Tfw no black metal gf edition

tfw no black metal gf edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

ITT: Albums with a grimy, dirty sound

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post the most obscure/kvlt release in your library

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i know only gore, nothing more

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Maybe this

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This band is so obscure no one knows its actual name.

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Great fucking album, shame it's his only one.

She needs to gain at least 30 more pounds.

I like the idea of a black metal gf, but that one looks annoying.

I'll take a neocrust gf instead, plz thnx

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how come metal bands started out ironically satanic/edgy but eventually became unironic satanic/edgy?

Cause their fans actually fall for it.

Imagine the smell

That's actually only half true. Obviously the big 4 proto-black metal bands were Venom, Mercyful Fate, Hellhammer, and Bathory. Obviously Venom were just doing it for shock value, and the same is true for many thrash bands that influenced black metal like Slayer. However, Hellhammer and Bathory were deliberately using Satanic imagery and lyrics as a way to reject and criticize Christianity - Bathory opposing Christian domination of Swedish culture, and Hellhammer just being generally anti-religion. But most significantly, King Diamond of Mercyful Fate was legitimately a LaVeyan Satanist and active member of the Church of Satan (still is, I think), which had a big impact on the Norwegian bands, despite them not associating themselves with the Church of Satan.

While the only actual Satanic proto-BM band was Mercyful Fate, a lot of the Norwegian bands weren't actually Satanic either, and adopted the Satanic imagery and lyrics again to criticize religion in the same vein as Bathory or Hellhammer - that includes everyone from Darkthrone to Burzum. An underrecognized influence on black metal was also anarchist crust punk bands like Amebix and Discharge, who also gave precedent for blasphemous, anti-religious songs, based on the notion that religion was an oppressive, corrupt force generally, that people needed to be liberated from:

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melodeath sucks

So do they just go the cemeteries and smoke, get high/drunk or what?

No, they go to cemeteries to do edgy photo shoots

Tour de Garde sent a flier for that album. Okay music but wild album cover.


At the Gates is a great band. Hypocrisy has a really cool sound.

atg nosedived when the creative driving force in alf svensson left

That's the complete opposite for Emperor which worked for and against them

Because people who are interested in such themes are obviously gonna be drawn to the genre. And eventually people who are more serious about the themes are gonna come along too. Its incredibly simple.

Nobody "fell for it", fuck off pseudo-intellectual cuck.

thanks user you seem like a passionate guy about this. what are your favorite bands?


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So basically metal started by 4 britbong christians (black sabbath)
Who wanted to be a rock/blues band but accidentally created a genre called heavy metal, three retards from britain who wanted to trolololololo the christians by making songs about devil worshipping, retarded bands like bathory,celtic frost,mercyful fate and hell hammer followed this sheeeeiiit, another gay band called motorhead who accidentally created speed metal and thrash. And then some gay retarded bands like possesed and death created death metal for no reason LOL it also have another shitty subgenre called slam metal. Four retards from norway who took venom's music seriously and decided to form a band called MAYHEM LOL and then this poser pagan larping idiot came... One man band called burzum (he couldn't find anyone to play with him cause his music sucks lol) his music quality is so bad that it sounds like a broken fan... Then retards like darkthrone,immortal,satyricon came.... True gay norwheigan black metal was created.... And then another retarded band called napalm death who popularized another shitty low quality no talent genre, GRINDCORE lol CORE CORE CORE fuck this band lol..... And another retarded mainstream pop band called candlemass who popularized doom metal along with skepticism,electric funeral and black sabbath and then another gay genre called alternative metal... retarded bands like soad and tool lol and then sludge metal
came in the ass, Acid bath,eye hate god,melvins and isis lol who is just another shitty tool ripoff... They also created gay post metal lol.... And then shitty groove bands accidentally helped uhh... Um... Nu- n- hmm... Okay... Here comes the worse metal genre called NU METAL lol more like no metal hahaha
Some gay retarded fags tried to mix pantera with rage against the machine and then they created nu metal... Seriously fuck this genre....

How much of a poseur do you have to be to fuck up the OP like that?

What's the metal equivalent of this?

Now this... this is something altogether different... on a higher level.

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I've made my stance opposed to racism widely open and metalhead losers made responses like "DON'T censor music man it's freedom of speech" or "Its actual hate and makes music powerful”. There is nothing "powerful" or "angry" about white pride. Its literally a fragile identity beta males use to feel a sense of strength by using outdated symbols and words projected onto others as an attempt to provoke reaction. It's trolling, these dorks wouldn't die for their convictions, they hide behind social media because they know they have no place in the world. Racism is a byproduct of Christianity and should be treated as such. If it were up to me all anti-semite squallers would have a bullet in their temple.

