ITT: 10/10 albums
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agreed for the most part, especially the Fahey
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OP your a god, that shit is great
why does he do it? Is it autism?
Flawless rap album
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Interesting. Maybe I'll play it at work.
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This but unironically
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There's been 1 correct post so far but I won't say which
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I swear to god, Yea Forums has missed this one for years.
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holy shit I'm listening to this for the first time and this is the most well constructed accessible music I've heard in a very long time
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Aratamemashite, hajimemashite, Midori-Desu by Midori. Punk album
>*holds up spork*
z0Mg le 5k00by D00 moo51k 50 r4dum 1 l0v3 7h47 4lbum 0_____o
It's deliberate af imo
Tell me what's wrong with Magnolia Electric Co before I punch you through your fuckin screen
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Based futuredaysposter
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Loved this album since i was 14
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/bleep/ rep
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