/prod/ - music production general

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How do I add onto a short loop that I have? Take Taste by Animal Collective for example. The song starts with a little loop that could have been made in fucking garageband but then it goes seamlessly into the beginning of the verse, which flows seamless into the prechorus and then chorus. I feel like the musical aspect of songwriting is just too complicated for me.

any feedback


If you're not experienced enough to know how to create stuff based on other stuff, just do it by feel.
Record yourself jamming on your instrument (if you don't play one just hum/sing) until you come up with something good.
Start by jamming/singing the part you already have over and over again while doing something else so it goes in the background of your head, and add variations to it.
As soon as you like what you're humming, pull your phone out and record everything.
Now all you have to do is recreate it in the DAW.

drums are too quiet, and a bit too minimal if you ask me (but i really like drums so i might be biased)

It's called music theory.

Animal Collective doesn't know theory. Neither does Kevin Parker. How do they do it?

yeah I could make the drums a bit more interesting I guess... do you think the sound of the drums fit the piece?

switched on bach is the single worst thing to ever happen to electronic music.

i tried to be nice and offer him someone to work with, but as expected he disappeared
has to be purely a meme

My blofeld is coming in the mail today

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What genre(s) does this compilation fall under?

Pretty rough stuff. Not a shitpost or anything. Just curious what you guys think this could be classified. Much 'preciated.

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shut up

abstract noise

You guys are soooooo helpful !... foh

unlistenable garbage

wow ! so cool ! thanks !

did you actually expect help on /prod/?
how new are you?

they are right though I checked to see if it was as bad and they were downplaying it in reality its much worse than these anons said

Nah. I expected this to happen before I posted because posters here always BS for their own amusement. So predictable. I've been here for a while.

*classical is the worst thing to happen to music

what are you talking about?

yeah, they sound like early vgm drums, but on the side of being pitches and distortion, more than on the crappy sounding side

reposting this again, pretty sure it's done now tho?
hopefully the 22khz sample rate doesn't make it sound to shitty, it's the only way i could get it on instaudio

Not sure if this is what you meant, but hope this helps youtube.com/watch?v=-re2Nq1RY4s

what are sus chords used for
only idea I get is resolving Isus back to the Imaj chord

Weinsteinian Melodies update #2. Im probably gonna change the bass line of the second part towards the end

when u want the song to sound sus af

FUCK!! I was listening to this and I also set the timer on my new phone to let me know when my pizza was done... and then around 12 minutes into your piece I hear a jingle that sounds like a cell phone ringtone and I think "hmm, that's nice -- it sounds like he's sampling a ringtone" and after ~3 minutes of the repeating ringtone it finally occurs to me that the ringtone I'm hearing is coming from my phone and it was the timer for my pizza. I fucking burned my pizza!!! aahhhhh Fucking Akari!!

Basically yeah, they're for resolving in to the non-sus version or to smooth the voice leading into another chord.

Don't underestimate the power of transition noises and patterns, even when they're barely audible they help the change feel more natural.

>pizza burned in 3 minutes
You were already going to burn it then.

Nah, the difference between 12 minutes and 15 minutes at 425° is huge. It's like the difference between an A and a C a minor third above it.
>transition noises
What are some examples of these?
>reversed cymbals
>reversed reverb tails
>white noise
>pink noise
>field recording of wind blowing through a small opening
>the sound of a zipper opening

some popular things:
>risers and fallers
>gun cocks and shots
>sounds from meme videos
>reversed vocal chops
and the stereotypical drum density increase

sick just make it a whole thing instead of a snippet

because """music theory""" literally just means chords and scales

been working on some Dungeon Synth: clyp.it/gsorpwjy

This is my most recently-finished piece: instaud.io/3UrZ
Problem is the bass drum and cymbal sound like garbage.
Anyone got any suggestions? Need .xiz as I am in LMMS. I just want something that has this old-school synth feel.
Huge thanks in advance to anyone who helps.
And feedback on them would be appreciated in general.

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And why is that?

What's some underrated modern VST that gives you a lot of freedom?

Sounds a little sterile for my taste, maybe try something like using the line-in on a dictaphone to dirty up the instruments, might sound kinda cool for a dungeon synth track

Please post a demo that isn't berlin school or trance boomer shit

massive underrated :^)

>lot of freedom
rt you're being ambiguous af


That's an idea actually. Yeah this stuff was pretty generic cause I mostly wanted to get a handle on writing something in it. DS is weird as a genre cause it feels really easy to stray outside of what it is, but I guess that's just a spook anyway and I shouldn't worry about it.

actually sounds dope

remix i completed a few weeks ago

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where to get criticism

>rt you're being ambiguous af
indeed, I'm looking for something with a feature like FM8's matrix, something intuitive with nearly endless possible combinations

>FM8's matrix

that matrix is absolute dogshit and fm8's lack of serious modulation is its weakness.