Take it from me, seeing a chick who's into self harm, beheading videos and crying herself to sleep, ain't as fun as it sounds


Someone rec me my first black metal album to listen to. Need to get into it finally. Need a starter pack.

don't be fooled by the buzum meme, that's all I'll say

abrahamism are the basest ideologies of ressentiment and heralded the first of the last men up to the current century

I'll listen to Burzum at some point but still, noted


use google you fucking retard, do you need help to wipe your ass too?

>using google over Yea Forums for music recommendations.
What sub reddit do you use for music discussion?

OP's a faggot, so he forgot the FAQ, check it out
Anyway, here's my rec:

Good lad

What's your favorite year for Metal? Mine is 1986

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do not listen to this fag burzum is GOAT

>Racism is a byproduct of Christianity
t.based retard

wow this sounds a lot more norwegian than the black/thrash stuff

'Ey, guys! Deathcore is not evolution.

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Darkthrone are the only goof BM band.

maybe the best bm band judging from their first 4 albums but definitely not the only good band you need to listen more stuff if you really into them.

i sex my lady in her doodoo hole


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breddy ebin

Looks like Siobhan Fahey

now that's what i call baste

>I was quite happy standing there thundering about, playing whatever I could - that's fun. And I see young bands occasionally now doing the same thing. I think it's called thrash now. It's the same thing: It's just kids who can't play, pissing about. It's terrific.

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What's up with the people saying his voice has gotten worse since Songs for the Dead Live?
I've seen some comments here and there saying that it sounds worse than like pre-2010

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Wait what? I haven't heard that and I sure as fuck hope it isn't true. King Diamond in the mid 200o's sounded like a parody of himself and he sounded pretty fucking good on Songs for the Dead

Youtube comments and such. He's touring again now and some (a few) people are disappointed in how he's sounding this time around.
Personally, I only hear some very slight distortion in his mid-falsetto voice now compared to before. I just wanted to hear what other people (who are probably more well versed in music overall than I am) think.


I search for some recent live clips and in this one he sounds pretty aweful. Hopefully it's just that performance in particular that's the problem.

i think you meant this

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Anyone know what the lyrics to this song are based on?

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He sounds just fine here though

I wonder what he's up to these days
aussie edition


Behind These Walls must be hard as fuck to perform to be honest. He did it again after at Mystic and it sounded better.

That fag is spilling bullshit, start with Filosofem (Burzum) and Transilvanian Hunger (Darkthrone). They contain the purest essence of Black Metal.


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Based Rok

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>t. ourist

only death is real

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Gay ass fantasy

wrong darkthrone binch


>mfw the trannies and cucks in California are about to fall into the ocean
Metal for this feel?

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fixed the chart
no need to thank me

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Chatiment is pretty well known in BM circles. shitty lo-fi trendy shit as well.

>getting filtered by the metalhead's metal chart

>the somberlain

>the meme IN album
pic related is far better faggot

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what is some essential Blackened Death Metal? apart from Behemoth

newfag here, how's the album on the far bottom right called?
inb4 being this new

Mütiilation - Remains of a Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul

Replied to the wrong post

Monumentum - In Absentia Christ

Autokrator - Hammer of the Heretics
Axis of Advance - The List

Check out the War Metal genre. Hypothetically War Metal should sort of be reverse-blackened death metal, in that blackened death metal is death metal with black metal elements, while War Metal is black metal with death metal influence. But in practice they're both just really a mash up, but War Metal is more lo-fi and sometimes has grind elements. Try Archgoat, Revenge, Blasphemy, stuff like that. An obvious non-War Metal rec is Dissection, who were a band that straddled the line between black metal and Swedish Melodeath. Also, for convenience' sake, sometimes people just throw blackened thash bands like Goatwhore under the blackened death tag.

For years, Nuclear War Now!’s forum has been the haven for life dropout D&D neckbeards searching for some form of friendship and community. But according to website tracking metrics, the site has seen a massive decline in it’s traffic over the past 6 months. While viewership of metal sites can rise and fall unpredictably on metal sites, the above statistic should frighten anyone who cares about keeping their site relevant. Sites with active forums should be doing much better than your the average blog-style metal site, so the numbers above show an unforgivable descent into irrelevancy.

