What's the best Beatles song?
What's the best Beatles song?
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bear easily
The only acceptable answers are Strawberry Fields Forever and I Am The Walrus
bear easily
Blue jay way orl two of us
martha my dear
>granny shit
her majesty
bear's got too much weight on the gorilla. gorilla only wins if it can come out on top using its smarts, which is unlikely
Such chords tho
penny lane
A day in the life, for no one, happiness is awarm gun, helter skelter was dope.
a day in the life
I dunno. Bear has weight advantage sure, but Gorillas are scary strong and far more nimble. If the Gorilla could out manoeuvre the Bear and get on its back, it could snap its neck no problem.
>In My Life
A Day In The Life
everyone says a day in the life to seem deep and smart. even yellow submarine is better
>If the Gorilla could out manoeuvre the Bear and get on its back, it could snap its neck no problem
the thing is, the bear's even got weight in its neck. a bear's got almost twice as much weight as a gorilla, i don't see how the gorilla could even kill the bear unless it found a way without just using its hands
gorillas rarely use tools. it would need a huge rock or something to smash the bear's skull in. the gorilla technically has a chance, but i'd say it wins once out of every 50 matchups, and that feels generous
Rocky Raccoon
Grizzly Bear vs Gorillaz
Tomorrow Never Knows
Gorillas hardly even eat meat, how the fuck is it gonna know how to take down a predator? It could hide in a tree and wait to pounce on it, but idk, probably have to rely on a team effort, dont see how bear wouldn't win every time in a 1v1
while my guitar gently weeps
better question: bear vs. two gorillas, who wins?
Gorilla. Far better better mobility, it'd rip a bears nuts clean off like it was nothing
the one about the egg
Gorilla has the abilities to win but not the smarts. A human mind in a Gorilla body could beat a bear, but a gorilla mind won't know how to use what strength it has and the environment and tools to its advantage.
And Someday is the best song.
that's the thing. a gorilla that knows to go for the throat? knows to pick up something sharp? knows to crush the head? that's a gorilla with a fighting chance.
a gorilla that just has a fucking fistfight with a bear? it's gonna die
a gorilla that is aware enough to go for the throat is aware enough to know not to fight a fucking bear
it would run as soon as possible
the people in this thread talking about gorillas winning thinking they have dex in this situation are retarded: a bear has comparable relative speed for its size and besides, weight is a WAY bigger factor in a fight than dexterity
ik, i'm just saying in a coliseum type matchup the gorilla would have a good chance (still lower, but maybe 1/5, maybe a bit higher) if it were smarter
My years of watching Joe Rogan has finally paid off.
Gorillas are smart enough to know basic human anatomy, they'll rip off genitals because they want to fuck with you. Maybe because they're similar to us or they have experience with us, but they know to do it. I'm still going with the bear though. Twice the weight and bears don't give two shits about fucking with it's prey, they'll just kill and eat their babies because they're hungry. The gorillas minor intelligence and want to enjoy what it's doing will be it's downfall.
look at this,
you can shoot these things in the fucking face and they still kill you. a gorilla has about as much of a chance as a human does. you do not fuck with a bear.
Think of it like a 150lb dude going up against a 280lb monster. Yeah the smaller dude is faster and can possibly even have more skill but 9 times out of 10 at some point the bigger dude is going to grab him in a way he can't escape from, and it's over
A bear can literally crush a gorilla skull with just a bite.
Gorillafags never had a chance.
Gorillas have a stronger bite force than grizzly bears
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
Yesterday, just because it's my favourite.
Both animals get shot by a human.
so if bear>gorilla and wolfs in a pack>bear then wolfs>gorilla?
Bite force is measured in PSI and is pretty much useless, a rat has a biteforce of 24000psi for instance while a great white shark only has 4000. Grizzlies and gorillas both have about 1200psi but grizzlies mouths are twice the size, meaning their bite is twice as strong in reality.
Can 50 Mike Tysons defeat 2 bears?
It doesn't matter if it's 1000 Mike Tysons. If he punched a bear he would shatter his hand without the bear even feeling it.
Hello, Goodbye
>wolfs in a pack>bear
Packs of 25+ wolves are too scared to attack bears
The bear would win and it wouldn't even be close
one or two swipes from the bear's claws would rip the gorilla's face off
Gorilla's just like all apes are an absolute meme that gets btfo by almost any animal it comes across
They aren't as nimble as people think they are
They aren't as strong as people think they are
The gorilla is not doing any significant damage to the bear
humans are effective because of intelligence and tool use
other apes don't even make weapons
theres a reason why gorillas are only found in some remote jungle regions in africa and bears are found everywhere in the northern hemisphere
to reiterate the bear would demolish the gorilla in a few seconds
where the fuck did this dumb meme come from?
>it's aware of going for the throat
almost all predatory animals are aware of this
the bear also knows to go for the throat
this does not give a noteable advantage to the gorilla
bear still wins
it would beat one gorilla in a few seconds so it would almost immediately be able to kill the other
based and global-apex-predator-pilled
also the best song is either eleanor rigby or strawberry fields
hows the gorilla even supposed to kill the bear? he's not got teeth made for attacking so does he just punch the bear to death? the bear has about equivalent strength and claws.
Probably, mike tyson isn't so dumb that he can't make weapons
and 50 men is a lot even for two bears, the bears would be overwhelmed by 50
but a boxer isn't the best choice to fight a bear
yeah obviously
why do people think gorillas are this titan of animal strength?
is it just because they look like bulky humans?
a pack of wolves would rip a gorilla to pieces
an indiviual wolf would lose though
Nowhere Man
I'd root for the gorilla but realistically the bear wins
Looks like the gorilla forfeits.
