It's not actually bad this time

It's not actually bad this time

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Other urls found in this thread: SR-16/Audio/Preset Patterns/18 Rap 2.mp3

Looks fucking ugly

>implying I would pay 600 dollars for a remote control that beeps

You can get a fuckton of superior gear for way less money

Your moms laptop with Live 8 and any shitty $70 controller is cheaper and more useful than that hipster piece of trash that requires you to be an iFag if you wanna do something that's not a preset

\Yep. The only people I picture buying these are trustfund kids that don't really know anything about producing music. Not to mention it looks like something you could buy from Walmart for 20 bucks.

...if you all want to do is make chiptune trap beats, yeah

looks like it's made from lego ffs

ITT amateurs that overlook workflows and methods for generating creativity

but it is ugly and the small buttons aren’t inviting to play Imo

>ITT amateurs that overlook workflows and methods for generating creativity
This sounds like some shill garbage right here. Like others have said, you can get better for cheaper that will generate just as much creativity lmao

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it isn't work when you're sitting all alone in an empty room making bleep bloops nobody will ever care about fyi. more like masturbation

Amateurs detected lol

It represents the death of electronic music. Making the tool aesthetic inspires the most fucking gay people to jump into the genre for the wrong reasons. Ever heard the music made with anything TE? 97% of tit is dogshit

>Uhm yes, as a matter of fact I create ambient textures with my OP-Z and strymon bigsky. What? Of course I've got a minilogue, three volcas and a tascam 4 track at home

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Are those fucking lego pegs?

Why even people buy such crap and "create" something if there is a lot of music to listen to, starting from Good Looking Records catalogue and ending with FIS, Autechre and Darkspace?

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why hating on the minilogue tho? its a great machine despite the sort of hype behind it

imma steal one

>its a great machine
yeah not really. It's fine but to call it great is nonsense, the filter is garbage. And he clearly wasn't even hating on it, just listing it as entry level reddit shit that hipsters buy and make garbage with.

It's reddit: the synth

Because the fact that it's analog doesn't make it good. The microkorg has more character and a better filter. The *logues are just glorified volcas and the Monologue and Proglogue have serious tuning issues after 1 year of heavy use. You cant use them to gig on a show because the slightest move or a badly grounded PA wil kill or ruin the VCOs.
Just ask anyone that repairs synths for a living.

Yeah it's much worse than bad

I'm going to buy one of these when it comes out and then slowly start building a modular synth as I can afford modules.

Yes, I have all of the following physical features:
>shaved head (balding)
>clear framed glasses
I also wear converse sneakers and and flannel shirts almost every day.

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pls post your basedface when you get it.
Also, once you master it alone you wont care about modulars anymore

The microkorg wouldn't be the hill I'd choose to die on in this comparison. Heavy aliasing, resonance introduces some really ugly sizzling and the EG curves are quite uninteresting. The MS2000 step sequencer could have saved it.

I don't know much about modular stuff but I thought this would be a good place to start. Once I learn how to use it I'm hoping I can add stuff in a modular setup to make it even more flexible.

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Looking forward to another spring reverb/shimmer reverb modular ambient album and Plantasia 2 (not)

I just want to be Boards Of Canada bro why you gotta stomp on my dream's ball sack like that

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I highly doubt they even made use of modular shit

Shut up bitch I want to patch cable like I imagined my heroes doing

Modular owners fuck off. Berlin School synthesis fuck off. Step sequencer users fuck off. Sub 37 owners fuck off. -logue owners fuck off. r/synthesizers fuck off. Volca owners fuck off. Grandmother owners fuck off. System 8 owners fuck off. Softsynths-only producers fuck off. Deepmind owners fuck off. MicroKorg owners fuck off.

They used samplers, step sequencers and tape based effects and production overall

>They used samplers, step sequencers and tape based effects
I'm still buying the Matriarch

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Waldorf users and dungeon synth romplers in the house tonight?

what about boards of canada makes you think of modular synths? nothing about it sounds that way

>Step sequencer users fuck off
>delegitimizing the rest of your valid post with one retarded statement. bravo.

>tfw own a Voyager
wew was worried there for a minute

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arturia, is that you?

Whats the modern heir to the Oberheim Matrix 12? I figure if there's a modern OB-X then there must be a modern Matrix 12 out there somewhere.

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is the behringer deepmind soi?

Voyager is top-tier. These Reddit-synth owners in the thread can fuck off however.

Marion Systems MSR-2

This one looks cool

>infinite jest
i see you fool

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Who else into Serge?

