Be me

>be me
>at normie party
>in charge of music
>put on some death grips
>"yo WTF is this user?! I thought you had good taste."
>tfw spending the rest of the night having to play normie approved trash

music for this feel?

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Exactly how normie are your friends? Or maybe they just don't like Memegrips

That normie has better taste in music than you.
Let that sink in.

>at skool
>in charge of music
>put on some death grips
>yo WTF is this user?! I thought you had good taste
> pale qtpie i like it
music for this feel?

jokes on you you played death grips for normies what exactly did you expect

Well half the guys wanted me to play Drum and Bass afterwards and the girls kept asking for childish gambino. I usually stick to my guns and everyone enjoys my music anyway but I my reputation could've been permanently damaged after tonight's stunt

What song did you pick


Fuck a reputation play this song next time. Guaranteed hit

based but destined to fail

I thought normies have liked DG for at least 5 years now. I'm surprised.

OP is the normie

>be me
>NEET at home
>in charge of music all the time
>still don't play death grips because a life of isolation has given the time to pursue better taste

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These threads always expose how pretentious and narcissistic most of Yea Forums is. Nobody gives a fuck what sounds you enjoy over other sounds. It is NOT a personality trait and you are NOT a better person because of it. Your friends are not "normie" because they don't like death grips. They just do not want to listen to a fucking death grips song while they're at a party you aspie moron. God this place makes me cringe.

>God this place makes me cringe.
Go back to you know where, obviously this isn't your place.

I've only met one person IRL who knew about death grips

OP you are not a special snowflake because of what you listen to. you are fucking cringe incarnate. maybe play some le epic free jazz next time and watch all the girls freak out!!!

and you wonder why you can't get laid, incel

Kill yourself. I fucking hate people who try to force their tastes on the aux. I don't care how good your taste is, when auxing your role is to ENTERTAIN. You have been entrusted by those around you to provide them with music THEY like. You're the DJ. You're providing a service. Don't aux if you're not there to entertain.

I'm not even OP you fucking retard. If cheeky posts like this trigger you then you really do need to go somewhere where they tag sarcasm with a "/s".

unironic female? post feet please

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>live in fraternity
>in charge of music for parties
>get asked to play bangers
>play tiktok memes
>get asked to play country
>play ween
>everybody is happy
If I can fake it you can too user. Death grips is only for when everybody leaves and it’s just you and the boys hanging out.

Yeah I don't make alot of friends most new Normies when it comes to musical tastes. I usually get the your music is to old complaints even though I have yet to find good funk, or instrumental songs outside the occasional soundcloud remixes that just express my emotion. That being said here is a song that's asthetic to look at the lake, beach, or city skyline too.

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Deathgrips is trash. You should be mocked for listening to that shit 100%

I've met quite a few, not many who knew of them and likes them though

>childish gambino
This guy is such a talentless fraud. I hope he fades into nothingness so I never have to hear about his "inspired""""music""""" again.

He is to Reddit what Kanye is to Yea Forums

Because Death Grips sucks.
What's wrong with you?
You don't have to play "normie" music. Just don't play autistic meme trash like death grips. You should have played andy stott, every normie loves andy stott.

death grips doesn't suck you fucking idiot

He’s a jack of all trades in the entertainment industry. He’s a terrible actor and a terrible “musician” (considering his producers do everything for him) but that won’t stop the people who manage him to shill his name as much as they can for “pride” or whatever

You are a retard.

>considering his producers do everything for him
Hmm, yeah. That one producer who has vids on yewtube about his creative process to bring that big hit album of his to life confirmed that they do all the heavy lifting. The worst part is the fuck face bambeano can't even sing. I will take Kanye the clown, who is irrelevant, over this doofus any day.

Some music is just made to be listened to on headphones and some is not, knowing the difference helps a lot.

