

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-05 at 8.46.41 PM.png (788x744, 244K)

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Just filter you pussy.

Out of the whole of Yea Forums you single out the sharing threads as cringe?

this is you

Attached: 'fuck soundcloud rappers'.png (787x570, 96K)

yeah they're pretty fucking cringe

sensitive huh

When you have dumbasses like pic related having a mental breakdown every thread over EQing bass, yeah it's pretty cringe. Take a look >I'm here to save this thread! So say Y-Y-Yu-YOo! *farts*

Attached: IMG_8962.jpg (700x700, 110K)

stay in your containment thread dubbi

Stop talking to yourself

I fucking hate that guy. He's always talking so much shit but makes literally the worst music I've ever heard.

he might be schizophrenic? we really just need to ignore him

--To Be Honest Freestyle-彡

>emotional rap
>just some freestyle shit
>sad vibes

just put this up, hope anyones into it. thank you.

Attached: Skärmavbild 2019-07-06 kl. 06.54.15.png (496x499, 274K)

yeah do not EQ bass
limit it, never compress or EQ bass
please don't do that

This is top tier parody. Enjoy the complement because I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve been kind toward a stupid fucking namefag

This is amazing man, the snare is really sharp but besides that there's nothing I'd change

Here's some of my music:

him, the guy who roleplays a bot and basically every person that makes trap on here especially the ones that are "post emo"

can you tell me more about this

honest reviewer here
there is nothing special about this, it might even be the least interesting thing i have ever heard

shut the fuuuck up about that. If I have to hear about his apparent schizophrenia I'll lose it, he's just a troll. That's it!

he can't he's full of shit

yeah I fucking hate him. he's just a retarded troll.

Since you want interesting:

Also, long live Dubbi.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 63K)

>long live Dubbi
Shut the fuck up!!

This one is much better.

He's a pleb filter.

Attached: 1_E_CNG3R79_WVHs3ADtnFHA.jpg (720x478, 62K)

since this is now a shillthread:



will return all feedback!

Attached: 391047553.jpg (1200x1200, 890K)

based, fuck niggers

a troll who's wasted his time doing this for 6 years?
he sounds schizophrenic too, when he talks
either way, schizophrenic or troll, we should ignore him