Has she ever made any attempt on singing, ever? Is her whole shtick is appealing to fat weebs without hiding it at all?
>look at me i'm a cute nip i'm into what weebs think is Japan popular culture! DAE Nintendo and Anime?
Has she ever made any attempt on singing, ever? Is her whole shtick is appealing to fat weebs without hiding it at all?
>look at me i'm a cute nip i'm into what weebs think is Japan popular culture! DAE Nintendo and Anime?
Maybe you could use a file name or something you fucking retard
Huh? What's your problem?
You, you fucking retard
Use a filename or say who the object of your affections is.
Reverse google search, you degenerate subhuman.
This is Sarah Bonito off Kero Kero Bonito.
Oh, no wonder I don’t know who she is
She is nothing
Thanks for wasting a thread you retarded cocklover
how fucking new are you that you dont know who kkb are?
I know who they are
They are nothing
I don’t waifu the bitch so I can’t be arsed to recognize her from some shitty photo you keep on your phone
Kill yourself fat weeb
what a thread
>post some unknown whore
>expect everyone to reverse image search to participate in your shitty thread
You wish fag
We had KKB general threads in here not that while ago, newfag.
Try again retard
And only the cocklovers cared
But she does sing?
She sings like she's making music for children.
Her vocal style fits the music. She's great on their latest album. Don't see what the problem is.
She's dropped that since Time n Place.
Once she starts getting into music beyond her comfort zone (which is the "I'm too young to die" difficulty of music making) she struggles with anything. She didn't do anything in a satisfactory level in that album.
Maybe, she's not the best singer, but it's still a great album regardless.
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Users: 13
At least this thread is funny as shit
you spell word wrong (hint: it were "relpies")
jfc dude fuckin chill lmao