I stand by Massive as the best but Serum is the other obvious pick

because its commercial success lead to synthesizers being accepted in the mainstream as another viable instrument. another means of playing notes. a dangerous and foolish idea that still persists to this day.

more accurately, i suppose, bob moog was the worst thing to happen to electronic music.

right here

its usually half baked insults here
i want actual advice

this is excellent
sounds futuristic and retro at the same time
i think at 2:25 you should filter sweep the kick back into it and add a bassline when the vocals come back at 2:39

hello i gave some feedback here anyone down to give me feedback?

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maybe if you still live in the early 00s and heard a global underground cd for the first time in your short life.

good ideas thanks man

i also said it sounds retro

maybe read up on some music theory and take out a few synths, theres a little too much going on

2002 was 63 years ago. it sounds dated, period.

Ah man. Sorry for burning your pizza, bruv

youre not wrong, i only really listen to and create trance thats pre 2006

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really good
how did you find a girl to sing for you

could you go more in depth as to what i should specifically learn regarding music theory

Introducing keys as a means of controlling the synth was the actual reason for that if anything (I don't share that view)

i like the drums

that's cool, man. you do you. no one in these threads seems to have heard a dance tune in the last 2 decades anyway.

your vocal's fighting your big synths in that back half though. rest of the mix seems fine if overly broad. watch your widths.

Anybody else peak at producing and then fall off a cliff forever? This was the best song I ever made, tell me those drums aren't sick, I've never made anything like this again for a year after I made it.



sounds like demarcus
it also sounds good
if you really want to make something better you should use the project file as a template and make a new track by altering the elements

I'll definitely try that out man, I've heard before that I sound like demarcus.

I REALLY need some help yall

So I have 4 separate audio tracks in ableton that I'm trying to send through my scarlette interface to 4 separate armed tracks on my tape deck.

So I did the logical thing:
>went into preferences, set the output as "scarlett 18i20,"
>went to output configuration and enabled 3/4 and 5/6 (in both the mono and stereo column)
>Went to I/O on the tracks and changed the output from "master " to either 3, 4, 5, or 6 respectively.
>plugged 1/4" cables from the "Line Outputs 3 - 6" on the back of my interface to the Line inputs on my tape deck

But no fucking audio is making it to the tape deck. I've tried troubleshooting for hours and got nothing.

please fucking help.

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Do you piece these together as you go along or do you have the rough composition sketched? I suppose these are sequenced? Watch your treble on some of these sounds. The transition snare and the celeste type of glassy thing are quite heavy on piercing frequencies. Also think about bitcrushing and lowpassing your drums, they stand out pretty hard. Holds up the interest well throughout the pieces and reminds me of the berlin school/ambient projects in the scene.

Does Demarcus even post anymore?

i did not nor do i have a vocal booth for recording vocals lol. It's just the acapella from the original tune


thoughts /prod/ ?

just learn basic the basics of creating chords and melodies, plus listen to a lot of music. the rest will come in time

have a look in mixcontrol. pic-related might do the trick.

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just tried that : /
but maybe i wasn't using it right, i'll try again.

unironically reddit

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wow thats really sad
no thanks
but appreciated

The guy playing him has I think since moved on to trolling with noise tracks.

>wow thats really sad

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what you want to do is send DAW 1 to output 1, DAW 2 to output 2, DAW 3 to output 3 etc.

just checked on my 8i6 and it works fine.

post a screencap of your mix-control if you're still not getting it.

don't worry, it's not that great dude. still sounds like someone randomly pressing keys in FL like 99% of the stuff posted here. just keep producing and you'll get more consistent and quality results as you go

good job letting him down easy

You're my savior I love you.

>randomly pressing keys
how do you move beyond this

It doesn't work, the output has no sound, is faulty or something, I need to send it back. I'll make a good demo when I get another one

Sausage Fattnener


Develop your sense of pitch so you can instantly play what you're hearing in your head.

Got a general idea for the first song. I can't upload to clyp.it or instaud.io. They keep saying the file type isn't right


the one you posted 19 hour ago sounds better for me

Learn to convert then.
Use fre:ac or Audacity to convert to 320 CB.

>320 CB
>thinking you need to waste bits on silence
v0 or go home.

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>I can't upload to clyp.it or instaud.io
why the fuck would anyone want to work with a brainlet who can't even figure this out

or mix high end for shit

>thinking you need to waste bits on silence
not everybody is a poorfag who can't afford memory user

this is excellent advice

You disgust me.

I think it has something to do with permissions on this tablet. I've spent a while on this site and I have to say, some of you are just blunt to the point of absurdity that it makes you appear almost ironic.