Its cheap, if you know what i mean

What are the most reddit-tier music gear(except minilogue, this is an absolute onions-have)?
My vote goes for the sp404, it's a "I want black guys to like me" the sampler.

behringer are based as fuck. they're cheap and their ripoffs sound indistinguishable from the originals. i say they're chads

you only rent a behringer though

>their ripoffs sound indistinguishable from the originals
not to mention the internal architecture of the behringer model d are actually far superior than the actual Moog. You can find tear downs of both online.

based keyless baby machine user

>every synth needs keys
The faggy prog rock or synthwave bullshit you must be into

>tuning issues after 6 months
let's not get carried away. They're good for the price but they wouldn't last that long on the road. They're pretty good for home use though.

I've had mine a year and have no tuning issues, neither do the majority of users on many other forums. Your implication that the tuning goes bad after a period of time is just completely false

>little baby upset that keyboard players are capable of using their instruments in far superior ways to beta sequencer users and can get far more expression out of their instruments

it is pretty cool to play with fun little 16 step loops though haha it's great

>reddit spacing
pretty much says it all, your trolling could use some work as well, it's pretty bad

OP probably uses a volca beats.

>ahaha my epic friend has made an error not through argument but because he spaced things weirdly!! thank God or otherwise I would have actually had to defend my arugments!!!

>ot to mention the internal architecture of the behringer model d are actually far superior than the actual Moog

Attached: behringer-model-d-pcb-fullsize-.jpg (4196x2772, 3.62M)

I use a 303 for non hip hop stuff, 404 is actual trash compared to the 303. Can’t record over loops, can’t loop as easily or at all without a click sound, fuck the 404

Strymon Bigsky easily(on shimmer reverb for extra points) closely followed by volcas and eurorack

what does it mean

means when one of those components circled in red goes (and one will eventually) the whole synth goes in the trash. you only rent a behringer

You are the only person on Yea Forums that doesn’t use returns

>pots/jacks soldered directly to the pcb

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and how do you know that without an actual schematic

quick question - digitakt or mpc1000?
MPC will make me feel like a cool african american low-income citizen, but digitakt isn't 10 years old.

I see you don’t own a real, full-sized synth, Volca man. How’s that thin as fuck sound coming along?

Old tech is rough if you are used to new tech

...because i'm not a retard?

i mean actually explain how this thing works

tell the truth: do you not speak english?

Really? I have a 303 and love it but was considering getting a 404 for more banks and batrery power.
Though the only difference was that Vinyl Sim effect and the rest was the same. Didn't know it couldn't resample loops like the 303.
Always found the design of the 404sx cringy but might have to look elsewhere, or just get an MPC 1k like all my friends tells me to

>and one will eventually
why do you keep making shit up?

>he dosen't even know basic electronics
lol keep posting

i really want some little synth i can travel with. Op-1 seemed interesting but its expensive as fuck. is OP pic good or a meme

I swear everything I look at nowadays has a shitty sequencer. I want to go to NAMM and be the worst Sonic State interviewer ever.

Oh it has 16 velocity pads and a 16 step sequencer. How about I give it a 16...out of 100.

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This is the epitome of modern synth culture and teenage engineering to me

>people actually put time and effort into making this

stop making fun of the op-z please, it's a good device if you just give it a chance...

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What are your opinions on Critter & Guitari?

Reddit & Retardi? It's shit.

Not a fan of open ended DIY synths that rely on a community to support them with content

enjoy my pocket piano

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I just wanna microkorg bro

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It's a cheap sounding 4 voice VA with no step sequencer and bad effects apart from the delay. Have some standards, user.

It’s trash, my 303 broke so I figured I’d get an sx since 303’s are overpriced and hard to find nowadays due to the lofi hip hop craze, but it was just terrible to work on. I swear I never got one good clean loop on it after hours of trying. (It also retriggers the sample every time you touch the start/end knobs for whatever reason). It seemed to be geared more towards triggering entire tracks for live dj performances or something, not so much for production. I’ve never messed with the akai machines but might be worth it considering the price of 303’s now. ($400!!!)

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I wouldn’t wish this upon anyone

How are the Yamaha refaces?

idc, /prod/. Its cheap, classic, looks cool. I want it.

The DX is an absolute joke with just 32 patch slots, the CS doesn't even have patch slots in the first place. The YC and CP sound decent but with those things I'd prefer an actual keyboard with at least 61 normal sized keys. They're funny toys at best.

Had a DX. I kind of miss it, but it was really a preset machine. unless you can get into the menu diving and overall operation of an FM synth, it is a preset machine, and there are just 32 loaded on it. The sounds were awesome though.

I know here Teenage Engineering is hated and reddit shamed, but the OP-Z would actually be cool and worth the money IF FUCKING IF:
1. it didn't require an iOS device
2. it would provide some sort of DAW integration at least with Ableton that is the most reddit DAW

what do you mean by DAW integration?