Death grips definitely isn't supposed to be listened to with headphones

True, you're actually not supposed to use speakers of any sort to listen to it.

you're right. but aren't death grips basically club music? they're pretty easy to dance to. it really depends on the song OP put on

I saw them live twice. They suck.
It's literally just Korn, limp bizkit, etc. Nu-metal for zoomers

Memegrips is horrible solely because of the aweful vocals and brainlet tier lyrics. It’s only deep to white kids who feel guilted into liking it so they can brag about how they like a black artist. Listen to the instrumentals, they’re all far superior without any of his “singing” and stand alone as more influential than the “full” songs.
No, I not racist so don’t try to use a cheap straw man like that. The singer legitimately ruins every single song with his gibberish and pseudo ironic rapping. What’s worse is the groupthink guilt trip into liking a shit singer solely for social progressiveness points. Reviewers are scared to admit this because they’re spineless and terrified of being branded a racist. FYI memegrips already pulled that card early in their career.

>I hated them so much I went back for seconds!

hit the nail on the head.
The instrumentals are great, but the rapping ruins them.
They should have just been an instrumental band, they would have been much better off and avoided the autists from swarming them.

>you will never go to a shoegaze party

why even live bros

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At least you tried, I think Hacker is their most normie-friendly song so if that fails then everything else from them fails. Maybe Streaky could've worked, though.

i put on death grips once at a houseparty expecting everyone to hate it. half of them were "woah u listen to deathgrips xd we love reddit too" and the other half were too drunk and high to care. granted, it was my house and my party, but why are you hanging out with people you don't share interests with

>share interests with

redditor exposed

imagine think death grips is good

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In all seriousness, what do normies play at parties? I haven't been out in ages and I've lost touch with the youth. Is rap still the most popular genre?

I've met one who knew about them and introduced one friend to them. Also played some songs on aux. Never met anyone who genuinely liked them.

>let's drink in my moldy ranch house and then stand around in my moldy ranch house
>oh my god he's playing the death grips instead of playing the migo's on my stereo holy crap that's fucking cringe right there fella
damn bro getting fomo vibes
you guys are so cool

I genuinely like MC Ride's rapping style

>why are you hanging out with people you don't share interests with
Never met anyone with my music taste so I relate to my friends with other interests

play some fun house or some disco almost everyone can fuck with that, that’s my experience from normie high school parties at least

based gay friend

Rap, 90s alternative, and new country.
That being said, I went to a party where they were playing tool and seether, but it was definitely a crack house

Gmail and the Restraining Orders is some head boppin shit kill me now to live in this world

best if you put on some of the tracks that are easier for people to vibe to, like hacker or beware

>tfw Bilinda will never know I exist

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I said death sucks guys see I'm cool. Please think I'm cool

Fuck you Death is a great band.


>guys wanted me to play Drum and Bass
Next time this happens play some Venetian Snares and watch the panic ensue

>>at normie party
>>put on some death grips
wtf everything should be ok maybe your the normie

I know tons of people who know Death Grips. Then again I'm not underage lol

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I like this idea

>half the guys wanted me to play Drum and Bass
Wtf how old are they? No one under the age of 35 would say this, they'd ask for grime, or trap, or dubstep, or "riddim". DnB is fuckn outttt man

>at kindergarten slumber party
>in charge of music and candy
>put on some Whitehouse and buy salty licorice
>"this music is gay, and the sweets suck. user is gaaaayy user is gaaaay nanananananah"
>tfw have to spend the rest of the evening playing normie trash like kidz bop and eating fucking lolipops
I swear, why are all the other kids such plebs and also gay?

fuck off normalfag

>t. Me, an intellectual with good taste

ehhh MC Ride is a decent rapper, certainly unique and his style works well with the instrumentals. Would agree that I'd like to hear the producers do some instrumental stuff on their own

Nah he's a good singer, it's an unusual flow and Stefan puts a lot of energy and emotion into his vocals.

kill yourself

I don’t know Awaken, My Love is pretty great. I don’t really like his rap though

I've never played DG to a normie who didn't enjoy it. They eat that shit up if they've never heard it before.

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