Chart Thread

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based stuff, might check out some of it

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excellent taste

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posting in this thread too

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well Op nice taste
might i recommend the notekillers to you based off of your variety, they are a no wave-esque band if youre into that

Everyone else is a faggot lazyposter in this thread

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Based OP. You know Slapp Happy?

Yeah fuck all this lazyposting. Your chart's also sick. Do you like A Place to Bury Strangers?

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good taste

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love them, i always try to catch them live

+frizzle fry

also im just getting into dinosaur jr and digging it

+moon and antarctica
i listened to that album so much when i was younger

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FUCK jazz

based korn s/t

scaruffidrone ballin

i have that bats album on cd but the second half is scratched its kinda fucked up

good albums but weird that you like them in that order

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big fan of penis core?

> (You)
>scaruffidrone ballin
can you explain? i get that all the time. The only 'scaruffi-core' album i can think of on my list is Hot rats

big time

>still listening to metal in current age

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enjoyed these this year a lot

nice chart, i like most of it, listen to Antonio Carlos Jobim - Wave
check Squarepusher or Boards of Canada if you you haven't
i dig it, listen to any Flotation Toy Warning album
idk what to rec you, maybe women - public strain?
nice chart, check vanishing twin - the age of immunol?
oh, you are a noisy guy, listen Daisuck & Prostitute - 死ぬまで踊りつづけて (Shinu Made Odori Tsuzukete
Stereolab - Transient Random-Noise Bursts With Announcements
Dave Bixby - Ode to Quetzalcoatl
Listen to Echo & The Bunnymen - Crocodiles
Lolina - The Smoke
I only know Emergency & I, check Polaris - Music from...??????

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mutemath - s/t
busdriver - fear of a black tangent

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Koenji Hyakkei - Dhorimviskha
Exuma - Exuma
OM - Advaitic songs

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Unofficial sharethread server

Choker - Honeybloom

Conway - Reject 2

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Do Say Make Think - Goodbye Enemy Airship the Landlord Is Dead
Tortoise - Millions Now Living Will Never Die
Pop Group - Y
Clark - Body Riddle
Xanopticon - Liminal Space
Excellent taste
Burmese - Lun Yurn
Pukers - Dead Dog
Ulcerrhoea - Line and Row
Kleg - Eating And Sleeping #15

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clammbon - imagination
Amon Düül - Yeti

recs plz

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Atari Teenage Riot - 1995
Seefeel - Quique
Cluster & Eno - S/T

> (OP)
not my proudest chart

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Ovlov - Am
Yellow Magic Orchestra - s/t

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Nicholas Wrigley & Jonathan Lomax - The Errant Bow
Working For a Nuclear Free City - Businessmen & Ghosts
The Warmers - s/t
Chris Cohen - Overgrown Path
Neurosis - Souls At Zero
Enablers - End Note
Helvetia - Gladness
Happy Go Licky - Will Play
Ike Yard
Durian - Sometimes You Scare Me
Terry Riley - A Rainbow In Curved Air
Jackson & His Computer Band - Smash
Jessica Pratt
Crom Tech
World Inferno Friendship Society
Physics - Anniversary Commemorative Anthology
The Kinks - Lola vs. Powerman
A Sunny Day in Glasgow - Scribble Mural Comic Journal

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>good albums but weird that you like them in that order


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Dj Quick - Safe + Sound

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