Who do you follow on Spotify...

Who do you follow on Spotify? I need some patrician artists to follow on Spotify to appear more patrician than I actually am

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neck yourself teen, come back when you're 18


why do you willingly fall for bait?

I don't use spotify, kys

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>Frank Ocean
You've already exposed yourself

Exposed myself to what? Frank's music is enjoyed by patricians and plebs alike

>Frank's music is enjoyed by patricians and plebs alike

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user... you just posted cringe

I'm disappointed by how many already fell for this bait. How retarded are you guys?

>j-just pretending guys!!

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honestly this seems like a thread some retard would make unironically

>not realizing this thread is bait and you fell for bait lol

i feel like literally all the artists there are on the same sort of normie scene but also enjoyed by ppl beyond that.

ok dude we fucking get it jesus christ

U mad bro

whats the hell is wrong with insecure faggots like you that want to use music as a fashion accessory? end your life senpai

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retard i was just baiting u LOL

I'm not OP

YOU ARE NOW BITCH *fucks your mouth*


I was gonna give you a name of an artist who is actually great to follow
>has 94 hour playlist of music on spotify that he listens to and is inspired by which you can always just put on shuffle to find something new
>is always posting pictures on instagram of albums he's recently copped which are usually really good listens
>tweets when albums he thinks are really good are released and links to them
>makes great music of his own
but since you're a faggot OP I don't think I will