But given that the site is predominantly frequented by war metal fans that have no regard for actual music, the crash in interest also proves something far bigger: war metal, as a sub genre, is in its last days.

This is a welcomed revelation as war metal was the nu metal of black/death metal and was ultimately worthless. With virtually no innovation, creativity, or direction for over 20 years, war metal became the lowest IQ form of extreme metal. The fact that Beherit was more interesting, creative, and musically varied than every single band to follow it throughout the decades to follow is an absolute disgrace to every band that’s followed in their footsteps.

While the surface-level viewer might see war metal as “the most underground/kvlt/extreme/unlistenable of all genres,” the truth is that it was only marketed as such and done so very effectively as the bank account and new production facility of Cali basedboy Yosuke Kanishi will clearly indicate. By offering a product that appears “totally not mainstream haha!” Kanishi was able to efficiently trick kvlt status seeking basement dwellers into mass consumerism using the same marketing tactics as thrift shops. Essentially this created a record label and forum that was ultimately the thrift shop of metal– reissues (refurbished releases) of random bands from 20 years past that could be marketed as super underground when really they were just empty of creativity and technique. By assumingly being “not trendy” war metal became one of the trendiest metal genres of our time and the go to for the metal derivatives of the modern hipster.

“Bu… But war metal is evil!” Really, then why does Nuclear War Now! have an Instagram account?

Musically war metal is a hilarious deception because if you alternate the grooves of their atonal power chord riffs, you’ll get nu metal riffs. Most bands even match the nu metal guitar tuning of A! But war metal fans have no idea they’re listening to nu metal with different drums and vocals because they only care abut the aesthetics. In all reality most of Black Witchery’s riffs were originally on Korn’s Life is Peachy which subconsciously tickles the nostalgia of their fans without them realizing how or why.

In an age where Von is taking big money for rock star tours, where Blasphemy albums are marketed as vintage thrift shop essentials, and where black metal shows feature 90% war metal bands, any prestige or credibility war metal and it’s original bands once had is gone. War metal fans are the modern equivalent to the JNCO jeans wearing clowns of the 90s. They are the permavirgin autistis of metal that grew from infants that would have been left in the woods to be eaten by wolves in the Pagan times.

Celebrate the death of war metal, repent if you ever liked this garbage, and enjoy some classic war metal riffs below:

>btfo so bad by the war metal pasta you delete your post


Check out the War Metal genre. Hypothetically War Metal should sort of be reverse-blackened death metal, in that blackened death metal is death metal with black metal elements, while War Metal is black metal with death metal influence. But in practice they're both just really a mash up, but War Metal is more lo-fi and sometimes has grind elements. Try Archgoat, Revenge, Blasphemy, stuff like that. An obvious non-War Metal rec is Dissection, who were a band that straddled the line between black metal and Swedish Melodeath. Also, for convenience' sake, sometimes people just throw blackened thash bands like Goatwhore under the blackened death tag.

This seems silly since War Metal has always been a tiny microgenre. But some of the bands are legitimately fantastic, notably Revenge and the first Archgoat album. It's just really good, unrelenting, aggressive music. It has a lot of the same appeal as grindcore, only it's darker and grimier. A lot of grind is usually either really political and idealistic, or goofy and tongue-in-cheek. War Metal, by contrast, is pure negativity, which there's a place for.

Also, don't crowd out my posts, I don't appreciate it.

Can anyone rec me some black metal albums with traditional folk elements from NON-european countries? I'm trying to get a little chart going.
>Zuriaake and Cchthonic are trad chinese
>Al-Namrood and Melechesh are middle eastern/arab
>Nechochwen and Blue Hummingbird are native american
>and the Volahn EP has mexican folk elements

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Blasphemy is better than Revenge

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not really black metal though

lol comicsanse

hey guys. Can I get a chart of Minecraft themed albums? Thanks.

here's a special album for you user

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enderman ist krieg

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It's black/avant-garde metal, so yes it really is black metal, and I posted that particular album because it has traditional Japanese "folk elements" in it as well

good choice, 1994 is one of my favourites, not sure about my actual favourite though

What are some OSDM releases to look forward to? Off the top of my head, I can think of
>Cerebral Rot
>Witch Vomit
>Tomb Mold
>Coffin Rot

Also, anyone Chicagofags going to Tomb Mold/Molder at Cobra Friday?


Post /fell-for-the-meme/ albums

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No idea if they're releasing something soon, but here's some more hm2-core

you could do this undermining kind of categorisation with anything, but instead of making a sufficient point you are just being reductive and, as a consequence, stupid.