They do seem a bit overpriced for the mini keys. The YC and CP especially you want a full keyboard. I was mostly looking at the CS. Might as well just get a real DX7 instead of the DX.

Seems more like a gripe with FM synthesis. Might as well just get a dx7, they’re about the same price (last I checked..)

lmao Yea Forums on electronics is hilarous

op-z is not for me but i'm sure it's fine

when you hook up a synth to a computer via USB and there is a plugin in the DAW that gives you access to deep editing, sample transfer, importing projects, multichannel audio inputs into the DAW etc.

Get a DX100. Far more character. Pic related is mine.

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>tell you to keep posting
>you do
>but this time with reddit spacing

Reminder that the synthesizer is the most anti-music instrument the human kind ever created.
What awaits you is and endless loop of gearfagging autism and noodling and editing, you will barely play the thing and you won't learn anything about music with that garbage.
Just fucking play a REAL instrument.

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Not that user, but give it a rest with the reddit spacing shit.

Yeah. I also have a 404sx. Pain in the ass.
re-sampling introduces hiss, editing is a bitch, only one effect at a time, no live looping, list goes on. I think they were saving the good features for the 555 which was the then-flagship (it also served as a soundcard if I'm not mistaken). I almost bought it, then went for the 404 for the battery-operation instead (was into busking etc, also field recording. What a klutz). Then Animal Collective released the "Girls" video and ppl bought ALL of the 555.
Roland then proceeded to release other samplers, with features nobody wants or needs
with the peak being that re-coloured 404.
Now granted, the old colours were ugly, but how about making it a better machine?
They're having a laugh

Just put a Bach MIDI through it bro

are moogs good or are they just meme

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Why not both?

I-is this the comfy synth thread?

They’re good but the meme comes from them being expensive so unless you’re a professional you’re only going to see them in the setups of soi Reddit software engineer types who have money to throw around

Only if you are strong enough to put up with a little fight when things gets hairy

between this and a microkorg which one is better because those are the two that I see memed the most

Shut the fuck up faggot

uhh sure they're good and all but so is a lot of other stuff so why spend the money. some of their new stuff isn't too bad price wise (dfam, m32) but seriously the fucking mini repro is a joke

One is a semi memeular analog mono, the other one is a digital and plastic sounding 4 voice poly. Nothing similar between them and worlds apart in terms of pricing.

"better"? they're completely different. microkorg is dsp based with limited interface and the moog is all analog with no presets and modular connectability


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Don’t think about “better”. I’ve bought and sold and sometimes rebought nearly every sub $2k synth you can buy. My advice to anyone starting is just pick one because you’re going to eventually sell it to try something else anyway. Just try as much stuff as you can

op your thread may have actually convinced me to buy this. but only cause i really wanted a small synth to play with while traveling a lot

I tried it but synths are addictive, distracting and you waste a lot of time on them.
I unironically sold all my synths and bought a digital piano. My main instrument is the trumpet now.

it's a fucking mono
paraphony doesn't count


do you not know what words mean user?

Moog advertises it as such. I don't think we need to argue about stupid cable possibilities here.

is ms-20 not a mono

>paying for bleeps

partially true, never heard a gearfag produce anything

do you not know what words mean either?


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what the fuck are you talking about
i simply meant that yeah ms-20 is technically paraphonic but since the 70's it's been commonly referred to as a mono synth

Point me to anything of value being made with this boomer machine. I doubt it's even possible.

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Stop responding to derails

>yeah ms-20 is technically paraphonic
so you do know what word mean? not following you here

paraphonic doesn't mean that you can tune the oscillators in intervals related to each others. Every classic mono synth (minimoog, ms-20 etc) and their respective reissues AREN'T paraphonic.
Paraphonic only appeared in recent analog synths and it means the synths enters a mode in which it uses the oscillators to play different notes that have been sent by the keyboard at the same time, so you can play chords.
The tradeoff is that each voice can only use one VCO, voices are limited by the number of the oscillators (so you usually get 3 or even 2), and all is fed into a single filter etc.

I still can't believe shit like this. Who in their right mind owns a small fortune in gear and at the same time produces this absolute generic garbage. That must be some kind of disease. The stuff I hear on gearslutz is even funnier.

"recent synths". the oscillators on the ms-20 can be controlled individually using a sequencer such as the not very recent sq-10. the ms-20 is duophonic and has been for 40 yrs. the yamaha cs-15 is another example. both are commonly referred to as monosynths.
yes i do

>both are commonly referred to as monosynths
>i mean i know this is technically wrong but..
lol ok captain stupid

this. if you can't add a more dynamic sequencer to whatever it is, it's not worth adding a shitty sequencer

I have a reface CP and it's alright. keybed feels nice for minikeys and it's fun to mess around with and use to sketch out ideas. However I doubt it's worth what it costs. Also kind of what this user said even though it plays well you'll need an extrenal keybed.