>blunt to the point of absurdity that it makes you appear almost ironic
you're missing something there

blunt and perhaps mean beyond what i actually think just to be a dick? yeah

ironic? that's *new age* shit where kids think being mean for no reason and shitposting counts under the bastardized definition of "trolling." There's nothing ironic there, it's just being an asshole

It's a very quiet synth as far as I know and many presets have velocity problems making them barely audible



is the finished version going to be more than one loop for a minute

It has been held. Now keep going.


This is a clusterfuck of genres. Let's see...

This has elements sprouted across of:
Plunderphonics, Contemporary R&B, Neo-Psychedelia, Industrial, Heavy Psych Shoegaze, Turntablism, Vocal Trance, etc. but neither of those.

That's what I got. srsly wtf.

No, that's as finished as it gets, the project file was never saved and is now gone.

>Not a shitpost or anything
.... this is for the meme right?
..... right?

If i wanted to do something like this fairly quickly i'd setup some randomly skipping samplers around the catchiest parts of a few songs, compile those, run it through absynth and maybe a reaktor thing or two then into comp/convolution reverb/ distortion for the over the top glue to make it sound like a cohesive noise shitpost

... if you're 4 srs i'm sorry but what the fuck
genre wise it'd just get slapped into experimental noise/plunderphonics. It's been done quite a lot but imo it only ever works in serious moderation and in the context of a more tame song for just a section or whatever.... at least from what i've heard

I had to have my audio on the tablet in a different folder than the designated music folder.


god fucking damnit every time i hear your shit i just want to re-mix the fuck out of it and change everything stop posting please

Then uh. Like do it. Or join me. I've noticed wide chorus sounds bad on tablets or things with small speakers

drop discord send stems and i begrudgingly probably will

This is a lot of effort to put into a troll... it's actually pretty good except for the mixing and that fact that you're biting Justice extremely hard.

I haven't really mixed it yet. I just threw on master presets in Ableton.

I don't like this new persona

wait this is not just literally something off of justice?

What was Demarcus' best beat yet?

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I mixed and rearranged this completely new. Any feedback? Does the structure work?


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very cute user, I'd snuggle to this beat

are you employed? you should make tunes for indie games.

(fyi I'd bitcrush that snare a little bit and add a noise gate - it'll stick out more in a good way. sounds like washy air right now)

you're probably young so keep it up - this sounds good but amateurish at the same time. Still you're obviously talented. You'll stop dickriding french house so much as you get older.


I don't have any experience making trap music but I decided to try

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Thank yo for the tips, I don't know how to make drums at all actually. How does a noise gate work?
I'm not employed, I play piano normally and I'm pretty new to production. Lots of people tell me my music sounds like video game music, maybe I can't hide my influences.

What meme? I just sliced a cool snippet of a motown track in A Capella then dressed it with different stylistic suits. There's no shitpost quality. Only plunderphonic aspect of the piece is the vocal sample played across. Only experimental aspect of this is its ever-changing genres. The noise is super tame compared to what's out there. I can see those fitting as primary genres. The secondary genres are all over the place tho. Thanks for not BS-ing.

Hey listen if you’re new to production you’re in a great spot. Your writing is good.

You’ll get better at drums and sample selection with time. Maybe download some modern drum kits and sample libraries. Take these loud samples and learn to hush them up with filters and EQ. You wouldn’t want huge drums on that style of track - but the resonant high quality samples will still give you that extra presence you’re missing in your mix atm.

Maybe fuck around with recordings you take on your phone too, adding more ambiance to the track. Little details

Good luck m8

I'm 27.


I still don't know how to make delays sound right, which is why I need a production partner.


drop your discord and ill work with you

ive tried already

you didn't make the cut

tell me when the lp comes out babe

I just made an account: Dylan02211992

But I'll have to chat with you tomorrow. Then I also need to find major chord guitar samples and a better sample in place of that "float on" voice sample. I'll be listening through lots of music picking out good bits.

I also want to change the beginning of the song when the riff kicks in to build up more and have fewer elements playing all at once

I'll see you tomorrow

reverb is too heavy, it drags on me in a way that seems too cartoonish for dungeon synth. melodies seem fine just i would mess with your sounds

dont forget your number "#xxxx"
i need that too


>What meme?
the meme being "lol this sounds crazy and kind of hurts my ears it's kind of cool but who the fuck would listen to this for enjoyment" and a less asshole-ish way of asking "why"

you didn't respond to me tho....
oh wait eh MAYBE

Recently I've been learning Renoise, anyone recommend any good hackerman tracker-core music? preferably idm.

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>lol this sounds crazy and kind of hurts my ears it's kind of cool but who the fuck would listen to this for enjoyment

that sounds like trout mask replica lvl stuff, where people appreciate what they were trying to do but people don't know how anyone could enjoy it on its own?

>hackerman tracker-core music? preferably idm.
Muh nigga. Trackaz 4 Lyfe!

