How do I get into him? How do I watch operas in general?

How do I get into him? How do I watch operas in general?

Attached: RichardWagner.jpg (1369x1897, 417K)

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I guess that's what I get for thinking Yea Forums knows anything about classical


Be incredibly fucking racist then it's easy to listen to his shit music

You don’t, because opera is shit. Don’t be a pretentious douchebag.

The state of this fucking board, embarrassing.

Unironically start with Wikipedia if you don't know what opera exactly is or what the point of it is
Then read about Wagner and how he thought about them, also check out program music and leitmotifs. Then just dive right in and listen to them/watch them with subtitles, there isn't much more to say.

You’re already starting.


tristan and isold and tannhauser are good for beginners
there are a few albums that are made up exclusively of his orchestral bits, you might benefit from starting there

Thanks for not being absolute embarrassments to this board.
>listen to them/watch them with subtitles
Which versions of Tristan and Isolde and The Ring Cycle in particular should I watch? Also isn't the Ring Cycle really long? Is there a good way to split it into more manageable chunks?


iirc the shortest of wagner's operas is over 2 hrs long
Take a break at the end of each act if you need to.

Artists who worked with literal Nazis were copy and pasted into famous Star Wars music pieces, why is Wagner singled out as the evil composer?

because people believe what they're told to believe

Attached: Veil piercer.jpg (1600x756, 333K)

Just listen to the Ring Cycle over and over. You need to read about them, maybe learn a little German. Wagner was a prolific author and critic of culture as well, so reading at least on what people thought of him (Nietzsche contra Wagner isn’t a bad place to start) to get a grasp on context. He was racist, and if anything, his vision sheds light on the aesthetic envisioned by the Teutonic/Protestant people who were in great danger of losing everything to blase, degraded, market-driven ghettos. I’m not anti-Semitic, just anti mass immigration.

Listen to the overtures first, then get into the sung parts, then listen/watch the whole opera.

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Do you dare take the Wagner pill?

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Find a library with subscription. Most libraries will have dvds too.

Wagner is unironically cringepill music for incels with delusion of grandeur. Literally

Jewish classical music is good, though. That book should be praising "Judaism in music."

Shit I don't know because I haven't listened to a lot of Wagner and haven't heard different interpretations, sorry. The Ring Cycle is really long yeah, meant for one opera for each day, you can split it into acts I guess; I think each of the operas are in 3 acts, not 100%.

Because Wagner was politicised as fuck (most famously by the moustache faggot) and people saw him as the ideal German nationalist composer already in the 19th century; ironic because he didn't give two shits about nationalism or a united Germany and only went where there was money and women and where he could dress up like a woman and perfume himself. He was an artist after all.

The ones who know won't spoonfeed your baby brain either.

lol, you’ve piqued my interest. I love N. by the way, but he was a bit of a baby faggot

>getting into opera with the Ring Cycle

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>How do I get into him?
Read and listen, mostly. Study his life and the music he made.

>How do I watch operas in general?
Live. No, seriously. Find the nearest place that you know performs operas, likely an university or something. And go for it.

Mozart’s The Magic Flute isn’t a bad place to start.

This. It was the first opera I saw and it was pretty good.

Wagner operas aren't easy to produce or perform, your local university production outfit won't do justice to them.

>The Ring Theater Fire in Vienna in 1881, which occured during the performance of an Offenbach opera, led to the death of 600 people. Wagner afterwards remarked "If they were seeing an opera written by a Jew, they deserved it."

Oh, absolutely not; you won't see something on that scale. But you will see opera, and the best way to get into it is to experience it live.

Dude had gray hair by this time. He should have really put aside the teen edginess.

>Hitler's notorious adulation for all things Wagner apparently was not shared by most fellow Nazi leaders, who did not like the composer at all

Especially the singing, that stuff is incredibly tough to pull off and very few opera singers can do it.

Nazis had shit taste anyway.