Bro you could use this for industrial, progressive electronics,and ambient. This synth kills

what are your opinions on the other DX things? like the DX27, for example. Out of all the keyboards that aren't the DX7, which one is the best?

>the oscillators on the ms-20 can be controlled individually using a sequencer
That's not paraphony smartass it's just making some use of the semi modular nature of the synths.
By your standards you could turn off the keyboard tracking in one oscillator making it playing a pedal note and call it paraphonic.
Fucking no. Paraphonic means you send a MIDI signal with several notes played simultaneously and they get mapped by the circuitry to different oscillators, and the first synth I remember implementing this shit is the Waldorf Pulse 2.

Paraphonic means that multiple voices share the same signal path going through the same envelopes and filter which goes back to the 80s and probably further with the ARP Odyssey and divide down string machines. The Pulse 2 is one of the few modern analogs that does this. Paraphony was a cost cutting measure.

funny i didn't know paraphony required midi lmao
i suppose the classic paraphonic synthesizer arp odyssey isn't paraphonic after all since it predates midi by 10 years,

>multiple voices
uh oh someone call captain stupid we need a decision here

if you talk about the Odyssey, ok, but the MS-20 isn't paraphonic as either you or the other user said.

no microkorg is based because it triggers "real" syntheheads.

I used to have an OP-1. It was insanely frustrating because after using it for five minutes and letting the novelty wear off, I just wanted it to act fucking normal but it threw virtual synths with vague controls and fucking virtual tape machine (WHY) at me so I sold it. The sampler was fucking great though, I miss that. I'd fucking love a samper with a similar physical form of the OP-1 and some extra time-stretching effects and a better recording system thrown in. Like a more convenient and easier to use microsampler. That's my dream sampler.

someone ought to make a modern version of this... i would be interested in a volca bass/beats combo t-bh
it doesn't trigger anybody, it's a distinct sounding, accessible synth
>thinks music is about "muh expression"
confirmed shit tier taste in electronic music

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is that you captain stupid?

"is that you captain stupid"

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Grooveboxes are so fucking sexy man, the volcas are pretty nice but they seem a bit underpowered compared to the old boxes.

lol i'll take that as a solid "yes" then thanks

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there are plenty of modern versions of that garbage, from several Elektron machines to the Korg Electribe 2.
That's just an old and bad VA engine with a lame sequencer.

You even used quotes instead of meme arrows. If you weren't Captain Stupid before you definitely are now.

what do you think isn't garbage, user?
do you even like synths? or are you just bored of your /prod/ containment thread?

The electribe 2 is modern korg in a nutshell. Could have been a cool device but they screwed it up, just wasted potential. Looks like they are on their way down again now that this engineer dude is gone.

yoU EvEn USed QUOTeS INsTEAD Of mEME ArrOWS. iF You wErEN't CaPtaIN stuPID BEFoRe YoU DeFinIteLY ARe NoW.

Case in point.

I tried both that and the dx200 but they are just bad. A bad sounding synth engine with a drum track and a 16 step sequencer that only loops one measure.
The OG first version korg electribes are better than that.

it's the same synth engine as the AN1x and DX-7, no?
the first electribe seems like it has a nice analog drum modeling sound, same w the nord drums.
i've heard some amazing stuff made with the roland MC series, I'm not convinced analog modeling has actually gotten much better. or that gear is really that important once you have the fundamentals down

>that boomer doing vangelis and jmj shit on every synth
Jesus christ

>it's the same synth engine as the AN1x and DX-7, no?
The AN1x engine sucks, DX-7 no the DX200 has an FM engine but it's different from the one of the DX-7, and doesn't sound good. I also don't find FM suitable for a groovebox.

Analog modeling hasn't got much better because only a bunch made it good from the start (Nord, Access, Waldorf). Yamaha never did a good VA engine.
Roland MC series are romplers, they were okay in a time where laptops weren't powerful enough and actual hardware to play live costed shittons of money, but they are completely obsolete by now.

The DX27 is actually the same exact synth as the 100. The 100 is just smaller which many prefer. With the DX line the biggest difference between them is going to be the operator count. For instance the 100 and 27 are 4 operators. The operators are what you use to craft sounds, just sine waves interacting. The DX7 is 6 operator and has a more refined leas gritty sound. My personal favorites are the 100 and the tx81z (a DX11 in rack format) because they just have specific character to them. The tx81z/dx11 is especially cool because instead of just using sine waves you get variations which offer whole new sonic capabilities. You can’t go wrong with any of the old DXs imo. Check out Legowelt‘s site he has a decent write up with samples of a lot of them.

