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Other urls found in this thread:


*bleaches your waifu*
heh, nothing personal, kid.

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Attached: 1555301370044.webm (940x1080, 2.25M)

get well soon hime

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Attached: 1561709875854.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

bb cream papapa

Attached: D-jaHnrUwAAcWmA.jpg (2048x1366, 350K)

why does mina keep coming down with death?

Attached: hiichan my waifu 2.png (1200x782, 854K)

giving hyewon ideas

Attached: 1550503306997.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)

she is constantly with child

as much as I LOVE sally I dunno if I can watch 30 episodes of random chinks with little sally content
is the drama any good?

Attached: D-JFlYxXYAIGV1t.jpg orig.jpg (960x960, 78K)

can we post momos this time

Attached: D0F9i9WUUAAszce.jpg-orig.jpg (2048x1365, 488K)

she’s a fragile shut in

Hyewon says she is pure. Then why does she have pictures like this one?

Attached: u7a2lyfp03431.jpg (750x913, 111K)

she absolutely knows everyone is in love with her

Attached: img.jpg (1920x1280, 1.32M)

thank you

Attached: D-UZqWXU4AEuYRz.jpg (3465x1950, 1.02M)

Not a problem

Attached: 14246.jpg (1365x2048, 277K)

those abortions mess with your immune system

wtf i love yooa now

Attached: _olivia.jpg (960x1080, 262K)

lmao Nako has the smallest luggage as well

>gowon will get a yooa kiss one day
i jelly

marrying hime-sama in order to unite our 2 countries and establish a peaceful alliance

Attached: 1561816769359.jpg (2000x3000, 289K)

should've just stayed that way

are thjere any other idols with a body on the level of tzuyu

which country is yours

she needs more protection

Attached: 1545755214615.webm (592x1280, 2.24M)

our favorite girl

Attached: 1537878791419.jpg (1364x2048, 296K)

bona has such an ugly ratface

Do y’all never like, talk about the music they make

Attached: deerin2.webm (386x624, 535K)

well she's not pure at all. she wanted votes

it’s too bad that some shades of brown are looked down upon in korea. i think chewy with color is perfect.

i dont mind

Attached: D-hnJ8rXUAESmwC.jpg (4096x2730, 1.46M)

Good question

Attached: 1555898575691.webm (1400x1500, 2.48M)


i try but it gets ignored

Attached: 27049579-5BCA-4260-8DEB-73DA3F6CA08D.jpg (1280x2048, 213K)

no idea, I haven't watched it either... that sally fanpage keeps posting screenshots though

Attached: DZB-k8fVMAIHQGk.jpg (1283x1711, 250K)

Fancy is song of the year
Breakthrough is Japanese song of the year

Attached: D7969zPUIAApHTe.jpg (2054x1334, 776K)

Attached: D-r_UHlUwAE1K2w.jpg (1147x1770, 425K)

A cute girl in a cute dress.

Attached: D-rph-FUIAAdpKQ.jpg (897x1280, 100K)

tzuyu thanks you

Seulgi, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Se-ul-gi

She was Seulgi Bear in slacks. She was Kang at school. She was Slug on the dotted line. But in my arms she was always Seulgi

Attached: 1533430460192.jpg (1080x1346, 273K)

yeonwoo is objectively better

she bathes in it daily

i used to wonder why idols wore masks outside all the time and then i remembered koreas air is basically cancer



Attached: cute Hiichan.webm (500x500, 1.44M)

>that stumpy midget
>better than tzuyu

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she's a beautiful rat

Attached: 171231_KBS_4K_WJSN_Bona_fanca.webm (720x720, 2.94M)

Attached: D-rHaU9UYAAtXvm.jpg (968x1624, 253K)

imagine iljin bullying childyeon...

