we told you it did, remember?!?
>oy vey goy!
cmon even if views can easily be faked its clearly extremely popular. everyone younger than a boomer knows that song
>the dominating culture
why are you setting up arbitrary division?
is it as easy as proclaiming oneself as homosexual to be admitted into an oppressed culture, and if so, what moral law allows this oppressed culture the benefits of being able to claim these "profits" all for themselves
and furthermore, would you honestly argue that the majority of the ones who are not in said oppressed culture actively participate in the oppression of this culture?
>everyone knows about it goy!
>it doesn't matter what their opinion is on it!
>you heard of it
>that means success!
idk what you mean? youre an idiot if you cant recognize its a popular song. idk what you define as success but that is to me a successful song. even if some people dislike it it clearly got a lot of attention. all pop songs have a lot of haters. idk what your point is or why you are being antisemetic
>idk what you mean
lol of course you don't
No one gives a shit about that garbage. You sound like an idiot.
All I heard is that he got a bunch of flac from
LGBTQI communities from faking it.
he had a cover story on some queer magazine or something. where he never explicitely says hes queer but it got a lot of ppl riled up. which is understandable cause he doesnt exactly represent queer experience and has faced probably none of the oppression or struggles associated with being gay. and he obviously has many other privileges as a cis white man. but he did date a nonbinary person so i think calling him exclusively straight is kind of problematic. its inadvertently saying that nonbinary person is not actually nonbinary.
I guess
honestly i see the article writer as the one being more problematic. it tries to pin him as a queer icon for having painted nails and stuff lol. but a lot of ppl took to use him as the posterboy for boys who pretend to be queer.
but honestly gender clearly a construct and binaries are completely stupid way of thinking so neither should binary thinking in sexuality. he probably never experienced many of the negative aspects of being queer and tried to benefit off of them which is problematic. but i think its also important to recognize how saying oh hes just a straight guy is unintentionally deligitimitizing someone elses identity
Why U keep respondin to a nigga who ain’t love ur heart...........
im straight but dress and act"queer" i feel like its more of an internet outrage
my gay friends don't give a fuck
get interview by cute white boi
look at the lust in his eyes
I fucked that nigga raw. He's gay
that jus means hes bi i dont think he ever said he was gay gay
But when I do it everyone gives me m4a...
Janelle Monáe
He was literally a gay Nicki stan before Old Town Road blew up. He just probably reannounced it for the recent fans and for clout.
he literally says he only likes men at 4:10 in this video. i think hes been in relationships with women before tho and clearly made statements about being sexually attracted to women... idk tho seems kinda fishy
That nigga gay
Anyone who's listened to Tyler before flowerboy knows he's not gay, he saw Frank Ocean blow up after coming out and wants a piece of that pie
stupid faggot
I didn't get an answer to this, so I thought here I'd just put the cherry on top of the cake by saying that Kevin was an explicit friend to lgbt communities and made this blatantly clear that his live shows encouraged people to express themselves however they saw fit in a sexual capacity
bro he was the most feminine pop artist of his time and he roleplayed a black tranny onstage for years. just cause he didn't publicly take dick in his ass he's not gay huh. lgbt tards are the worst.
He's literally said he's into men before he even made gay music.
As a joke. Go listen to Colossus you flowerboy bandwagonner
He called that track OKRA becauz okra is slimy just like cum.
still waiting for that OP to make Golf Wang General #2
I can't wait till this faggots hype dies down. The shittiest artist to date.
better thread idea.
musicians who pretend to be straight
Sexuality doesn't exist. Everyone's just pretending. There's nothing stopping you from going out and fucking another man.