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Other urls found in this thread:


The onions meme is tired and old.

No, consuming onions-based product doesn't reduce testosterone.

No, listening to the best eletronic music artist doesn't make you effeminate.

And what's the problem with being effeminate anyway? Can't people do what they want to do?

its better to not respond

One of these faggots is going to reply to you with a soiboi image cuz u took le bait xDxDxDxDxD

the shitposting on this board is so stale and unimaginative nowadays
this exact soi face + random artist thread has been posted tens of thousands of times before at least, probably hundreds of thousands
it doesn't make you laugh, it doesn't make you rage - the only reaction it provokes is slight irritation or disappointment at the state of this board

what do you people even get out of this? you could literally program a bot to do the exact thing in 10 minutes

Attached: he rage against the dying of the light.jpg (622x670, 120K)

>The onions meme is tired and old.
>No, consuming onions-based product doesn't reduce testosterone.
>No, listening to the best eletronic music artist doesn't make you effeminate.
>And what's the problem with being effeminate anyway? Can't people do what they want to do?

>One of these faggots is going to reply to you with a soiboi image cuz u took le bait xDxDxDxDxD

>the shitposting on this board is so stale and unimaginative nowadays
>this exact soi face + random artist thread has been posted tens of thousands of times >before at least, probably hundreds of thousands
>it doesn't make you laugh, it doesn't make you rage - the only reaction it provokes is >slight irritation or disappointment at the state of this board

>what do you people even get out of this? you could literally program a bot to do the exact thing in 10 minutes

Attached: 1548899323742.jpg (387x437, 41K)

>And what's the problem with being effeminate anyway?
You had me until there user

>And what's the problem with being effeminate anyway?
oh nonono

Answer his question

Because being effeminate is being weak. It makes you into a woman, and women typically think more with their emotions, which is generally considered bad.

what does it feel like being a literal NPC bot with two lines of code

>Because being effeminate is being weak
Alright that's fair enough, but does weak always, in every context and situation, equal bad? Would it not be preferable to be weak rather than strong in certain cases?
>It makes you into a woman
I thought sex was biological? I can turn into a woman by just being effeminate for a minute?
>and women typically think more with their emotions
That's the myth, yeah, I guess it's right.
>which is generally considered bad

>does weak always equal bad
Typically, weak minded-ly, yes. In what ways would it ever be better to be weak rather than strong
>I thought sex was biological? I can turn into a woman by just being effeminate for a minute?
I should have specified, it makes you act like a woman. Obviously you can't transform into one, however you can definitely act like one, which is the problem
Because weak minded emotional talk leads to more laws, discussion, and debate center around "but how does it make you feel? :((" rather than actual thought and, I hate to sound like a le epic skeptic, but logic. Acting emotional makes you a pussy, and we need more strong willed people who don't get offended over everything, actually speak with reason, and don't overreact to things

[spoiler]I swear i'm not an incel even if I sound like I'm regurgitating their points[/spoiler]

Huh, I generally agree with you. Fair enough.

>And what's the problem with being effeminate
the problem is that nu/pol/lacks know that they are effeminate, low-test wimpy nerds and they hate themselves for it
to ease some of that self-hatred they try to direct it at people even more pathetic than them, but because there are relatively few such individuals (mostly unironic cuck fetishists etc.), the nu-channer has to grasp at straws and invent signs of being effiminate, such as certain culinary or musical preferences

>inb4 projecting
have you ever seen a /pol/ meetup? it's effeminate nerds galore


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>and women typically think more with their emotions
The whole of the fucking alt-right is based on emotional outrage, the fact they like to point the finger so much is hilarious.

When did I say the alt-right are any better?

Define reason as separate from emotion

>And what's the problem with being effeminate anyway?
In the context of males? Weak, ineffective, undependable, useless, dead weight.
And I'm gay. Trans people are more reliable that weak and effeminate men because they at least know where their femininity is coming from.

>Projecting this hard

Reason is objective truth, or what you attempt to prove is an objective truth
Emotion is subjective feelings, things that don't necessarily make sense, and is subjective to each different person

>objective truth

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are you saying that, for example, apples exist is a subjective truth, and not an objective one?

>And I'm gay.
Are you a cute twink user?

Not the person you're replying to but that is an epistemological issue, human beings have a concept of apples, apples in themselves are innaccesible to our experience and can only be interacted with through our sensory perception, which we obviously know is unreliable, therefore apples may certainly exist in an objective sense but because of the way we view them through several layers of mediation we do not have an objective understanding of them - so to a human being objective reality is only something we can guess at, it can never truly be known

I didn't say you did, but that's where the whole onions meme comes from.