What about fist through its anus?
the gorillas aren't very carnivorous though, so they might not naturally go for the neck
i think, 2 gorillas, both much smarter than the average gorilla, are the only situation where they have a chance though. one gorilla charges the legs from behind, the other gorilla bites the neck
the one where he says nigger
gorillas are smart and can climb and shit, im going gorilla
and there are no good beatles songs /thread
6. Mean Mr. Postman
5. She Loves You To
4. Yesterday Never Knows
3. If I Needed Something
2. Good Night Good Night
1. A Day In My Life
You guys seriously underestimate a gorilla’s weight, height, ARM REACH and most importantly..
gorillas are also much more agile
Tldr - it’s gorilla for me
Also Don’t let me down
you underestimate how god damn gigantic a bear is. it'll tower over the gorilla and rip it up with its claws and teeth.
it might be a hard match, but the bear is almost twice the size of the gorilla, and built for combat in its own ways
the average male grizzly weighs 600lbs while the average male gorilla weighs only 350lbs
to say that the gorilla would win would be purely based off the belief that they could use their dexterity to beat the bear, which is simply not true
A few facts for you to know
Btw, bears don’t fight when standing, almost never actually. It’s rare when they attack while standing
A gorilla would ram his motherfucking ass into the bear and destroy the fucker
>two retarded answers
Especially for being a gorillafag
Bears can also climb trees
And climbing a tree isn’t going to do much
This isn’t pro wrestling
The gorilla isnt going to dive elbow first for a knockout
>the strength
Only impressive compared to human strength,
a bear is stronger, weighs more and has claws
Why do people think that gorillas are especially tough
Apes are such a joke that they’re all going extinct apart from humans
Lucy in the sky with diamonds or strawberry fields forever.
that was just a random guy on quora without any sources
imagine a 350lb strongman vs a grizzly bear
youd say that the grizzly would maul the shit out of him
gorillas arent much different
>a bear is stronger
Bears are 2.5-4.5 times stronger than humans
Gorillas have been recorded to be 4-12 or 8-20 times as strong as humans
Conclusion: gorillas are much stronger than bears
You can google that shit, faggot
The 350 lb strongman would be mostly fat (gorillas are almost all muscle), no fighting technique, small fists and very short reach and much less muscular arms and overall much less weaker than a gorilla
Revolution 9
>mostly fat
the only advantage that a gorilla would have is that they are more adept at fighting and can use their teeth
which doesnt matter because a grizzly bear would maul the shit out of the human or the gorilla and thats just a fact
you fucking google it if you're making the claim. you just showed us an argument from some guy from quora, you didn't give any backing to what he said
not to mention that that dude said gorillas are 20 times stronger than humans, or some shit? here's something with an actual source that says otherwise animalwised.com
Her Majesty
(from Abbey Road, if you let the album play after what appears to be its conclusion)
Damn. You /threaded me before I could add Her Majesty!
You know the rules user. You're post doesn't count now. Just leave and wonder what could have been.
The gorilla is much more agile and has farther reach - it could literally outrun the bear and keep the bear at bay while also massacring his muzzle with bare fists - which are motherfcuking strong
None of that contradicts what that quora guy said you fuckass
Bear wins every time, gorillafags will never accept the truth.
A gorilla is strong and badass but doesn't have shit on a bear. Fucking bears are among the best killers on planet earth.
everyone knows that a bear would maul the shit out of a gorilla but what about a bear vs a tiger
She Said She Said
Gorilla, fucking obviously. Aside from having way more dexterity, an orangutan that weighs less than 100 lbs is stronger than the strongest humans on the planet. Extrapolating from that, I can only imagine how strong a silverback gorilla is.
fucking gorillafags
you understand the opponent is a bear right?
Gorillas are uprooting the whole tree strong; that kind of strength is useless against a bear. And it would only be properly harnessed if gorillas' posture was upright like human beings. They can't do much other than slapping and biting. This isn't anime, they aren't going to punch the bear. And if they try to get their hands near the bear's mouth, they'd be pretty much useless by the next few seconds
>Gorillas are uprooting the whole tree strong
Trees aren't also known to fight back.
Gorillas aren't very aggressive animals compared to a bear. A chimpanzee however, they're fucking nuts. They can rip you to bits.
the beatles suck
A chimpanzee would still be utterly demolished by a bear.
Revolution 9
Nah, it would rip its face apart.
While my Guitar Gently Weeps
Adult chimpanzees weigh up to 130 pounds. No shit they have even less chance against a 600 pound brown bear than the gorilla would.
>he makes up for being 1/6 the size with pure aggression
this is one of the most intelligent discussions i've ever seen on Yea Forums and it's mostly about a bear fighting a gorilla
bear of course, also i am the walrus and a day in the life
if the chimp gets even close to the bear the fuckers gonna get ripped in half
what I saw was one bear biting the shit out of another to inflict a lot of pain and assuring dominance. The other one didn't do shit.
Amazing sound on this one too, you could hear every growl and gurgle.
Quads made me leave.
Strawberry Fields Forever
What's with Yea Forums's sudden acceptance of the Beatles? Has the Scaruffi pasta magic worn out? Was it the madman meme?
Monkeys always fight by playing grab ass then running off and circling back, or biting.
mu's first good thread
> Outrun the bear
Yea Forums finally developed good taste