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why the FUCK is xfinity randomly blocking my shit and firefox shitting out on me??? i'm pissed man

>trout mask replica
I still don't understand how that album has such a reputation of being "unlistenable" but yeah, if you think it is then yeah, that's what i'm saying

I actually find TMR to be pretty listenable imo. It's just what I'd imagine a pleb zoomer's opinion, saying "ew, the mixing is wack, hence why it's unlistenable". They're more into studio wankery than musical innovation. Anyway, I see what you mean. There's almost zero appeal to be detected as a casual listener. Just a musical form of masturbation, correct?

I need a simple cheap mixer. It needs to take multiple 3.5mm or 6.5mm inputs, at least 3. Output can be to 3.5mm or 6.5mm. Can I get a recommendation?

>They're more into studio wankery than musical innovation
by the same coin that you dismiss zoomers, i would dismiss that opinion as being quite close-minded-boomer- both are exciting

>Just a musical form of masturbation, correct?
to me, yeah. In the same way that I think the proverbial normie is a pleb for thinking TMR is just unlistenable "noise" somebody who's really into experimental plunderphonics or whatever the fuck probably thinks i'm a pleb too, so to each their own i guess

>multiple 3.5mm
okay i'm not a hardware fag for the most part but????
Why not quarter inch?

because i would just have to stick the 6.5mm adapters on to use it
it can be 6.5mm/quarter inch. I dont really care, like i said.

now that's some good shit, just what i was looking for


why am i so goddamn impatient when making music or creating anything really. I can never fucking sit still when I need to focus on worthwhile stuff. is this fucking add? I've always had this fucking problem.

I've only been able to focus while playing sports, writing and playing vidya.

try dieing and kys-ing also have sex

go fuck yourself, answer seriously

How the FUCK do you change the song BPM in Sunvox?
Not automation, just the overall tempo, I can't find it anywhere (even after looking in the manual).

Start to meditate every day. 20/30 minutes a session is good, but even just 5 minutes is so much better than nothing.
It's like gym for your brain. It really helps.
Just don't get into the spiritual side of it.

I suggest mindfulness meditation, but other types are good too. Look into it and try what works best for you.

PS. It's gonna be hard in the beginning but you'll soon get good at it, so don't get discouraged if you fail at first. It's normal.

Is sample chopping unique to renoise?

If you can't get into a flow while making music that makes you forget about everything else you should find a different hobby

you don't get it, I can't get into any other hobby except sports, vidya and writing. I've gone into a flow while making music, it's just extremely rare.

If you don't want to give a serious answer, don't answer at all.

No recycle does it aswell

writing and composition are literally the same thing, just different languages

Why is it so hard to create this sound?


I've been trying hard for months to get that hard electronic sound, but it's either too much, or too little.

okay weirdo we arent compatible, what is your zodiac sign


Here it is as it stands currently. I added some reverb, but I don't think it needs it. Justice seemed to use reverb very sparingly on Cross, and when they did muse MIT, it was for a short stylistic element. Or maybe I'm just not hearing slight reverb throughout that album. That album is mixed with such a high end that reverb is hard to notice. But I want my music mixed that way. I can't sleep any more, so I'm going to make some coffee and download music to sample.


damn trips knew we were a compatible sign. im a cancer

>If you don't want to give a serious answer
I gave you a serious answer
You haven't tried enough things

like what? i want to git gud at music, idk what else to do, im lost

I sure hope this is bait

it isn't mate

>like what?
I dunno, like reading, chess, cooking, socializing, coding, drawing/painting, fashion, graphic design or any of the thousands of hobbies people practice

Flow directly correlates to happiness and if you can't really get into a flow regularly with music you're just torturing yourself for no reason.

Also, you shouldn't make music to "git gud", if you're doing it because it's fun (while still learning new things, obviously) you'll make something you like eventually imo

Oh, and I'm assuming that you've been making music for a while, if you're new you should obviously stick with it until you figure out if it's your thing

Darkstronaut - Deimos (EP) 2019



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im always unhappy user idk anymore, im lost

I never got why people unironically believe that zodiac signs mean something. It's pure cringe

I once went on a few dates with a girl who was pretty cute but immediately dropped her once she told me that she believes in astrology and zodiac sign.

Sounds like an identity crisis

Talk to a therapist about it, not to random wankers on a Chinese puppet weaving forum

I'm the virgo user and I'm reading up on this shit and also the chinese zodiac on wikipedia and a lot of it makes sense

only have enough money to speak to random wankers.

use weed

thanks for the advice, I'm going to work on all of that

>filters and EQ
what's the difference between these two?

Name three things about zodiac signs that make sense
I actually feel bad for you but at the same time I can't help but laugh at amerimutts and their health system.