You actually read his post? It's illegible nonsense


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Good shit, thank you. Exactly the type of DM I like.

I gave them $1

Metal died in 1993. Only 12 good albums have been released since then (most of them in 1994, being already recorded by 1993). Metal achieved its creative peak in albums like Onward to Golgotha, Pure Holocaust, and The Red in the Sky is Ours, elevating the genre into a legitimate art form. Now, thanks to Slaughter of the Soul and Gojira, all its potential was squandered and the genre has been reduced into being mere gimmick ridden noise for drunk idiots (i.e. the lowest common denominator - stop trying to turn underground metal into AC/DC).

>"season of mist ""underground activists""""
>all mainstream reddit-core
>"avantgarde music"
>all derivative atmoshit
>"unique leader"
>all the bands sound the same
>"century media"
>has only been producing media for 31 years, not 100
>"no colours"
>not an ns label
>"20 buck spin"
>most of their records only cost 17 bucks

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>dumb frogposter
>actually is quite dumb

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What's the worst Sodom album

fucking great record

Mutiilation - Remains of a Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul

My pleasure, found them on a random drunken search last week. It's a one-man band afaik, props to the dude for writing and recording it alone

i want to die



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One of the only metal albums that I find legitimately off-putting.

Don't do it

there's barely any black metal in that album dumbass, even for Sigh standards

Go to a show user, have a beer, make some friends.


>vocalist says "scream"
>scream sound effect plays

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Remember what Tom G. said.

Raw, melodic, and very 90s Black Metal feeling. Manages to have a plodding, hypnotic darkness that runs it's course right up until you'd get bored and goes another direction. I usually don't fuck with anything laden with synths through out but I thoroughly enjoyed this album. Their demo is good too.

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Extremely based.

>#169 on rym for avant-garde metal

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>ever visiting that shitty fucking site

not a massive fan of shows, don't drink beer and I have no friends
what did he say?

Why would u want an antifa gf


Where my NSBM brethens at?

sorry, what?

Actually, my fucking loneliness is starting to creep up on me like a tsunami wave and I feel like a lil faggot
I wish I could just talk to anyone but at the same time I'm alone because I've decidedly rejected pretty much everyone around me
Any metalbros on this train?

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Is there any unironically good NSBM? I feel like the only reason people like it is cause it jerks off their world view

Why exactly do we hate Sabaton again? Leftists hate them

Forget having a black metal gf (poser)! Why not have a White Power gf?

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i'm i have crippling loneliness and depression and am really fucking struggling to cope, getting thoughts about killing myself, if i had a gun i probably would of by now, unfortunately i live in the UK and don't have access to one


I can talk to you

are u a grill?

meloshit garbage

Why do leftists hate Sabaton?


Do they? I thought Sabaton sang about blowing up Nazis?

Anywhere I can add you?

They can't into R I F F

They have always been neutral, and you know leftists hate fence sitters

kill yourselves

i have facebook

Thay made a an entire album based on Swedish patriotism. A big no-no and very racist

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>leftists hate them
Get out

Not gonna go there my gai

What is wrong? Are we not leftists?

why not?

You're not getting my (you) with that weak bait user. Thanks for trying to bump the thread though, it's been really fucking dead today

Lul typical commies associating patriotism with white pride

incredibly shit taste

I can only identify maybe two of these albums whenever its posted, can anyone help me identify them?


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ETV fag strikes again lmao
I will say, Mystic Places does deserve more recognition

I DARE you to post a better trad song

nonce freak


Need metal gf

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>If it were up to me all anti-semite squallers would have a bullet in their temple.

Chr*stianity, Isl*m and J*daism are three weeds from the same root.

You are literally God, why don't you just make one? And then make another one for me

fuck you user, i hope you and your entire family get cancer

based user no one will understand us

Hahaha fuck you too loser

>muh commies

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I wake up, scared that I'm gonna live
I wish I could make the pain go away
Give me a fucking double barrel
So I can blow out my brains
But first I'm gonna slaughter everyone I fucking blame

Please, God I'm begging you
Take away the pain
I can't bare to live any longer
To suffer for one more day
I'll go out on the street and murder every couple I see
Have my sweet revenge on humanity


i already did.. you just have to find her

Okay, this is epic.

ye bro ive ran out of coping mechanisms and ive just started to try to pullout of it, you can make it if you surround yourself with friends and make a real effort to improve, all my best friends i met at shows

