Abbey Road

Is it their best work?

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Yes, no question.

>Abbey Road (1969), is a vaudeville-style operetta that combines every genre in a steady stream of melodies and structurally perfect arrangements. It is the summa encyclopaedica of their career. It is a series of self-mocking vignettes, mimicking now the circus worker (Maxwell's Silver Hammer), now the crooner (Oh Darling, a parody a la Bonzo Band), now the baby-sitter (Octopus's Garden, in the silly vein of Yellow Submarine), culminating in the overwhelming suite of side B. Starting with the primitive exuberance of You Never Give Me Your Money (a mini rock opera worthy of early Zappa) and Mean Mr Mustard, the suite comes in thick and fast with Polytheme Pam and She Came In Thru The Bathroom Window, and dies melancholically with yet another goliardic chorus, Carry That Weight (that reprises the motifs of Money and I Want You). It is the apotheosis of the belated music hall entertainer in Paul McCartney. And it is, above all, a masterpiece of production, of sound, of sonic puzzles.

unquestionably, yes


No, the white album was their best, especially wild honey pie


undoubtedly no, it's Rubber Soul

As an album, this one is my favorite. My three favorite Beatles songs are Hey Bulldog, Happiness is a Warm Gun, and You Never Give Me Your Money. The are a couple of cool music theory parallels between Tame Impala and the Beatles. I study music theory. If anyone wants to here me babble about their compositional techniques and how they overlap, let me know.

Go on, sounds all very interesting desu

Go on


you dont know shit

No way. White album is better, Revolver is my favorite, and please please me is underated

>White Album is better
I don't get it, it has lots of bangers but also several dumb fillers. I know that the concept of the album itself is for it to be a diverse work which the listener should approach free from expectations, and while I love the idea, it's not the type of album that I'd place at #1. Being at the top requires consistency, a trait whose lack of is the charm of the White Album.

>Revolver is my favorite
Fair enough, user.

>Please Please Me is underrated
In what sense?

One technique they both use a lot is changing chord inversions instead of changing chords. Then they’ll do something trippy like emphasizing the relative major note in a minor chord by putting it in the bass or some shit.

Never give me your money, there’s a string of chord changes that are all C major just in different inversions. It’s such a trippy vibe. I never thought of using that technique until I started learning tame songs. And then I learned beatles songs and realized where he got the idea from.

A hard days night and peppers are much better.

>A Hard Day's Night
It has lots of great songs and is an overall highlight of their early era, but, like any of their work from those years, cannot be compared to anything Rubber Soul onwards. It's a fact.

>Sgt Pepper's
It would've been hands down the best Beatles album if it had included Strawberry Fields Forever and Penny Lane, a mistake George Martin probably regretted till his death. Otherwise, while an incredible record, it has some lesser songs (When I'm 64, Good Morning), and fails to be as psychodelic as they claim it is. Still, deserving of being on most people's top 3.

I prefer MMT but it’s undoubtably their best work

Revolver and Abbey Road are tied as my favorite but gun to my head and I'd choose Revolver.

It is more than the sum of its parts. Side B increasingly strikes me as a bit of a con, Lennon certainly thought so.

That said, I like the Beatles because they did all kinds of music so they are unusually hard to pin down in terms of 'best work' if we're honest about it. It depends which Beatles you like.

Every album from Revolver onwards besides Let It Be and Yellow Submarine is a contender for their best album.

>not counting Rubber Soul
Cringe. One of the most perfect pop albums ever made.