Learned about Juana Molina and assumed she was trans at first...

learned about Juana Molina and assumed she was trans at first, but I can't find anything about it and some articles talk about her being pregnant.

am I honestly supposed to believe this is a real woman? what kind of elite fuckery is going on here?

Attached: be6459-20140409-20140409molina01.jpg (1000x667, 61K)

>woman is ugly
>must be trans

shut up incel

not just ugly, it's the facial bone structure, looks like a dude with long hair (and poorly maintained hair at that)

I have more sex than you lol

this is what real women look like

Attached: giphy.gif (480x360, 1.15M)

>n-no you, I have plenty of sex

I do though, your inability to cope with that makes you look worse than me

Attached: anitta-may-2018-b-billboard-1548.jpg (636x421, 54K)

You're posting about how you think an acclaimed musician looks to ugly to be cis on an anonymous imageboard filled with angry white men. Take a look in the mirror

trannies are extremely rare in reality

>someone doesn't look like my 2d waifu so they must be trans
Absolutely obsessed

>real women
>posts a gif of exactly what most 2019 trans women look like/are styled after

just did, I still look better than you

I thought so too, but I see them all the time on Tinder. really gross desu some of the Brazilian ones pass well until you look closer

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ok incel

At least we can have sex and aren’t literal eunuchs. Retarded tranny.

I don't care whether you have sex or not, but you should stop posting

you have never met a trans person in your entire life and it shows, stop posting and get help

this is a retarded ass thread

It's funny because it's true.

Pauly Shore grew out the hair again? Wheezin the juice!

She is very feminine and has been in the public eye her whole life. OP is a virgin. Also, most of her music is based af and she never gets talked about here.

why so butthurt? Every male musician gets their appearance mocked here, why are you white knighting for this ugly bitch?

Nah she's manly as shit dude

usually how it works desu

naw dude, there have always been ugly women

This is why the whole “YER NEVER GONNA LOOK LIKE A REAL WOMAN” line is so dumb. Some biological women look like they “don’t pass” because their features aren’t traditionally feminine, and then some trans women would be off 95% of anons’ transdars. This confidence conservatives have that they would be able to identify and call out every trans person, or even most, entering a restroom is pure fantasy. Which is one of the reasons the restroom debate should be a fucking nonissue.

I find girls with vaginas but a boyish face to be really fucking hot. Like way more than those stacies user posted.