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overwhelmingly shit taste
and smell

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Drowning in depression it just won't go away
I wish I could turn back time every single day
I cut my self for my sins
When will this battle be over?
The one I cannot win

>that unaligned logo

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The thing is I had a gf for 3 years and most of my friends were her friends and when we broke up last year I was completely alone
Haven't dated anyone since or anything, and haven't really made any new friends because I didn't even like anyone enough to befriend them
Everyone is just so fucking self-centered and distant nowadays, it's fucking disgusting; I can't get to like anyone
I wanted to try and see so I just dm'd a girl at random on twitter who acted all depressed and shit offering to chat if she needed someone and she didn't reply and just posted a tweet saying "this isn't normal xD"
Dunno if she refered to me, but I just think it's laughable how not even being frankly friendly can you make someone lower their guard

The only genuine person I met in the last year was a mexican guy with a suicidal tendencies vest and a trapper fur hat in the summer in Phoenix at a show and weve been chilling for the past few months, from the start weve just been really chilling, most regular people are only concerned with themselves and think just about sex drugs and drinking


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They suck

They're dogshit.

I wish I was abducted by a cute alien and we would listen to Hypocrisy together

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Are they really even fucking having sex though? A lot of incels complain about being virgins on this and other sites, but I say most "common" people or "normies" are either virgins or have sex very, very rarely unless they're in a relationship
Like back when I was with my gf everyone thought it was fucking insane that I was having sex every day
I felt so lucky to not be one of those single fucking sex-starved losers who fight for the attention of trash women who don't deserve to even get glanced at
And now here I am alone and too big of an ego

love this so much


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>I felt so lucky to not be one of those single fucking sex-starved losers
stop putting sex on a pedestal
stop thinking incels arent just volcels who refuse to get a hooker/date an ugly or fat chick

You guys are legitimately gay, both those girls are gorgeous, tattoos or not
fuck off back to /pol/
but know it's okay to be gay, accept yourself


because punching fascists is good

Thrash is objectively the best metal genre

So, you punch yourself?

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this probably. it fuckin sucks tho

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is any striborg actually good?

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I live my life in darkness and I cease to see the light


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nah, it's boring atmoshit for numales

cringe, you must have very low standards if you think those girls are gorgeous
pic-related is a true Aryan qt

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>using buzzwords
opinion discarded

and yet, she'd still rather fuck Chad or a nigger rather than you.

>implying i'm not already a nigger


i love that picture

is this the most brutal album of 1986?

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pick one

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Demilich and it's not even a question

Demigod and it's not even a question

call everything gay and retarded xD funny jokes

I actually know quite a few girls like that and they absolutely hate shitskins. Niggers only get the worthless scraps from the white table.

Probably Demigod. I use to like weird death metal riffs like Demilich produced as a teen, but not so much anymore.

>I actually know quite a few girls like that
how do you meet girls like that?

not really

>la abominación de nuevo mundo
>shitty fashion sense
>horrible tattoos
>probably even worse hygiene
please have sex


Meeting up with people from the internet. Mind you, 99.9% of them are already married or committed.


user she is really ugly

wtf I thought they were egyptian???

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goatmoon has sucked ass for at least a decade now


someone help me

with what though


Spoiler: you die at the end

Public Castration is a Good Idea is such a meme album. It's not even remotely as heavy as people on Yea Forums makes it out to be.
That Blackhouse demo is "out-brutaled" even by Skinny Puppy
Folk Music is pretty gnarly though


Gyze is shit

Leave your computer or phone and go outside

This, I really need to finish reading war and peace.

then what?


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walk somewhere, eat, sleep, read, draw or play music, play a sport. Drive somewhere if you have a car and time.

I already sleep, eat and listen to music

trendy try hard shite

The only redeemable part of Gyze is their ability to play on time, everything else from the visuals to the music is absolute garbage.
inb4 someone tells me I only like cassette demos from the 80s, my personal taste doesn't change how shit Gyze is

Lmao at you projecting your goldfish attention span

I didn't say listen, try doing something that requires activity. Also I listed more then what you said.
Its a meme, but alternatively you could also clean where you live or organize some shit
maybe do a workout if you don't like sports.

You'll have to be more specific.