>Nord, Access
Really? These? I can understand that from a complexity standpoint but they all sound like plastic VST shit. Especially the Virus sounds like sterile trash. Waldorf I'll agree on for the Q and Microwaves.

Well to each his own.
The Virus is not sterile at all, nor is the Nord Lead. They sound better than VSTs imho. They have their own character that is suited for more modern kinds of music and they usually don't sound very much analog. The Virus is THE trance synth for example. The Nords always sounded kinda cold but fresh and have their place in a lot of productions.
I agree on the Waldorf Q being a great synth that is too much overlooked.
But other manufacturers never put out a nice VA engine. Korg never did, Yamaha never did. Roland maybe, the old jp8080 was liked for the pads and now they make the AIRA series.
A VA synth shouldn't be really compared to an analog synth.

>Korg never did
umm scuse me dumbass don't mean to interrupt but this synth was rad

durn 4got my pic

Attached: Korg MS2000.jpg (1762x887, 1.31M)

Is this a midi controller?

Woah, easy there with those 4 voices. Also don't play anything above C4 if you don't want massive aliasing artifacts. Radias and KingKorg are much more interesting.

>Also don't play anything above C4 if you don't want massive aliasing artifacts
lole never touched one huh

Was my first synth, glad it's gone. Korg only declined after their initial analogs and hybrids


Is this a midi controller?

its ok man there are lots of people who talk shit on stuff they have no experience with on 4channel. lol at least you didn't do it with a name on. this way you can slink back into the shadows and pretend like you didn't get called out

its a full synth daw thing

>Jp8000 was THE trance sound

One day I will play this crippled blofeld

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dont diss berlin school faggot

they could be great but those high prices really put me off. like the kaleidoloop looks really fun but why the fuck is it so expensive.

reddit go

I have one (don't judge me, it was a gift). Genuine question, what's the point? I have looked at videos online and haven't heard a single thing that couldn't have been done better in something like Ableton for less

Rich kids want something to fuck around with for 5 minutes while the sit on the couch watching Rick and Morty

Feels like it. The friend who gave it to me said it's the future of music. It's kind of cool but I prefer musical instruments

>low-income citizen
I like to larp as a poor fag too. Yeah... larp. Haha...

So what are you working with tonight? Playing a Metasonix D-1000 tube drum machine with dual Ciat-Lonbarde Plumbutter2 and a Cocoquantus.

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>Your moms laptop with Live 8 and any shitty $70 controller is cheaper
Except not

The current Moog company isn't even the original Moog company that Bob Moog started. It's basically a bunch of nobodies riding on the coattails of his name.

It looks nice, I mean it's designed by Axel Hartmann who usually does good stuff but what a hideous font he chose for the section headings

I almost went down the Ciat-Lonbarde rabbit hole but then I realized I wanted to make music

P6 and my Elektron niggas. I don’t care if people love to hate on Elektron, I’ve learned them inside out and can do almost anything I can imagine with them. I once had the Digitakt and Octatrack and squarp pyramid side by side for a few days and as a central hub of all my synths the Digitakt blew both their asses away. Bunch of other synths not pictured but these are my focus tonight.

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I sold my Blofeld a few years ago. It was nice, it doesn't respond to multi-channel MIDI very well. Gets really glitchy.

Yeah I used to like Teenage Engineering but this just doesn't do it for me. As if they needed any more evidence for people thinking they make glorified toys rather than serious music equipment.

This looked almost good, but they dropped the CV/Gate inputs of the Dominion X. So it's trash.

OP-Z just got a sampler update like 3 days ago but its more limited than the OP-1 still

sell me yours?

I think the lack of any stereo signal sources started to bother me. Mono input for recording. Mono samples. Mono (monaural not monophonic) synths. So everything comes out really flat. Of course there's 4 tracks you can pan, but there's nothing that lets you do stuff like incorporating stereo field recordings or sampling stereo audio for remixing and stuff.
Probably a limitation they were going for but it sucked to have to use the spring reverb for artificial widening of monaural signals.

Fuckin around with my microbrute and ms20 over my crusty old kawai r-100
God fucking damn do I love this machine

Attached: kawai r100.jpg (1600x1063, 684K)

Probably good for some industrial

Only thing it is good for, but it really is perfect for it

The Alesis SR-16 is another one of those drum machines based around built in samples. It has a particular kick and snare that are a secret weapon for industrial.
Heard here (in a corny context) SR-16/Audio/Preset Patterns/18 Rap 2.mp3

They still make the SR-16 to this day which is crazy.

Uh huh.

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meant for

even more noise machines

Ableton has a great workflow honestly

Vacuum tubes are a meme

Now FLStudio. I think we can all agree that that has a horrible workflow.

