Why do people hate The Eagles?

why do people hate The Eagles?

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Because of The Big Lebowski.
And also because they're not very good.

Chad's don't.

Don Henley

This and this

They've never worn all denim and pounded a case of Miller Lite with the boys

1. They're smug, unlikable fucks
2. Their songs are very very very very overplayed for decades
3. They always played live songs exactly like the records--what's the point of live music?
4. They were basically celebrating 70s hedonism rather than singing about it

When I'm drinking lukewarm coffee and playing with my fairly large uncut penis... The Eagles hits right.

Eagles is woman music

Generic middle-of-the-road 70s radio-rock. It's obvious just by hearing their music that they're commercially oriented and strove to make a lot of money. They have very little artistic integrity and anyone with an ear for music can sense/hear it.

the eagles were the maroon 5 of their day.

somewhere, adam levine's nose started bleeding and he has no idea why

GTFO of my taxi!

Name a better song than Hotel California. You literally fucking can't.

Any song that doesn't have awful vocals.

It's seriously not that good and it has that "The songwriter wants to criticize decadence but the only thing he knows how to write about is decadence" vibe.

Find me a better singer, you literally can't.

Attached: DHenleyGrammys90-4.jpg (300x383, 28K)

Whatever else you can say about Cuckgau, I give him props for figuring them out since the first album (cf. Trying To Understand The Eagles)

Same reason why people hate Phil Collins: overexposure.

PC is a likable little guy you would want to pat on the head. The Eagles are not.

They are good though.