What's his best album?

What's his best album?

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house arrest



that 100m 100m album

in utero

Worn copy, obviously.

The Dooooooldruuuuuums

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these are great too

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White Freckles is gusic and the best fucking song on Pom Pom

He looks like Chris Chan in this pic.

House Arrest/Lover Box was originally one double release on cassette, so technically that would be his best work. But if you split the two albums, then it's House Arrest.

why does he look like ariel pink, kurt cobain, and paul banks all at the same time lmao

Scared Famous / FF

House Arrest and Scared Famous for sure

House Arrest is my favorite, followed closely by Doldrums.
The thing about him is any of his albums are a valid choice for best. Even the ones I consider weakest (Mature Themes) are still great and I could easily see someone picking as their favorite. He’s a true master of his craft.

Before Today and it's not even close.

Doldrums. House Arrest is growing on me though, but very slowly. Pom Pom is great cause its just so out there and expansive and really covers his entire style and shtick while also having great production for once. Its like if money was thrown at him and he had the chance to bring his ideas to life fully.

this 100%

make a change for science.

house arrest probably. Pom Pom and Dedicated to Bobby.. are really good in my opinion too.

the one where he pisses off Grimes

Yas Dudette is underrated as hell. That and Worn Copy are probably my favorites. They're all great though.

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