What do cute girls listen to?
What do cute girls listen to?
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Rex Orange County unfortunately
France Gall both her 60s ye-ye pop stuff and 80s new wave stuff!
death metal
whatever their previous boyfriends listened to
They listen to gooseman yelling GODDAMNIT
LOL THIS. my ex got mad at me because she realized her music taste was my music taste like its my fault she has no agency
Vine compilations
the sound tyrone's balls slapping their clit
imagine being so jewed you post this as a response lol. go drink your onions
a girl i dropped off from the bar confirmed this literally an hour ago
I know exactly 1 (one) cute girl. She listens to normie pop (Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, Beyonce, etc) but she also listens to Pentecostal praise stuff (like Hillsong). I admire her Christian faith and relative wholesomeness, but she truly does have an awful taste in music.
Jamal fucking them
>Listens to nigger music and Pentecostal praise stuff
>Christian faith
yup checks out
True unless she previously dated a music obsessive. There's no way my normie ex is listening to fucking idm, prog, and a bunch of autistic nerd shit.
How is Taylor a nigger music if her audience is white people from the middle of the country?
don't waste your time trying to understand /pol/-logic, they're beyond redemption
anything except rap and country