What would a gg fan think of me if they saw me wearing this in public?

What would a gg fan think of me if they saw me wearing this in public?

Attached: B3D202EF-7F01-48E1-A2EC-3D747F2FEB47.jpg (550x600, 102K)

live fast

imagine being that insecure that you have to post this

i wouldnt think shit its a cool shirt,one of my friends got that tattoed on his leg and its kickass

They'd punch you out and shit in you

Haha jk dude they're probably as socially awkward as you and wouldn't say anything

Wearing merch is stupid
Wearing merch from someone who tried desperately to be anti commercial is so stupid it rounds the corner back to cool.

wearing a band shirt that you didnt get from the bands show

Attached: sal.jpg (225x225, 7K)


GG died before you were born, poseur

Metalfag detected
Die pls

in what way is that a metalfag opinion?

Metalfags are obsessed with merch and "being authentic/trve"
Just really sound like something a metal baby would say

Live fast

do you listen to GG?

Imagine thinking authenticity and honesty are negative things. And I'm not that guy or a metalfag, you just sound like a retard

I painted this on my vest when I was a teenager, they just thought it was cool. People really aren't that deep, especially not in the punk scene

I'd say "nice shirt"

and that's literally it

wow you're retarded.

your poor mother.

DIY is always cool, user

Bite it!

Attached: DMUJyLYVQAAgZ2T.jpg (834x422, 47K)

Imagine the smell.

gg wouldn't wear a shirt he spent 20 dollars on