Attached: 1559969177620.webm (1100x1080, 1.61M)

this is what we like here

Jokes on you. Impure girls pretending to be pure is my #1 fetish.

god wants his number 1 angel to return to him but mina loves her fans too much to go back

Attached: 1552843893382.webm (1920x1080, 1.24M)


Attached: D-uG4_5VUAE0iuS.jpg (800x1200, 82K)

i thought china has the poison air?

Attached: D-rG5HOUIAAS4Eb.jpg (1365x2048, 368K)

Article: 'Night of Hate Comments' Sulli, "Marriage? These days, I think I want a baby first"

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+276, -13] You should be prioritizing responsibility over wanting a baby first

2. [+249, -28] A baby is not a toy..

3. [+213, -16] Please mature a bit more before you think of raising a baby..

4. [+17, -3] Is she serious right now

5. [+16, -8] She's so immature. Why would you want a baby before you even get married? What did the baby do to deserve that? He would have no legal father;;;;;;;

6. [+13, -5] Why does she talk about having a baby like it's some pet dog??

7. [+12, -2] She was never meant to be a parent. If she really wants to be one, she needs to revamp her entire mentality. And to be honest, living life as a single mom, especially as a celebrity, is no easy task.

8. [+12, -2] People who live life doing whatever they want to do like her have one big flaw and it's that they have no sense of responsibility. They think what they're doing is fine as long as it doesn't affect others but they don't realize how much damage it's doing to the people closest to them like their family.

9. [+10, -1] Instead of wanting a baby first, she should think about growing up and stop being a baby herself. She still acts like a child.

10. [+8, -3] What would the baby have done to deserve that?

well you're in the right general then

Attached: D-uEeohU8AAJGcd.jpg (1334x2000, 316K)

the bunny version of this is my favorite

post the teaser

oh cool, i'm gallic, we're practically brothers

there are some idols with nicer titties, but tzuyu wins everything else by a landslide

Attached: D-rG5HOVAAEFu-N.jpg (1364x2048, 467K)

sometimes the wind blows toward korea

fat Sana


hey kpop people I just watched this

is this jennie chick anorexic or depressed or something? she genuinely looks ill

and korea is right next to china so they get it from there

perfect in every aspect

Attached: D-t338dU0AE8xh-.jpg (1024x682, 86K)

don't they know that marriage is a scam most of the time (in north america at least)

Attached: 12.jpg (1024x768, 106K)

Attached: D-rG5HOVAAAfZLv.jpg (1364x2048, 458K)

You'd be hard pressed to find anyone even comparable

Attached: IMG_20181112_071552.jpg (1600x2482, 530K)

he's the ultimate sallybro, we're truly blessed to have him
I dunno, I might watch it in the future when i've got nothing better to do. what I really want is a gugu comeback..

Attached: DgsaNBDUYAEdtoS.jpg orig.jpg (2048x1570, 498K)

Thinking about Mina...

Attached: tzuyu_pool.webm (1280x720, 2M)

Based. Who else in IZ*ONE is pretends to be pure but is impure. Inb4 all of them.

>she genuinely looks ill
hope she dies

Attached: D-rFbx6UcAAqgO1.jpg (853x1280, 217K)
apparently a lot of people didn't already know at least half of this already

she just has a rotten attitude

do you know how ridiculous this sounds

Attached: Tzuyu black jeans.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

apologize to sana-chan

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Attached: BriskShadowyGrassspider.webm (568x1080, 2.25M)

Post idols doing weird/gross shit

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Eunbi doesn't know

idol life is pretty shitty because you get no sleep and have debt and no social life

Attached: 1537021657663.webm (506x900, 2.85M)

truly a revelation

Attached: Tzuyu 2.webm (492x936, 1.8M)

thinking about AHN YUJIN

Attached: 1538121856153.png (1333x2000, 2.76M)

Attached: 7ac524403e.jpg (736x736, 100K)

Eunbi definitely 100% knows.

that video is a yikes. im glad yg is falling down because they are working her to death

they might be on that queendom show and have a comeback in august... not sure if the rumors are true

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Attached: D-r1B6BUcAALfpF.jpg (1366x2048, 522K)

Best thing about Tzuyu is her hatred of niggers desu

Attached: Tzuyu sweden mina.webm (1024x576, 2.99M)

You do have a social life.
It is just a very fucking shitty one.


