Itt albums people only pretend to like

itt albums people only pretend to like

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Last dance with the techno tribe

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my mom likes this album

did you guys get bullied by kids in ray bans in high school or something? why are you drumming up this conspiracy theory about how hipsters are just pretending to like music and they're using it to be pretentious and knock the music you like? did a kid in a pashmina stick your head in a toilet in 2011 or something? did a dude in a super-deep v-neck start dating your mom? why are you so fragile? why is it that anybody liking anything slightly out of the norm MUST be pretending?

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i like these

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Enjoying your first day on Yea Forums?

Yea Forums wasn't always like this, newfag

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it kind of was

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you've misunderstood the logic entirely
the fact of the matter is that in an extremely impassioned conversation about Grimes or some other impeccably marketed pop product, to infer that although you feel such a strong connection to their music you also just so happen to be a connoisseur of experimental music, with the advent of 15 year old RYMers who have been listening to music for about 3 weeks I'm entitled to point out that there might just in fact be a thin veneer (anonymity) of bullshit keeping you from telling the truth about your music habits in order to protect yourself from the incoming desultory comments

am I right?

lol reddit

lol 15 yr old rym zoomer who thinks listening to stockhausen and billie eilish at the same time constitutes a personality

there are no artists without "pretending to like music" u insecure pseud


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what do you mean

the difference between "pretending to like/trying to get into" and "genuinely appreciating" an artist is negligible

to pimp a butterfly

fucking eliminated

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the difference between appreciating an artist and then considering them to be one of your favourite artists as a fan of music should be a massive chasmic gap

sounds like ocd

all I'm trying to illustrate is the convenience of completely neglecting any natural progression of music listening for immediately jumping into the conversation from a standpoint of having opinions based on your listening habits completely falsified is a fallacy
moreover using this as a bargaining chip for your own retarded opinions is even more disdainful

nah man, it's just zoomers being little shitheads on Yea Forums as usual. most of them like basic Yea Forumscore trash to fit with the other """cool""" kids and anything non-pop or non-classical stuff they find and can't enjoy, they just think that everyone pretend to like things they hate.

I genuinely enjoy this album.

again logic missed entirely

when normal people listen to albums over time, yes they gain an understanding of them, but no it's not necessarily drastically different from a first impression; it's retarded to assume that would stratify them into some sort of formal ranking.

>but no it's not necessarily drastically different from a first impression
in the case of their complete adoration for the extremities of experimental music alongside a self-professed love for the most mainstream pop music imaginable, yes it is definitively
an 18 year old whose first 3 months of music listening consists of Carly Rae Jepsen and fucking Gerogerigegege but proclaims to adore both I'm afraid there is some issue here

meant to put 15 year old but the point stands

>literally "everyone who disagrees with me is just pretending"

so what's the solution guys? should everyone just post pop albums over and over again because anything else is just pretending? should we ignore everyone who posts something slightly out of the way on the off-chance that they're lying?

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And Free Jazz by Ornette Coleman

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Are you trying to say that somebody can't love both Carley Rae Jepsen and Gerogerigegege?

This is actually one of my 10s.

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is she holding a cock

well obviously you're pretending no one could ever like an album as avantgarde and unlistenable as flowers of romance

90% of all post-rock