Filters can't boost
Filters have resonance
Filter usually come as HP, LP, BP, PKG while EQs have bands that you can adjust freely

Read the sticky you imbecile

>use weed
devilish user

Could anyone share BOZ Imperial Delay and Manic Compressor presets?

do the strings that come in at 1:12 sound out place?


that wouldn't be my first concern. There isn't anything interesting happening before that

>dat linear mindset
no arrangement yet breh, still comping parts, hence the question

If you can focus while writing it's not likely ADD, probably some psychological block that makes you subconsciously look for a reason to stop.
Look around in your mind for reasons you shouldn't be making music and try to answer them to your satisfaction.

Thats why weed was created, do you seriously think you can produce sober?

Alcohol is better for creative endeavors because it functions as an anti-anxiety drug (why do you think Xanax abuse is so popular among producers?). Get drunk and make a few 8-16 bar loops in a night then hit up the sips (or blow if you're rich) in the morning to sort out which ones are shit and which can be expanded on.

Just made this for Yea Forums makes an album, opinions?
I'll be posting my first few MPC song in the next few days as well

turn the bass way down, turn the drums up
this beat only really works with the kick, the intro sounds like ass
The strings work but should be higher in the mix as well

never gonna make it

oh and it's supposed to be an Autechre style beat

have sex nigger

Weed isn't cool anymore, you have to be on pills to make it.

Thanks for letting me know not to listen to it.

fucc u

This is true, in Hiphop at least

Ah fuck! I fell asleep & fucked up the flow of this interesting exchange we had. Maybe you won't reply to this but I'll keep going. I'll admit that, as a zoomer myself, it's very pretentious to dismiss what an entire generation would assume about one thing as a whole. You're not a pleb. Preferences are preferences. Making music for yourself with no audience in mind can be deemed as masturbatory because the only type of person to fuck with it is the person making the music himself.
People will say "oh, it sounds cool & all but where would ever I see myself listening to this?" For a party? Nah, people would think you've never been laid. For working out? There's no consistent beat to pump the iron. For vibing? There's barely a groove to find & the mood is very off-putting. For studying? You cannot concentrate with it on because it's like it has ADD. For what then?
I really do not know what situation you'd find yourself listening to this "experimental plunderphonics". Maybe for adventurous listeners? There's more adventurous music out there. I don't think Captain Beefheart had anyone in particular in mind for who'd listen to TMR except for bohemians like him. He just felt that it had to be made. People with adventurous tastes in art & media eventually gravitated to it for its unique musical statement.
What started out as a cool idea fleshed out to a genre-bending clusterfuck that has very little appeal.

all good, i just woke up and don't want to get out of bed lol

>Making music for yourself with no audience in mind
I don't think it's a question of who it's made for at all... it's more *why* it was made

eg a super complex autechre style max patch that spits out garbled noise in no clear pattern may be interesting from an academic standpoint but not necessarily a "musical" one.... however, if it was intentionally programmed to play in a cool rhythm or whatever, with the conscious acknowledgement of "yes i legitimately enjoy this and i think other people would too and not just find it "interesting" then I would consider that non-masturbatory.
Of course, making something with intent to be enjoyable is probably a subconscious process for a lot of musicians- there are people who will dissect a well known pop hook and go from there where as others are basically throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks...

in regards to the pleb or not thing, that has to do (((imo))) with having other musical references/understandings to compare new music to to avoid a "what the fuck am i listening to? this isn't music" type response, and what in psychology is called "openness to experience." When one lacks either of those, there will be a proportionate amount of music that they will consider masturbatory or "not music"

... I have no idea how normies listen to music but i'll put on experimental noise bullshit when I just want to hear something wild or i'm feeling really fucking aggravated and high strung.... but I don't think having a particular situation in mind for listening to certain music has any baring on its value either

.... oh god i have to get up now
coffee and then i will finalize yesterdays song and write a new exciting song :^)

>start working on a song
>work on it for days
>finally done
>listen to it constantly for a day until I hate it
>into the "Original Music" folder it goes, never to be heard again
>start working on a new song
>rinse and repeat

how do I break the cycle guys?
Has anyone here every send their music to a label? What's the process like?

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clyp.it/wp3vxv5i just made this, is it any good?

yes, but a bit short


Redpill me on tape saturation.
Is it just to get that tape texture, or is it also used for mixing or something else? How does it work?

Attached: uhe-satin-screenshot-fullui-1150x850.jpg (1150x850, 120K)

>tape texture
>is it also used for mixing

so like when you recorded to tape too hot back in the day instead of digital clipping you got tape saturation. It's literally just compression and distortion. Tape machines didn't have a full frequency response so I suppose we have the association that they're darker as well, which is probably why standard lo-fi advice is to low pass then saturate

I use saturation instead of or in addition to compression all the time, it's one of my ~secret weapons~

Tape texture is part of mixing as it's a tonal and dynamics choice and both of those things apply to mixing. It could be used as a mastering choice too, applied to a whole, finished mix.