Attached: nazi autism.png (1664x521, 87K)

i listened to gottendamerung whilst reading Berlin 1945, incredible book, great music. they compliment each other 100%

DeBussy called him "A beautiful sunset mistaken for a dawn."


The /pol/shit that he came to be associated with was mainly a later life thing, in his younger days he was an idealistic liberal/quasi-socialist and participant in the 1848 revolutions, which got him exiled for a time.

shit tastecore

They forgot that Beethoven was an enthusiastic supporter of the French Revolution and admired Napoleon until he made himself emperor, then afterwards hated him.

They forgot a lot of things, mainly their hatred for blacks and Jews when they listened to them. But yes, Beethoven was a very liberal republican.

It be like /pol/tards who denounce today's culture as degenerated and hold up the 1950s as the golden age of America (thus condemning 21st century modernism and glorifying mid-20th century modernism).

It's almost like extreme politics don't make any sense at all, don't follow any logical narrative and it's all just purely ideological and emotional.

To put the cherry on top of the ice cream, they co-opted Nietszche's idea of the superman while forgetting that he hated nationalists (including Wagner) and the concept of the nation-state and also had no qualms with Jews, he even kind of admired them.

The Soviet Union nearly had as many stupid and self-contradictory ideologies on the arts and culture.

Wagner wasn't a nationalist though if you know about his life

>and where he could dress up like a woman and perfume himself.

He spent unholy amounts of money on clothing and other swag and was in constant debt most of the time; for example he could only sit down and compose music while dressed in historical costumes.

Yeah the Soviets went full retard with Stalin when he commanded "socialist realism" and "non-formalist music" while never really explaining how the fuck that sounds in music but it did coincide nicely with neoclassicism which made Shostakovich and Prokofiev write some decent stuff, despite the first guy losing his mind and the second one being a troglodyte.
However the Soviets in their first two decades was the cradle of modernism and the avant-garde, just look at this crazy shit that was happening before Stalin came to power
At least they made stuff, Hitler said "don't compose for me" and didn't want anything other than glorifying the "good old times" which obviously never existed.

>At least they made stuff, Hitler said "don't compose for me" and didn't want anything other than glorifying the "good old times" which obviously never existed.
The good old times of pre-1871 when Germany was about 400 petty states and existed only to be razed in a war every 25 or so years.

Post-1920s Soviet cultural policy (or really more starting with WWII) was some confused mix of glorifying Russian history/culture and trying at the same time to denounce pre-1917 Russia as a medieval shithole that the Bolsheviks had to liberate and bring light to. Though I suppose no, it didn't have the "Wagner was the final say on music and there's no further place to go from here but to perfect his works" mindset.

Imagine dismissing the entire work of a composer because muh nazis

t. rapfag zoomer

The traditional way to get into opera is to find yourself a QT opera singer and check some of her performances.

Its not very pure or cerebral but this was genuinely a big part of the art form historically. This is going to work better with Mozart type stuff though, you better like them thicc if this is your window into Wagner.

Stalin and Hitler were both clueless white trash with minimal education or grasp of high culture. They wanted to be the arbiters of culture in their respective countries but lacked what it took.

Especially since he'd been dead for 50 years when the Nazis came to power.

>How do I get into him?
With his first album, like you would any other artist.

Liebesverbot. A light silly romantic comedy about sexual hypocrisy. The bad guy is a kraut.
Meistersanger. Little an opera about being able to sing really well.
Fliedermaus. An opera about being so wasted you wake up in a god damn bat costume and have no idea how you got there.

Nazis made really good movies, there's dedicated channels on censortube with hardcoded subtitles.

>the skinhead punk thread yesterday and now this
Please delete their home board, Hiro. Pretty please?

^This. Kindly make like your Fuhrer and put a loaded firearm in your oral cavity.

Censorship and conformity will save us from totalitarianism!

>censoring cringe is totalitarian

>censoring ideologies calling for the literal genocide of people is totalitarian

>How do I get into him?
You already are.