Nah, I've been a fl studio pro since I was 15

I think if FL Studio got rid of the patterns bullshit and improved their automation editing then the workflow would be miles better but yeah for now its shit

How so?

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honestly...pretty based

Yeah I think if you could edit unique clips instead of having to make a whole separate pattern to move a single note then it would be much better

tfw my stoner roommate literally gave me his dad's alesis hr16 and hr16b for 20$ and I've never actually used them for anything

I wish we had a music production board so we could discuss this kind of stuff more often. It's nice to discuss this stuff anonymously.

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Not good for much, I mean just run through the drums and if none of them sound good to you then get rid of them I say.

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yea h they sound pretty bad. I've been using a fucking free drum machine emulator on my laptop that works for what I need. I'd like to get a real drum machine one day or a digitakt but that might be overkill

Another thought too... how do they sound through some kind of distortion pedal?

There’s something inhuman about this guy. I can watch his videos and just be mesmerized by his weirdness.

The guy before him wasn't much better but I liked him more.

Can somebody please explain what the fuck I’m looking at? I google that and I see it’s a synth, how though? I barely even understand how analog synths without keyboards work but how the fuck is this a synth? What does this thing even do? How is it an audio work station it’s just some physical object


He is gay, in the estates is normal

>How come synths don't have built in speakers

bruh any machine that takes notes as an input and gives a sound wave as an output is a synth

>takes notes as an input
Jesus Christ you are an idiot

if i had 700 dollars to spare i'd buy a new guitar

way too much (you)ing going on. im not following this shit and the long chains are devolve within the first 3 posts

Maybe if there was more than one thread with 12 different simultaneous conversations

It could be the next WATMM but even more pretentious and edgy

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id smash

simultaneously love and hate this format. Since it's in one thread there's so much going on I can bait people pretty easily but it's hard to spot good stuff to bait because there's so much going on


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don't bring that evil in here

there's already a general for that and it's slow as fuck and barely make it to the bump limit

If you build it, they will come

Hr16 is badass, learn to program it and put some effects on it

Video for the unenlightened:

she's based

christ. are there anymore this hilariously bad?

Bought a tomcat off of Craigslist without doing any research on it first.

No regerts. P

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what kind of processing power do you think you need to run a DAW? certainly nothing even close to 600 bucks in the real computer world

always thought elektron wasn't for me. got an octatrack in a trade because i wanted a sampler more suitable for live use than my expanded akai s2000 (rack mounted and heavy as fuck). i'll never look back. it's absolutely perfect for me and i can't imagine a better live tool. all of this is of course if you can accept elektron's interface and internal structure.

it entirely depends by the plugins you use. You can definitely run a DAW on a $600 computer, you will be limited in voices for resources hungry plugins but you can always freeze the tracks. More than suitable for a hobbyist.



This entire format is so terrible. Getting invited to do a feature there basically means you're a fucking piece of shit hipster that's only able to sell his stuff because other new york loft retards buy into it. I have never seen so many unlikeable asshats on a single youtube channel.

Wow, good to know. The MPC 1k has a completely different workflow and porpuse, more drum oriented. But with jjos2xl it becomes a sampler, drum machine, looper and ROMpler, I made full tracks on it alone. The fx are pretty meh and hard to reach wich sucks and it weights a ton, also, no resampling (you can do it, but with external fx pedals a re routing the signal etc).
A friend uses a kp3 to create his samples (resampling on it it's a breeze) and then records them in his MPC, for some reason they sound wayyy better after. Never knew what kind of wizardry those old Akais have to make anything sound better.
btw, I think 303s are gonna get more expensive. ppl buy it for the Vinyl Sim effect alone which I barely used, also they look nice and like a serious piece of gear, unlike the 404 with its flashy lights

The 555 was never cheap, desu. Gr8 machine, that's the route they should've followed
>They're having a laugh
well, have you seen the 404A

We will never know because it gets loat in the mix as soon as you plug another instrument to your set. Literally one of the most frustrating synths I ever owned and I had a K1r.
Spent hours creating patches for them to end up buried, even plugged a tube screamer clone to it to see if it could at least be heard live and nothing. Heard the keyboard one sound better but dont even care to try. Got so frustrated that traded it for a Microbrute and RC-3, rather have a synth that does 1 thing well than a 16 part one that cant even be heard

>it didn't require an iOS device
The only reason Android isn't supported (with most musical devices that implement with smartphones, not just Teenage Engineering) is that Android, even in 2019, is shit with dealing with audio. The latency with live audio is unacceptable.
That video is 7 years old but still pretty much showcases the latency issues still present in Android today.
There are other problems, mostly the fact that it's incredibly difficult to troubleshoot on Android because there is a number of Android devices in existence that I'm pretty sure only God knows, and as they're all inherently slightly different, they all handle these sorts of things slightly differently. Audio-intensive applications like the ones developed by Teenage Engineering and Roli tend to not fare very well on Android because of this issue. There are just too many different devices to account for and it's impossible to ensure that your product plays nice with all of them, or even a decent amount of them, so developers tend to just go with iOS and call it a day.
But the main issue is latency. Download any Android-compatible synth app like Caustic to see what I'm talking about.