Can someone name some genres that would display a guitarist and producer's abilities?
I need to make some demo tracks as a portfolio to get work
I thought of rock, pop, reggae and an imaginary shop's jingle

What saturation do you use?
Types, plugins, settings, etc. All tips apprecated, thank you very much.

What are some genres that show off a producer/guitarist/bassist's abilities and versatility? I need to make some demo tracks to start getting work on Fiverr.

Make another thread like that one I made for you the other week.
You'll reach so many more people who could potentially answer your question than in this thread.


ableton's default saturator lol. underrated af

the one obvious tip that also applies to clippers is instead of using heavy compression, use saturation to slightly tame crazy peaks (or the whole track lol) so instead of hearing something that sounds smashed you get something that sounds like it maintains dynamic range but is colored. then hit a softer compressor.

I want to answer this seriously but i feel like this is a Sammy question because the answers are so obvious

after one year of daily subtle mockery and submission to my boss i think i finally lost all my drive to do good things and study/do stuff just for the joy of studying/doing it

do i finally qualify to be a greedy & normal member of society?

I always give feedback in these threads but never get any

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Dude this is general for music production not a self-help group

>I want to answer this seriously but i feel like this is a Sammy question because the answers are so obvious
i can only think of rock funk and something with synths to show that i can use digital instruments but i dunno if pop is enough or i should do a rap beat
i think also reggae has some good effects


bro it's an autechre rip and that's basically it lol
I like the sounds and do not like the song

the mix is fairly dark and the synths need to be turned up.... actually overall i don't think the mix is appropriate at all

Funk or Jazz, maybe some funky disco shit
djent and arena rock

>actually overall i don't think the mix is appropriate at all
In what way?
Is this better? instaud.io/3UGJ
>bro it's an autechre rip and that's basically it lol
That's kinda the point though

If you are Sammy then your strength lies in your ability to play guitar, it's the one thing that you can sell to people who don't play at all, concentrate on that (and on genres that use guitar) and for fucks sake don't sing on any of your demos.

If you're wanting to target people who don't want guitar parts played, but who want entire pieces made for them, then be prepared to deal with people who want live keyboards, or at least a level of programming that can simulate live play. That isn't something I've heard from you, so go easy when touting for that kind of business and keep in mind that once your reputation tanks from under-delivering you won't be able to restore it.

Do I need a therapist to solve this? This sounds complicated

>and for fucks sake don't sing on any of your demos.
what if the customer needs some vocals
>once your reputation tanks from under-delivering you won't be able to restore it.
if that happens the only way out is kms?

yeah actually programming notes is hard and takes damn long. i can only program simple lines and drums. but that's what pop music requires.
I can simply say i can do basic synth and i'm not a keyboardist.

not him but what if i cant answer and fix my shit and live in an unending torture

as in all the clicks and blips and shit are kind of just sitting at the front, dry

things that are in the background aren't really back there, they just appear and don't seem to fade in and out or play with space at all

idk how to name it but that organ-ish synth should really cutoff abruptly when it finishes and be glitching every now and then

... just a lot of detail.

ok thanks for the feedback

What do you think, guys?


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I will never understand how people who cannot read manage to write messages here

>what if the customer needs some vocals

Find a singer with a broader range of appeal through the same platform you're using to sell your finished pieces, build a partnership - customers in most situations will want someone who sounds mainstream and maybe American or European and you can do neither of those things.

You may, and even if you don't it's likely to help, but it isn't really that complicated, just ask yourself questions out loud and answer as truthfully as you can.
Pay attention to any reluctance or evasiveness in your answers, those are the things that you need to reflect more deeply on.

If you can't explain to yourself a reason why making music is a good idea then you shouldn't pursue it, simple as.
If you're talking about life activities in general rather than specifically creative pursuits then you may benefit from seeing a therapist.

>If you can't explain to yourself a reason why making music is a good idea then you shouldn't pursue it, simple as.
i enjoy it and i'm good at it, it fullfills my soul and my ego

Newbie here. Is it bad if I use a tape dynamics plugin on almost every track to use as a compressor/limiter/saturator? Really fattens up the sound nicely bit I guess this is typically a job for compressors


Can someone tell me how this melody pack was made. Is it live instruments? And mostly, how are those spurious, like, winding textures made in the some of the melodies? I've heard them before, do they have a name or something like that?

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holy shit this is something.

no it's ok
that's how it went until they stopped recording into tape in the mid 00s.

>want to p*rate EZ Drummer 2
>can't because I'm running a windows 7 that hasn't been updated in years and there'd be a high chance of getting all different kinds of computer aids

LMAO, I got like 20 captchas in a row because I typed the word p*rate and after I censored it the captcha worked straight away.