No, but like every good meme, /pol/ hijacks everything like the parasites they are.

Yeah and also you have to get married and have a kid to continue your bloodline

sometimes you just have to ask yourself if this is really a better place for you than the previous one was. just because i care for you.

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Reason is not objective truth, it’s a tool for achieving a goal. Every goal anyone could possibly have is based on feelings. If reason was truly emotionless, a reasonable being would never make any decisions because doing so would be meaningless.

yes brainlet, go to college.

>Can't people do what they want to do?
No, in fact, all men should be feminine. Masculinity is the root of all evil.

This but unironically. Hormones cloud your judgement.

Listening to music with a female in the room is cucking yourself

this women toxify any environment theyre in. they have hormones and tits. its dooming.

>The onions meme is tired and old.
>No, consuming onions-based product doesn't reduce testosterone.
>No, listening to the best eletronic music artist doesn't make you effeminate.

Attached: soy.jpg (474x311, 33K)

Christ, Yea Forums is so tiresome now. If only they'd jettisoned /pol/ sooner.

i don't get the connection between afx and soi, he is a lot older than the soi generation as well as most of his fans?

based & redpilled

I didn't know my bait would work that much 2bh

this, but unironically

Attached: soyface.jpg (1024x1050, 398K)

ok, this is epic

>I mainly listen to mainstream pop/rap

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fuck you

The “rational” meme only works for people who considered themselves “enlightened, rational” beings

The truth is that rationality is limited and in some cases, the subconscious emotional aspects of the mind can be more accurate than the rational

TLDR rationality is limited

>reddit spacing

This is fucking retarded honestly Onions are straight up gooood. and manly to eat with steak or bacon too

just take a moment to let it sink in that you were triggered by spaces between lines of text on the internet.

>hijacking a meme they created


Reddit practically never talks about Yea Forums. Yea Forums mentions reddit at least once in almost every fucking thread at this point. Really puts things into perspective, doesn't it? I wonder what the average age of a Yea Forums user is these days.



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i don’t even like aphex twin but it’s every fucking day with these threads. this board has gone to complete shit

t. redditor

nu-Yea Forums is a zoomer board: they are only able to appreciate k-pop and trap

The only good thing about this generation is that they simply don't fuck, so they will never produce offspring. Literally the lost generation...

>anybody describing their own taste as 'mainstream'

>The onions meme is tired and old.
>No, consuming onions-based product doesn't reduce testosterone.
>No, listening to the best eletronic music artist doesn't make you effeminate.
>And what's the problem with being effeminate anyway? Can't people do what they want to do?

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and to think libtards still defend science in 2019

who else fucking with /onions and lamotrigine/ master race diet tn

Based but cringe

It has to be 16

>No, consuming basedbased product doesn't reduce testosterone

Ironically, it's dairy products that do.

shitposting is all they have

>what does it feel like being a literal NPC bot with two lines of code

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idk lads but i find it funny you're arguing about who is more masculine on an anonymous japanese image board dedicated to nerds

You should see my quads

I think you have permanent brain damage friend. Seek help.

>And what's the problem with being effeminate anyway?
Men didn't evolved and came this far by being a weak individual. Men are supposed to be mainly, let feminity to women.

Based pajeet

Men used to be way more feminine.

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lmao @ that broken english

And retarded

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Whenever I see a soipost I automatically assume the person behind it is at least somewhat intellectually impaired. I mean, can you even imagine someone with an IQ above the 30th percentile posting this shit?
This is the perfect meme for lazy brainlets.

>I post in this thread

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Onions are lowkey fucking based, probably in my top five vegetables. I've even eaten them raw before.

>I mean,

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i like to eat them with my burgies

Yes but also no.

THIS X10000

I know I don't get it, Onions are perfect with steaks, burgers, stews or eggs and bacon. Onions aren't associated with being a softy or a sissy so honestly this whole meme is retarded. Makes zero sense. Pick something like pistachios or something,.,. like why fucking onions? fuck off,
signed t. onion farmed

Clamped, vaccinated, circumcised, soi formula fed.

Wtf is this joke about onions? huh? because they make you cry?

It’s just fucking /pol/ propaganda. Who gives a shit. Stop doing what the trolls want and ignore them.

imagine getting measles because you're scared of a shot lol

I just looked it up, on know your meme. it started on reddit fitness apparently just talking about fitness blogs saying eating more onions will increase testosterone