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i wish i was her belly button lint

that's absurd. most groups are way busier than blackpink and their idols don't act like that. she just has a bad attitude

nayoungposting is back on the menu

Attached: 1513252710496.jpg (1024x1533, 183K)

maybe they should've signed up with JYP instead

Attached: JYP stepping.webm (1024x576, 2.89M)

Attached: D-rjWS5UYAUsd78.jpg (646x1024, 133K)

bp has the lightest schedule of any major group

Yikes, mogged by the Cashier.............

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Attached: eunbi.webm (720x720, 512K)

it seems like the idol industry has loosened up a lot since crayon pop's days though. with nancy and jiwon out drinking with boys, g-idle openly shopping at the mall with pentagon or whoever it was, none of that would happen in the scenario she describes

i wonder who she even auditioned for

Attached: ec6d8026cad1a4347000131e9c130981.jpg (1080x1080, 153K)

Didn't Jenny once complain about watching the entire netflix library due to how little schedule she had?

why is she mad? shes darker than that cashier
joy gives her a run for her money

Attached: Chungha (996).webm (1920x1080, 2.6M)

Attached: honor.jpg (550x557, 51K)

Any OOGIEboy in?

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How will you faggots cope when fromis_9 disbands?

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Attached: Chungha (992).webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

Attached: new yearin.webm (394x700, 2.69M)

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Being brown is different from being a nigger

Attached: IMG_20190621_233336.jpg (1513x2048, 466K)

there’s truly never been a better time to be an idol. the sacrifices of second gen has made life better for third gen

Attached: abf6e4c6c5a776f56d021a.jpg (736x736, 108K)

me as the fat white girl

i won't need to

/ourgirls/ just landed in new york

seems to vary depending on what company you're at. some are more strict about managing their idols than other. seems to be trending more towards lightening up though. maybe they will eventually realize people can't really operate on 5 hours of sleep a day.

i don't think joy's body is as nice as tzuyu's though it is amazing. but joy's sexiness stems more from her aura since she always looks like she wants to get fucked

yeonwoo's body is really good but her butt is smaller and thats a negative

i'll go about my day like any other one

you oogie up today?

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Attached: D-ofMogVAAAEkxj.jpg (1200x800, 131K)

imagine being out with her on new years eve.....

based SHIT*ONE niggers

busters chaeyeon looks like sulli

Back then, yes...........

Attached: CX 1.jpg (1199x1800, 296K)

Would you take a bullet for your favorite idol?

Attached: D798wc6VUAEP519.jpg (2050x1334, 818K)

canadians aren't white

i forgot kcon is tomorrow

Of course OOGIEbro

Attached: 1543363696923.jpg (640x960, 64K)

i don't care for either

by that time there will be a new group that i like and i will transition seamlessly with maybe one or two lamentation posts.

Attached: 9fb2570.jpg (736x736, 97K)

how do people find out when idols get to the airport? i kinda want to camp at ohare and wait for twice.

I can't think of a more plastic idol than chunga.

Attached: closeuprin2.webm (990x1080, 1.49M)

well yeah every time an idol faceplants on stage due to exhaustion the company probably loses more than it gains from overworking them

i'd kill my waifu for a sharigan dbh

Attached: hiichan_my_waifu_sleeping.jpg (2500x1407, 368K)


Attached: D-ofNGjVAAAxVOq.jpg (640x960, 134K)

BASED. When does Eunbi meet Tyrone?

i don't follow temporary tv show groups

remi remi boy
remi remi boy

Attached: Chungha (993).webm (1280x720, 2.79M)


there's a giant screen that says when the flights arrive?

Attached: D8JSNjYU0AA8lML.jpg (1338x2042, 921K)

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mina-chan fighting!

