Thoughts on IDLES?

Thoughts on IDLES?

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based post punk and cuckservative filter

>At a 2018 concert in Manchester, he said: "for the last time, we're not a fucking punk band".


t. dilating tranny

True. They're post-punk. Real punk hasn't been a thing since the late 70's

derivative post-punk revival revival with uninteresting "liberal" lyrics

Brutalism [Balley, 2017]
big hard loud guypunks wage war on the aural politisee of the class system ("My Mother", "Faith in the City") *

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>post punk

based retard

Punk revivalism is so cringe.

All my friends are obsessed with this band and I don’t get the appeal whatsoever.

Joe Talbot is cringe but they still manage to make great music

I'm going to a festival where they will play tomorow.
What should I excpect ?

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Lame and gay

Pretty good post punk band, had become one of my favorites

good but this board has such a "liberals bad" mindset that they refuse to acknowledge it

They seem to trigger /pol/ which makes them pretty cool

I'm not with their politics but they do have few amazing songs per album they rest is really hit or miss for me. Overall one of the few bands left with a real punk feel to them and I do like their aesthetic, considering buying some of their merch.

>a bunch of upper middle class posers parroting the most basic politically correct opinions is punk now

Don't forget about the music

t. seething poltard

Champagne socialists: the band

ok mutts you can blab on about 'liberals' when talking about your own retarded politics but don't try and pollute our discourse with your uneducated shite.
left-wing politics has absolutely nothing to do with 'liberals'

There aren't even any right wing parties in the uk lmao

don't bother trying to explain it, it'll just go over their heads

At least we don't live in a police state with no freedom of speech

Priests for redditors that say "lad" all the time

I genuinely and unironically think Joy As an Act of Resistance is among the most important punk albums of the 2010’s and an instant classic.

Why can’t anyone give their take on a band without having to mention genres who fucking cares. The band sucks cause that guy has a stupid mustache and plays his guitar too high up.

>most important punk album of the 10s
what bar is there to live up to? shitty "post-white-stripes"? punk stopped being good in the 80s

They're good live


fuck I didn't even know they were a band

punk is when you're a conformist social democrat

I just watched the video for Colossus and this band is terrible because that fag singing has a very stupid face.

My favorite band

These queers are everything wrong with "punk" in the 2010s

I don't really care for political music, I prefer more my music more abstract. But obviously anything that winds /pol/ up this much is good.