If you're typical Yea Forums NEET

>Groom yourself to be reasonably presentable
>Start exercising (weightlifting or calisthenics 3x per week, jogging 2x per week.) Plenty of routines online
>Only allow 25% of your diet at most to be shit, everything else should have decent nutritional value
>Apply for all or any jobs
>Once job, begin socializing; you will spaghetti at first but you'll slowly get less autistic, it takes practice
>If you are in a situation you feel to be undesirable (whether it's the place you live or whatever,) make a longterm plan to change that

>Pick a subject, begin reading. Plenty of metal history books if that's your deal
>Pick something to study that might have marketable value (I've been studying nip for 4 years because I fell for the weeb meme)
>Begin going to shows

well i'm at a college that i don't feel is benefiting me at the moment, but i have an interview next Thursday with a mainstream college that i would be studying music at, but I'm shitting myself about the interview, my autism will probably fuck it up and if i don't get in there fuck knows what i'll do

>studying music
big mistake

why? it's the only thing i care about, what else do you suggest then?

try /adv/ or /soc/ for this
nobody cares

i suggest you find a more appropriate board to ask for life advice
fuck off mate

Hey, you reasonably have your shit together, good job user. Honestly, you probably don't need help if this is the case. Just exercise and socialize, if you don't already.

The only way to cure autism is to practice socializing. If you're that into music, why not start a band?

Regardless, if you don't get in, don't be such a pussy that you allow one fuck up to fuck up your life

This, though it's still better than being a NEET. With a meme bachelor's degree he could still go teach English in Japan, for example.

do you know what i fucking give up/ i have been cursed since the day i was born, i'm a fucking chubby nerd with no friends and no social life, i attend a fucking college full of autists and i'm one of the few relatively sane people there, i will never be independent have a girlfriend or have sex and i'm gonna an hero soon, i can't take it anymore

...everyone dies alone...

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dude just listen to some black metal and chill out

Blogposters fuck off

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Eh fuck off m8, this is the wrong board to ask for advice anyway. Some fags where nice enough to give you advice, but that's not our job, and indulging you is certainly not our job.

You're in college and I assume you weren't born with a severe disability/aids, you're doing fine. Go be an entitled faggot somewhere else.


Where do I find this album to listen too?
Can't find it anywhere

Anything similar?

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Just know that there are thousands if not millions who know exactly how you feel

t. 25 year old kissless, handholdless, virgin, no friends, no job, absolute fucking retard

end all life

Anyway listen to Skáphe

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Jesus this thread is getting fucking pathetic
Go get drunk

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>sissy city boy hands
mmmmm bet those soft hands would feel nice on my dick

I left college came back home Did a few years of community college for a medical job and now Im working well above poverty line and I'm home with family and friends, maybe you do something like this.
Still no gf though aha.

i do that every night user
shut the fuck up mutt, look at yourself
you haven't got a fucking clue, cunt

Based God

I would beat the everliving shit out of you don't post anymore

>metal wasn't influenced by bla-

God bless

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well guys, it was nice knowing you gonna find a way to end my life now, see ya

dios mios....

virgin freak

Unless it's been restricted in your country, it's on YouTube.

I don't think anyone has ever seriously said metal wasn't influenced by black music

worded it two diff ways so you dummies would understand

Simply based

>omg nooooo dont do it bro you have so much to live for
There u go m8

You're not allowed to kill yourself without recording a DSBM album first.

Reminder that Xasthur is still alive and has a qt black metal gf despite being the most depressed human who ever lived. You can do it too, user.

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Keyman - Hand of Judgement
cool art ok story

>well guys, it was nice knowing you gonna find a way to end my life now, see ya

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Xasthur is literally a chad now

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>Xasthur is literally a chad now

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need the GF sitting on my face ASAP

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looks fertile

looks like his diet is entirely soyy based

more like gayze

just like the fuhrer intended

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cute trap


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>those legs

This is what /pol/ does to you

reckon she'd rock the black hair quite well.. MMPH
love my queen

post her cankles

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new bred

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This girl is legitimately less attractive than those crust girls. She's not unattractive, but she's less attractive. Go back to /pol/ with your delusions

I have. It seems like you need to take your own advice


>ugly goblins
>hotter than qt aryan goddess
kys mutt

No u, retarded blind racist

you can fucking talk, those girls are literally ugly everyone in this thread thinks so, you are probably a shit skin who can't get white pussy


i'm white and could beat the shit outta of your ass bitch

come on pussy, meet you outside right now and we'll settle this man to man

lol no, you're hilariously low IQ and insecure

you know what i'm gonna kill myself

I'll bet this is the chart faggot replying to himself again

This sounds batshit insane and freaking scary while high, i feel like i'm satan

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good, nobody likes you anyway pussy