Attached: IMG_24563333244.jpg (1500x1000, 158K)

Attached: bearcape.jpg (750x1334, 114K)

Attached: earin.webm (1920x1080, 726K)


Attached: bridge troll.jpg (939x1080, 193K)

you know what i mean. like how the fans know exactly where to be to get a chance to see the idols?

fuck hitomi is so cute i want to kill her hehe

the giant screen also says what gate they'll be coming from

this is what jnetizens actually believe

Fromis_9 isn't temporary fucking faggot

apparently she's gonna miss the pocari event scheduled for tomorrow too

Attached: 1532485214154.jpg (2259x1626, 442K)

there's websites that track flight data so it's easy to figure out when you know where they're going

you pieces of shit are so uninformed if you think fromis_9 is temporary

you're the faggot who watches survival shows for roasties

You have mental issues. Take a sit

Attached: 1533865840327.jpg (1466x2048, 442K)

I just don't know anymore
since sejeong and mina and going back to ioi for a bit, I haven't got a clue what's going to happen..

Attached: DyDZyXQUcAAbDV7.jpg orig.jpg (1366x2048, 262K)

wow the makeup artist actually managed to make her seem kind of pretty here

Finding which flight they will be on is tricky. Once they appear at the KR airport, it is just a matter of knowing the time, their designation and camping for their arrival. What are they going to do? Switch flights mid air?

If i was a male idol i would hit on every single female idol, i don't give a fuck
I wish i was a YG idol, then i could fuck bitches and smoke weed everyday

she looks really flustered or anime drunk

Attached: 1552240216620.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

she looks like shes ovulating

>using up your sick days just to play Mario
the absolute state

Attached: jungmi.jpg (933x1400, 154K)

She is naturally pretty

Attached: 1559308939632.jpg (1366x2048, 517K)

let's hope for the best

Attached: Dv_pO_XVAAAUlIj.jpg (1280x2048, 333K)

Attached: 1559140999649.jpg (2000x3000, 1.03M)

no one cares about flopmis 9

Did you make webms of this Chunghabro?
Don't lie.

Attached: 1541698681709.gif (600x313, 2.84M)

shut up idiot, she's resting

Attached: 1558407850165.jpg (2329x1848, 600K)

54,000 sales disagree

jisoo and somi are the only hot chicks in all of yg though. a company with more female idols would be better

Attached: chungha drinks.webm (1000x818, 2.96M)

my god that chimp looks like she can really suck it

Attached: chaewon ang.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

do fansites even follow groups when they tour in america?

jisoo looking real old these days

only the rich ones who can afford it


there's a few more but most yg idols are dungeoned so i forget they exist

saved as chungha golden shower

Attached: DWALR4TVAAAHvCU.png (480x638, 529K)

all the time actually
but right now there's a bunch of newfag fags around since about 3 days ago or so. at least I think they still here

momo looked better with her sixteen eyes

Attached: guguhwaiting.gif (600x360, 3.29M)


Attached: D-r6RCZUcAEYXKn.jpg (1080x720, 115K)


why is every fucking idol depressed wtf is this industry lmao

she's a natty pabo

Attached: D-ttOAzUEAAez03.jpg (682x1024, 74K)

I thought idols were poor how can she afford a Chanel bag?

any sharkman in

everyone pretends to be depressed nowadays it has nothing to do with the idol industry


Attached: D-r9vIdXsAAdHmQ.jpg (1080x1080, 180K)

han seo hee is /ourgirl/

Attached: sally fighting.webm (1066x720, 947K)

Please everyone hold Mina in your thoughts and hope she gets better.

big 3 idols aren't

Attached: D-r_oqIUEAAoPla.jpg (640x639, 78K)

goddess of the sea

Attached: Near_by_TWICE_20190528181522_4. 그 이유를 물어본다면.jpg (3114x2073, 1.71M)

