>he doesn't listen to obscure japanese bands live bootlegs from the 90s in mini-discs
The fuck is wrong with you?
He doesn't listen to obscure japanese bands live bootlegs from the 90s in mini-discs
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm not a weeaboo
I am a normie and i want to stay like that because i want to have friends
>he thinks they're really his friends
you're missing out
Being a normie is all about looks. If you're good-looking, you can get away with having weird-ass tastes and interests. Try it.
You were only ever supposed to flick your bean to these groups
>he thinks he cant have both friends and interests/passions
gets better after high school
>tfw ywn go to 難波ROCKETS in 1993
What the fuck is wrong with whom?
It would be 'they' -- 'whom' is the receiver of an object/action. baka.
I hate Japan
i like your penmanship
t. tranny
>live bootlegs
The most pleb tier form of music
Fox and sour grapes
If your going to listen to Japanese music listen to some good music like this little diddy right here.
This was obviously made by some weeb. Japanese people don't write like that
Are you new?
what the fuck is a mini disc
Don't try to be smart when you really aren't.
first posts, best posts
wp actually
you don't either. doing it once has gotten you so excited you just had to come here and post about it.