Basically, if you're going to use any kind of mobile device for music making that's not either a MacBook or a Windows laptop, Android probably isn't the way to go. It's not necessarily a hardware performance issue, either, as the problem persists even on flagships. Seems like Google just doesn't really care at this point.

this, just steal everything you want lmao
it's all just green sheets of paper lol

The only good one is that Jaques guy with the power donut haircut

We all know Android sucks balls for audio and they dont seem to be even interested in that area. Phone manufacturers have to implement their own DAC with varied results, so some might sound good but latency is hell.
Fuck even the kaossilator app bogs down in high end devices and eats up battery like a mf.
BUT, there is literally no excuse to sell a piece of gear for $600 that needs another device properly function, and if I recall correctly the sound comes out of the OP-Z, so the screen interface should work in any chink tablet or less, or you know, just put a screen on the thing.
The Novation Circuit editor is web based so it works on literally any device/OS, the guys in TE are utter hipsters that don't care about usability in the long run. The funny thing is, you can do pretty much the same or more with Korg Gadget or any other iPad app

So what’s everyone playing with this morning?

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damn gearspammer you still post here?

what happened to your rectal hygenist yt account I cant find it anymore

Holy shit, it was funny for a few minutes but got cringy really fast.
Is she some e-thot or something?
I thought the nigress that shills her sp-404 was cringy but this is a whole different level

>there is literally no excuse to sell a piece of gear for $600 that needs another device properly function
midi controllers shouldn't exist?


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Why would anyone buy a $600 midi controller lol

what’s wrong with OP-1?

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The problem here is that if they tried to make an Android-compatible client for the OP-Z, it would basically be a shitshow. It wouldn't work correctly for basically anyone and TE would have to demo the app on dozens of different phones for months, years maybe, just to ensure that it works for at least a few people. Even then, TE would probably have to instruct people to install some sketchy additional programs and drivers just to a few of the audio issues solved, and people would be pissed about that. Not worth it overall.

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A $600 midi controller (if it exists)has to be the most professional/high-end available. The op-z is a toy that no serious musician cares about

>A $600 midi controller (if it exists)
MIDI controllers exists in the thousands range.

Attached: seaboard rise 49.png (1000x268, 122K)

>knowing what serious musicians care about
>not actually knowing what serious musicians use or the products out there that exist

just stop


I'm so fucking attacked right now.


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what the fuck do you people actually like?
hating everything doesn't make you an interesting person, you know.

And you know better because?
And I know because I actually been to proffesional studios and seen dozens of pro-musicians play, the Nord Modular is wayyyyy more common than any TE crap, fuck, even Microkorgs are seen more often.
And english isn't my first language if you haven't noticed already

ik, but like I said, they're aimed at classical piano players and/or session musicians, not blip-blop makers. The seaboard is on a league on it's own

I'm happy with my current gear:
>MPC 2500 with jjos
>Lexicon mx400
>bunch of Boss pedals
>chink GM sound module

Had my GAS years but ended up selling most of my gear (trust me, it was a lot) and kept this setup that is good enough for my needs. Kept some gear that was too busted for selling it and sometimes use it when bored

Fuck off with your gay toys noone thinks they are cool.
>Pic related what I'm playing with this morning

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wish i knew about legowelt's site before i got rid of my dx7 :(
how can a nigga be so based


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I got a Kaleidoloop for $10. Worth the $10.

Roland D50 and JV1080, Korg Wavestation and Polysix, Sequential Prophet 5, Waldorf XTK, Yamaha TQ5 and Portasounds, Novation Peak, Vermona 14, Casiotones, the list goes on...

Attached: quiescence.jpg (1024x768, 372K)

that looks awful to play

>not JV2080
not gonna make it

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>no drum machines

Based volcas working nerds who spent thousands on gear into a seethe

Yes you have. A lot of big artists are gearfags. Off the top of my head:

Aphex Twin
Frank Ocean

I could think of more but those came to me quickest.

Just synthesize your own ones or use the rompler

that shit is rough

>18 seconds

It's like going to the Epcot Center. I can't hate.

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>no drum machine
You have no idea what an MPC is do you?

good synth drums are a pain to recreate

It's actually pretty great. The rubbery keywaves look like they'll feel like an over-inflated tire but they're actually quite soft. It's generally just a really ergonomic feeling.