Zimzalabim unironically grew on me

Attached: AccomplishedHeftyLeopardseal.webm (1620x1080, 2.24M)

and yeri has rich parents anyway

is this code for fap4mina? if so i'm already on it

Attached: Mina_-_MLB_Korea_Selfie_D.jpg (720x1080, 668K)

no i don't care about other people, sorry

shes in my prayers

Attached: 156033214273905.jpg (1200x675, 195K)


Attached: DBE7F0D1-9FF1-4B5E-B755-9720246E7701.jpg (1024x682, 115K)

that's what she gets for being a whore

she's faking it to play video games at home

3 shinto prayer maidens

she had so many bad angles back then its not even funny, not just the eyes either but the shape of her face
whatever they did was pretty awesome

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Attached: file.png (1765x1765, 3.53M)

>ywn play vidya with mina
its extra bullshit because if she never moved back to japan the chances would have been higher since we would have been in the same state

song yuqi
ahn yujin

Attached: D-lj-hWVAAAZIVW.jpg (1080x814, 115K)

yeah. post more.

Attached: file.png (500x500, 542K)

freakin cute

Attached: file.png (1080x1350, 3.67M)

is playing video games code for getting dicked?




Attached: 1551992880200.webm (540x960, 2.9M)

multitasking isn't hard

apparently yea

yeonwoo is objectively fatter

i'd give her some big luggage if you know what i mean

Attached: file.png (1000x1000, 1.85M)

Attached: Elizabethian Era Dubu.jpg (1875x1248, 1.24M)

post victorian era dubu

i forgot cherry bullet existed

what game is she playing now? she must've beaten mario odyssey and breath of the wild by now

Attached: switch.webm (1920x1080, 2.01M)

hara tried to kill herself, jonghyun did, tayeon said she is been on antidepressants for a while, and thats just what i remember right now

>momo looked better when she was close to being underage


what's a cherry bullet means and how can i go to fuck people with not just my penis and eyes and everything also titties
idgaf? yes awesome

Attached: tzuggo.jpg (191x198, 4K)

next comeback friend

Attached: Wild West Dubu.webm (480x480, 1.84M)

wow she's beautiful

Attached: IMG_20190622_014225.jpg (1600x1065, 243K)

no clue, i do wonder if she plans on getting fire emblem though


nigga you need to lay off the pipe for a while

maker 2 prob

Attached: mina-oral-fixation.webm (1080x1080, 1.73M)

Why is her head so big? Is this photoshopped?


Attached: D8JS_0cUEAAX0Yo.jpg (1330x2034, 1.02M)


i keep forgetting that just came out. i wish twice had more social media freedom, i want to see mina's reaction to e3 trailers

because taiwan numbah wan and also big taiwan brain

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nako's sour-cream-filled taco

salsa leaking out because it's her first time
making one...

gonna have to word this even though rv sucks

mina cosplaying lucina when?

Attached: 1558273394367.jpg (3663x5494, 3.31M)


Attached: D-gtkLLU4AAryZN.jpg (1002x1334, 217K)

*bleaches your waifu*
heh, nothing personal, kid.

Attached: 1555148925537.jpg (1080x1080, 228K)

end of thread bonar

Attached: 1558654130916.webm (1000x2026, 2.95M)


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we need more big thinkers like you at teudoongie corp

Attached: 1541182082887.jpg (1454x1124, 158K)

Wow they are so pretty

jisoo looks turned on by that guy

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yeah its big brain time

Attached: 1556187694749.webm (656x600, 1.55M)

Attached: tomato.jpg (720x900, 44K)

fuck that isnt bona i fucked up

either this was made by small brown or someone who hasn't worked a job in their lives

Looks like Gruntilda

Attached: 31800347_60x60.gif (500x364, 927K)


>fuck hitomi

im down

soobs is kinda cute
pls no




bad meme


Make a new thread, I want to post my wife

it works though

fromis is permanent though

Epigg meme!!
Cracked my shit!
lol funny
