The year is 2019

The year is 2019...
It is not cool to be into death grips anymore.

Attached: 83D3A72D-8EB1-49DD-BECC-388F19C002CE.jpg (750x750, 190K)

The year is 2010...
It is not cool to be into death grips.

The year is 2011...
It is not cool to be into death grips.

The year is 2012...
It is not cool to be into death grips.

The year is 2013...
It is not cool to be into death grips.

The year is 2014...
It is not cool to be into death grips.

The year is 2015...
It is not cool to be into death grips.

The year is 2016...
It is not cool to be into death grips.

The year is 2017...
It is not cool to be into death grips.

The year is 2018...
It is not cool to be into death grips.

The year is 2019...
It is not cool to be into death grips.

t. pajeet

Bluepilled and unbased

The year is 2019...its not cool to be into K-Dot anymore.


Ye their whole shtick is outdated as fuck by now. Kinda cringe at how much I used to like them.


Guillotine is still a jam but that's it.

If you posted this every day I bet after a month Yea Forums would hate them

you got the phrase wrong idiot

i never seen posts like this about k-pop


Then what is the cool band to like now?

>he lets other people tell him what’s cool
I see you’re a trendfollower not a setter. It’s ok not everyone can be based user

If you think liking any particular band or artist is cool, then youre a moron. Enjoy the music, not what you think your musical taste says about you. Nobody cares what you like.

So? I don't care.



I remember when I was 17, OP.
You're not gonna believe this but nobody cares. Seriously. Only teenagers think liking or disliking things makes them cool or lame.

You'll understand this soon.


Good thing I don't listen to music because people on Yea Forums told me it was cool.

Most people don't care but if you're in an artsy community your peers still will. Not as much as in high school but it's still there.

Who's that homeless guy on the left? Is he "Death" or "Grips"?

None of this is cool. If you're cool everything you do is inherently cool.

He's the teaboy

Why would I care what's cool or not

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So they're back to being a band that only prostitutes, strippers, drug dealers, sketchy people that go on the deep web daily, conspiracy theorists, mutes, junkies, people most likely to commit a crime that go to a midnight release of a GTA game, and anarchists listen to I see.

I was an adult when their first EP was released. My taste has not changed. It's not like when I was in middle school and used to think Linkin Park and Blink 182 was cool.