G*ogle is fucking influencing what we can and cannot post by making the c*ptchas as unbearable as possible if you type something they don't like to attempt to make people just give up.

LMAO adding that part made the c*ptcha go back unchecked and it started giving me those fucking annoying 10 second fadeouts again.
They're fucking reading our posts.

it's 1984 baby
get ready for your police state

they want you to use chrome or sign into a gmail account and it will be easy or no captcha

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just so they can read your posts more easily.

>do they have a name or something like that?

Arpeggios? I only listened as far as the third example, and two of them had arpeggios in them

I don't even care its not like they will gain anything from it

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imagine being this naive

imagine being worried of jews reading your Yea Forums posts

The example at the one minute mark, for instance. Are those horns, violins? They don't sound arpeggiated.

I just described what they gain. Power over what you post and thereby ideological influence.
And we all know g*ogle is a literal corporate bogeyman filled with insane left wingers. Imagine that.

yeah maybe your own posts wont make a difference but the fact they monitor the entire Yea Forums to build up they mass control databases is fucking crazy

>working on a track
>listen to the same 6 minutes again and again ALL DAY
yep I got autism

Thanks! But what is it?

Art Rock

just send your songs to a label and if they like they'll tell you

that feels like putting ur brain in a blender honestly
u should just leave it until u wanna work again

it fucking died without a single reply

and then you've listened to it so much that you can't even figure what to change

I wish lol

just fucking get the one on rutracker.

Singing general, come here Singing general, come here i know one website that has some stuff that rutracker doesnt

I’ve been recording my songs on a Zoom H2N for a while but I am thinking of upgrading to a proper home recording set up with the aim of it being good enough quality for Spotify and to sound relatively professional.

I always play acoustic guitar or mandolin and sing vocals at the same time so I’d be looking at getting a condenser mic, instrument mic and audio interface plus accessories (cables, mic stands etc.).

Was hoping I could get a good setup for approx £400 - £500. Is this doable and what would you recommend?

Here’s a few songs I wrote recorded on my Zoom to give you an idea of the sort of stuff I do.

>Strumming + vocals

>Fingerstyle + vocals

Your advice is much appreciated.

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this is fire

pls respond

>Are those horns, violins? They don't sound arpeggiated.

So it's just the instruments you want to identify? I took "winding" to mean "swirling" or some other description of rapidly-changing notes.

Yeah, strings and brass chord stabs in there at the one minute mark with the piano playing more of a bassline role. Could be sampled, could be real, dunno the age of the piece used in the example.

Wtf bro, this shit is insane, like a full experience man, I feel like I'm on a amusement park ride.

>meme sound
it's like dubstep i guess but kinda wonky at parts and u kno SOPHIE LMAO

would not normally post but i've listened to this too many times and lost my ability to be objective


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i like the first 15 seconds. the rest of it sounds like you compromised your vision for commercial appeal. stay trve to urself bb.

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will this work for splitting a stereo signal into 2 mono signals?

>sounds like you compromised your vision for commercial appeal

fr that's honestly the last comment i'd ever expect to hear about a song i made ever. if that's in reference solely to the genre then yeah, maybe.

I will stay true to myself ty user, I only did that style because the sounds I made fit it

They took one of my songs and released in a compilation under some alias. Only found out by accident and never saw any money.

I've been told the mix on this needs work, what should I change


i just went to the guitarists page of Fiverr and found i'm better than them

That happened on a recent Jeff Mills release - how Jeff got tracks that had been sent to him and his own recorded work mixed up is fucking anyone's guess:


Now that João Gilberto is out of the way you could be Brazillian no. 1 - get a cover of The Girl from Ipanema done right fucking now.

this is actually good

i grabbed my guitar and i can't fucking conceive a demo song in my head

Go smash it instead. It's a better use of your time.

no it's not
thats not the kind of advice you give to a depressed person.

do a cover

Correct, the best advice to give the depressed is to kys.

wow, why are you being so mean man? damn

but stfu dude, you're not going to get better advice just by telling everybody to treat you better because you're depressed

Why when you listen to a top producer most of the time it kind of sound mediocre and easy, but then you come here and it just sounds like complete basement garbage.

Because I live in a basement full of garbage and I write what I know.


Why is it so low quality? It sounds like its 50 kbps realplayer stream from 1999. Was this for some aesthetic reason cus id like to hear it in a better export.

mono 64 kbps so people would shit on me more

thx bb ily

to be clear, there are no frequencies above 11khz. Export problem where u set it to a low sample rate?

Repetition legitimizes. No matter how shit, after listening to it a whole day you will like it.

Oh, they're called string runs.

