2019 and still can't stop listening to this. Is this the best rock album of the 2010s?

2019 and still can't stop listening to this. Is this the best rock album of the 2010s?

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peak cringe.

Yes it is. Every track is great

wide awake more like wide cringe, fuck off zoomer

>"wide cringe"
can you get more creative than that?

it's good but i feel like yeah it does get kind of preachy

people focus on the politics too much
the actual songs are fucking fantastic, yeah the influences are pretty obvious but they're implemented in a more creative way than any other post-punk/indie band from the 2010s than I can think of apart from maybe Iceage


more creative than anything on that album

Tenderness is definitely one of the best songs of this decade.

Friendly reminder that there is nothing cringe about standing up to racism, homophobia, transphobia and misogny. Call out blind hatred wherever you see it - Yea Forums is a 4channel board and therefore an inherent ally to these causes.

Idles and Parquet Courts are THE bands of the decade.

I bet people roll their eyes at you a lot
I know I am

>tfw when right-wing but still love Parquet Courts and IDLES

>people focus on the politics too much
>too much
They focus on it because the album itself is too political. The songs themselves are good but not really that much better than those on Human Performance or Light Up Gold. The only big winning point in my opinion is Danger Mouse's production. He took them from their usual raw post-punk sound to a sleeker and more defined artsy post-punk project. It's like Tarantino going from Reservoir Dogs to Pulp Fiction.

reminder that there's nothing more cringe than preaching to the choir and repeating the same tired mantras. IDLES are cringe. Parquet Courts is actually somewhat decent.

>I'm not a bigot, I just find not being a bigot so passe
No adult thinks like this

nice strawman, idiot

Nah the songs are way fucking better and tighter than they've ever been. They've always been a somewhat decent band but Wide Awake is easily their best effort yet. Also with the politics I don't see how this impacts the actual music at all. I'm not awarding it points for whether I agree with their politics or not so why does it matter?

and fuck Tom Brady!

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So brave

To each their own. I think the songs on Human Performance are just as strong.

>Also with the politics I don't see how this impacts the actual music at all. I'm not awarding it points for whether I agree with their politics or not so why does it matter?
it's more about the style and execution, not the mere presence.

to be fair Human Performance doesn't really have any bad songs on it
>style and execution
I don't know I thought a lot of their lyrics were pretty sharp, reminds me of an angrier, political Malkmus at times
also as a footy fan I quite liked the whole Total Football analogy, no it's not massively eye-opening but I didn't really expect an indie band from houston to be referring to a Dutch football tactic

sorry not Houston - I know most of the members are from Texas though aren't they

i mean, music doesn't suddenly start sounding bad just bc ur retarded

songs on Wide Awake are definitely much better than anything on Human Performance or any of their older records. Not just production wise but the songwriting is just top notch.

hurt caucasian feelings

Agreed. HP is a good album, but it doesn't pack a punch like WA or LUG. I was starting to get sort of bored of their music, but the last album was great, I'll miss the noisier guitars sounds though, hope they crank it up a bit more.

this is the thread this album deserves, hands down. "best rock album of the 10s" lmao

this is better than any song on wide awake

I don't really like the album that much, but Total Football is a great track and a blast to play on bass.

I mean I don't agree that it is either but what would you suggest

like 30 other rock albums. but oh well let the drones continue to be ignorant.

this is just the Sea and Cake but worse

which ones though
(and don't worry I'm not going to automatically shit on them)

yeah user don't be shy

here's one u should already know

I know that you're going to get shit for this user but I actually like tame impala and especially this record

idc if i get shit. there's tons of better rock albums made this decade. whether it was mainstream or underground
even bowie's blackstar was better than WA

I like it man but I feel like a lot of the importance is placed upon the concept and not the content so much

yeah, i admire the experimentation but musically it does nothing for me

I fucking love this thread so much

Not even the best Parquet Courts album of the decade, faggot .|.

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i too really love that one song on that album


Parquet Courts, Idles, Tropical Fuckstorm = Reddit IPA Rock

Go back to indieheads you fucking loser

what should we listen to instead

pic related the average WA fan

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The others apart from Uncast Shadow are also great and mostly better than anything on Wide Awake

imagine being this wrong

not even the best parquet courts album (*cough* light up gold *cough* sunbathing animal)
answering your question, no, the monitor by titus andronicus is

>folk punk
seriously get fucked

It really isn't. Human Performance is top-tier.


This but unironically

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too many fillers

this is post-punk for Abercrombie and Fitch stores

really poor attempt at humour user ngl
pretty pathetic

then why even respond, faggot? it clearly got a reaction out of you

someone's animated that I didn't like their joke

After Laughter was better, although it's barely rock.

back to Yea Forums with your homophobic comments, you're not welcome here

keep responding, basic bitch. this band is garbage.

what are you saying you retard, is fucking lo-fi punk, and even has traces of indie, dad rock and shoegaze; do you hear acoustic guitar cheese or constant accordions or bagpipes (only in one song), do you think this sounds like ajj, against me and other tranny-core?
go eat a dick

Girl Band
Cloud Nothings

Where does Iceage fall on the Yea Forums-reddit spectrum

both good but hardly a natural progression from Wide Awake considering how much of a disappointment Life Without Sound was
lmao not that guy but Titus Andronicus? Really?

fuck what anyone says Iceage have been consistently good since their debut



their first is fucking awesome and pure post-punk, the second is the "underrated one", both based
they´re still good, but the two last are less hardcore/that kind of cool edge, and more nick cave and that sleaze drunken and artistic "gentlemen" probably liked by the reddit demographic

The monitor is very folk m8. Folk doesn't necessary mean accustic


i mean yeah, patrick is stuck in that springsteen XD phase, but their first albums are great, and though it can be pompous at times the guitarwork in the monitor is great
i don´t like the songs whining about literal cuckcolding though

shut the fuck off kid

it's funny. when human performance came i definitely thought it was a step in the wrong direction, but it still kept some more atmospheric cuts that harkened back to their best work (Content Nausea).

then wide awake came out. yeah, it's catchy, but sometimes the lyrics are a little over the top. at times enough to damn them for.

the album is cohesive enough. cohesive without suffering from it (which happens in Sunbathing Animal sometimes) but the real issue is that the highs aren't superb. i heard this album and heard a band become a boring version of themselves.

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>Is this the best rock album of the 2010s?

This 100%

*blocks your path*
*is such a perfect rock album that patrick never bothers trying to replicate it*

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for me it's this
I'm pretty sure this came out in 2010. It was either that or late 2009

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good thing you had just enough bandwith to post this
you were one google search away from exceeding the limit

>Total Football is a great track and a blast to play on bass.

one of the most fun basslines ive ever heard

the people offended by this album's politics are hilarious. Oversensitive or too stupid to listen to the lyrics.

The lyrics aren't a statement, they're discourse. Mongoloids.

No, don't you understand how the internet works now? The only possible reactions are agreement or outrage.

>how much of a disappointment Life Without Sound was
it was fucking great, the negative reception was just because they established themselves with a different sound

they have a song called white rune lul

Someone mention Iceage?

Parquet Courts is great too, but Iceage released two 10/10s in a row.

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