>bunch of poorfags arguing about what dust-collecting gear they hoard in storage closets instead of showing off what they've made with it
synth/guitar/instrument generals are just support groups for musical failures.

dont listen to him, i love your shit. how are all the ciat-lonbarde synths?

what fucking synth/sound type is being used for the rhythmic synth in this song?

>people are discussing gear in a gear thread
>people aren't shilling their music in a non music shilling thread
wow you're a real fucking moron

she exposes the truth it's not like "synth """musicians""" " do much more than that

imagine buying a synthesizer in real life

wew lad, at least look up what MPC stands for. Calling it just a sampler is like saying Ableton Live is just a softsynth

Serge stuff, now we're getting somewhere

they are all incredible, pb2 modules can also be used as interesting filters but anxiously awaiting Peter to release the DDM Stuber

need to get funds together and order the rest of parts for the 73-75 and R*S 4U kits I have sitting here

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How do you get the most out of an OP-1?

*DDD Stuber, supposedly a reimagine? of the Stuber in Oval Synth form

loading new patches really open it up


is it any good as a midi sequencer tho?

somehow i doubt these folks spent a noticeable amount of time gearfagging on gear forums like gearfags do

what better way to spend your time at work then online talking about gear?

Pooping and getting paid for it

>he exchanges his labor for money instead of just using money to get more money
Based poorfag.

i like it

Aphex and NIN I would believe to be gearfags in terms of actually obsessing over specs and history, the rest just buys shit because they can without doing research

Gets the job done with no complaints, and has 4 outs (the 25k).
Its literally a DAW in a box

looks like a lego tv remote


i literallly cant

So what’re you playing with tonight user? I’m messing about and clocking my Benjolin from the Metasonix drum machine into Cocoquantus.

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fr. as someone who doesn't know anything about producing music, the first time i saw it, I thought it was meant to be a low-budget, accessible item to help people get into producing - a "my first synthesizer" type of deal. Was honestly surprised as shit that this Toys-R-Us looking piece of machinery was over $600. Lmao fuck

for what its worth i saw emperor x using one of these and he brought the fuckin house down

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After spending the last few weeks combing Craigslist for cheap shit I can start making music again even though I live in my car.

I've got a Yamaha psr-2, a tomcat analoge drum machine, a pockrock for FX and a barely functional akia DPS 12i to record on. It Sounds good so far.

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>literally lego technic peg knobs

why the wasted real estate in the top left. baka my head

It was so users could use Lego parts as knobs

As if you needed hard evidence that Teenage Engineering is a completely s o y company

>even though I live in my car

It's cheaper than paying rent and I can get to work quicker. I've always heard it said
"You can live in a car, but you can't race a house".

Where do you shower?

not him but I lived in a van for about 3 months and showered daily at the gym.

Wow you have to go

My girlfriend's house.

sounds comfy in some strange way. but you arent traveling around im assuming, just living in a walmart parking lot

is this the comfy synth thread?

psh naw play a laptop idiot


pretty based setup honestly. I hope you blow up and can share that backstory

>It's not actually bad this time
>shit synth capabilities
>shit samples
>shit effects
>shit sequencers
>worst pitch bender ever invented
>needs iOS. TOP KEK.
get fucked, it can't get any worse than this. who is buying this cancerous garbage? lmao. people are stupid as fuck.

I was about to get a DX this week, bad decision? I'm into ambient/drone (like Celer) stuff, and I like the portability of it, so I can record some drone loops on the go.

Any other suggestions, around the same budget?

It's got a looper and the 32 patch slots might not irk you in that style. The only other synth (or groovebox rather) I could think of is the korg electribe 2. Some guy on youtube has loads of interesting demos using it in this orthodox way

Oh and you can export your stuff directly to wav or MIDI as an ableton project. Would probably be more useful if used for sketching. Improvised performances only happen once. It's also 16 part multitimbral and has the great kingkorg engine on board in the synth version. There's also a sample based one but I think you can flash the firmwares.

Is there no display at all? Is there really just a blank gray space?
>no sliders
>lego knobs

wtf were they thinking. Why is this just looking at this dumb think making me angry?

no this is the poorfag cope thread. plus Gearspammer is back?

>reminder it took them almost 2 years to release it
>when they first showed it at NAMM it was supposed to be a VJ tool besides the music features and had hdmi out similar to the Organelle
When it finally gets released it's just an ugly iOS controller

Can't believe ppl will actually defend this piece of crap

>bought a TR-08
>this comes out

Attached: starwor.jpg (659x529, 58K)

the internal clock/sequencer is shit on it though, tr-08's is better imo

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>tfw felt for the dawless meme
Fucking YouTubers!!!!
I wanna sell all my hardware and go daw again

Anyone else with this feel? Feeling block with so much shit to maintain