>Export problem
it's fre:ac and intentional

People here are taking more chances and often those chances fail. Top producers play it safe with shit that has been done thousands of times before them which is why it sounds mediocre and easy.

is all relative bb

this is sum true shit:

this is some compromised shit:

ya dig.

stay trve bb.

send sum trax to bill kouligas in like a year or two when u ready

dang i like both of those tho
... but yeah you can tell the second one was like...cool sound but it's intentionally conforming or trying to mold into a more established popular sound. I'm an advocate of that though

.... Imma make some stuff with that one sound tomorrow bill kouligas
if that is you and also a personal invitation when i git gud then thanks m8
I am not familiar with him/you but I saw Amnesia Scanner pop up when I googled so i'm assuming it's good shit

>if that is you and also a personal invitation
nah m8, i'm not bill. bill runs PAN. git gud tho. u mite fit.

fuck I was flattered for a second

damn i really need to up my scene knowledge
i've got some other weirder shit but i intentionally try not to get THAT weird nobody will ever want me :(((((

PAN is p.much establishment now.
mixed trajectory last year.
but then whole scene is bit mixed now.
headless chicken a bit.
no rbma bux. no kanye money.
stay weird.

>stay weird.
will do ty
for advice

i just did those *above* type sounds and accidentally got a cool bastardized version and it breaks ableton :^(

did they just invent Panning?

yes but you have to realize everything is collected not just Yea Forums and if you are a bad goy they will just pull up your shit to fuck you with later

Anyone got tips? I noticed a lot of synths have presets that utilize the sequencer as a drum machine, for example Bazille. But I can't find any tutorials how to design a big varied drum machine with one patch.

Don't even think about going that route. It's a fun gimmick but useless. Bitcrush, compress and distort your stuff.

what does bitcrush do exactly

accidentally made tame impala

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Makes your audio harsher and more lofi by reducing the resolution and sample rate


this is interesting.


it's the most generic country shit

Holy shit! The vocal mixing is fucking laughable! HAHAHA! Fix the singing + vocal mixing.

beginner question: if you input something on a midi keyboard, can you then just change out the instrument while keeping the notes? to like try to see if something else sounds better?

good feedback, thanks, I'll drop the reverb down, and filter stuff so its less piercing / grating.

Yes -- if you're recording the midi data and not the audio output of your synth/vsti which would most likely be the case if you're using a midi keyboard inside of a DAW

Wdym how, are the vocals too sharp?


The slicing is weird at the beginning but it picks up. Honestly it sounds best when the sample is playing at regular speed.

if you make a lot of songs it becomes easier and less "work" to make a full song. doesnt mean you'll necesarily make better music. by that time they had been experimenting with loops for a decade.

How the fuck do i make a song?
Everything i start i either hit a brick wall after the first thing i lay down or it just sucks

>It's a fun gimmick but useless
No one makes hard ass IDM anymore, what are you talking about? I'd be one of the few that are making industrial noise IDM or whatever you'd call it. It's fun and desolate.

Nothing you make when you first start is going to sound good. You just need to keep at it.

But if all i make is shit thats all im ever gonna make

That's not true, I started making music when I was 11 and I didn't get good at it until now, ten years later. It takes LOADS of time and practice. With any craft, it's not instantaneous. The biggest advice that I have that can be applied to many facets of life is patience. Without it, you will give up easily and not push yourself with each piece to try something new.

>10 years
Great so i'll be a fuckin boomer before i make anything decent

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Could you please post an example of your good work?

Uh, yeah? All of those musicians you like, you think they got where they are instantly? They all worked their asses off to get where they are. You'd have to be a special autist to pick up music instantly.

No, I'm tired of posting my music here. Everyone is trap retard who won't give ambient, plunderphonics, IDM, and noise a chance.

I'm not into trap and hiphop at all and I'm interested.
You can upload it anonymously on instaud.io if you want.
I just want to get some reference for what 10 years of experience leads to, so I know what to expect.

>Everyone is trap retard
T. doesn't actually listen to anything posted
... it's only like 30-50% of posts dude


bitch why don't i regularly hear this shit? >:(

post sc since thread is over

So its too late like everything else

Thank you.
Pretty good desu.

Form and Shenkerian analysis. These are the building blocks imo.

hoh lee fuk that's bad and you know it

>damn son I wanna be like you

Can I learn to make good music without doing those retarded style tracks or is that required to progress like gay-for-pay?

I don't post my sc's in prod.

What do you mean


Aaaaand this is why I don't post in /prod/ anymore. I understand everyone has different tastes but we should be accepting of all genres and critique them.

>last quote
it's like one guy who's posting retarded ass mean replies for no reason, just ignore it


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Here's a vocal loop I messed around with. I'm probably not going to use it. It doesn't have the right groove. I'll use those vocal samples as small flourishes on a different, more distortion-driven song to cover up the music underneath. That's enough for tonight. I must go to sleep.
